43. Help the smoker remains on the sinking ship

Nowadays, smokers are panic-stricken. They feel the changes taking place in society.

Today, smoking is considered to be anti-social habit, and so I think even smokers themselves. They also feel that their time has passed.

Today, millions of people quit smoking, and it is known to all. Whenever a sinking ship leaves another smoker, remaining on board feel even more miserable.

Deep down, every one of them knows that it is ridiculous to pay huge money for the dried leaves wrapped in paper, and then set fire to them and inhale carcinogenic tar in the lungs. If you still do not think it's stupid, try to shove a burning cigarette in your ear and ask yourself, what is the difference.

The only difference is one: this way you will not get nicotine. Stop poking a cigarette in his mouth, and nicotine you no longer need. Smokers can not find a logical reason to smoking, but if you smoke near them someone else, they would not feel so stupid.

Smokers openly lying about their habit, not only to others but also themselves. They have to if they want to keep at least some self-esteem, they need to "brainwash" ourselves and others. They feel the need to justify their relationship not only to ourselves but also to non-smokers.

Therefore, they always tout the illusory benefits of smoking. If a smoker quits smoking, using the method of willpower, he still feels deprived and prone to turn into a whiner. His nagging leads only to the fact that smokers are more convinced, as they are right, continuing to smoke.

If a smoker is unable to break the habit, he is happy that he will no longer have to live by poisoning himself and throwing money away. However, since it needs no justification and evaluation on the part of, he does not tell it. He does it only for someone's request, but smokers do not be asked such questions. They do not like the answer.

Remember that fear causes them to smoke, causing a desire to "bury our heads in the sand."

They will ask this question only once - when the time comes for them to stop smoking.

Help the smoker.

Deliver him from these fears.

Tell him how wonderful to live without poisoning yourself; how wonderful to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and healthy, instead of coughing and wheezing; how cool to be free from bondage, to be able to enjoy life and get rid of fear and guilt, disturbing mind. Or, better yet, he should also read this book.

It is important not to humiliate the smoker, pointing to the fact that it pollutes the atmosphere, or that he himself is a kind of disgusting. There is a widespread perception that the worst of all in this respect - former smokers.

I think this opinion is true for those smokers who quit smoking using willpower method. Although ex-smoker and broke his own smoking habit, it is not fully managed to get rid of "brainwashing", and some part of him, he still believes that he had brought a huge sacrifice.

He feels vulnerable, and natural defense mechanism for him becomes an attack on the smoker. This can help the ex-smoker, smoker but it does not give anything.

This behavior only leads to the fact that the smoker starts on the defensive, feels this is even more unhappy, and thus its need for a cigarette even more amplified.

Although changing public attitudes to smoking - the main reason that millions of smokers quit smoking, this does not facilitate their task.

Rather, it significantly complicates the process of quitting. Today, most smokers believe that quitting smoking is mainly taking care of their health. This is not entirely true. While it is clear that a huge risk to the health needs of quitting, smokers poisoned himself for many years, and the threat to health does not affect it.

The main reason why they quit smoking is the fact that society is beginning to see smoking for what it is - a disgusting drug addiction. Enjoying always been an illusion; this attitude of society dispels it, and so the smoker is empty.

A total ban on smoking in the London Underground - a classic example of the dilemma of the smoker. A smoker can say to yourself, "Well, if I can not smoke in the subway car, I prefer other means of transport" that no good does not, except that reduce the income of the London Underground.

He can say otherwise: "Well, it would help me to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked." As a result of this decision, instead you smoke one - two cigarettes in a subway car, or on one of which he would not get any pleasure, he refrains from smoking for an hour.

During this period of forced abstinence, however, he not only will experience distress and expect its rewards, but also his body will languish on the willingness of nicotine. Oh, what a precious cigarette will be when in the end he is allowed to smoke!

The periods of forced abstinence failed to reduce the revenue of nicotine as a smoker indulges the desire to smoke more cigarettes when he was finally allowed to smoke. All this leads to only rooted in his mind the value of cigarettes and nicotine dependence.

I think that the most insidious aspect of periods of forced abstinence is their impact on pregnant women. We let the poor girl living under the pressure of massive advertising, which leads them to dependence on nicotine.

Then perhaps the most stressful period of their lives when they strayed mind insists that they ever need in cigarettes, doctors blackmailed them to quit smoking because of the damage that smoking has on the child. Many people can not give up and have to suffer from guilt for the rest of life.

Some of them manage to quit, and they are terribly excited thinking, "Okay, I'll do it for the sake of the child, and nine months later the urge to smoke will pass." Then comes the pain and fear of childbirth, followed by the highest "rise" in our lives.

The pain and fear have been born a wonderful new man, and then the old triggers again begin to act. Part of the "brainwashing" still remained, and before the umbilical cord is cut, she again puts a cigarette in his mouth.

Delight situation blocks cigarettes taste awful. She has no intention of once again falling into dependence on nicotine. "Just one cigarette."

Too late! She already addicted, nicotine again got into her body. It wakes up the old draft, and even if it does not immediately fall into dependence on smoking, postpartum depression may still would get it.

It is strange that while drug addicts, addicted to heroin, according to the law are criminals, society's attitude towards them quite humane: "What can we do to help the poor? "It would be nice to learn how to be treated the same, and the poor smokers.

They do not smoke because they want to smoke, but because they feel compelled, and, unlike addicted to heroin for many years suffered from mental and physical torture.

We always say that a quick death - rather slow, so do not envy the poor smoker.

He deserves your compassion.

42. You will not fail if you follow the simple instructions

Table of contents
42. You will not fail if you follow the simple instructions
Page 2


Today my shoulders twelve years (have passed since the first publication of "Easy way") correspondence and conversations with people who read this book, or contact me for advice.

First, the "experts" do not take seriously my method, and it was an uphill battle. Today, smokers arrive on my consultations from all over the world, and among the participants of employment dominated by the medical profession.

In the UK, "The Easy Way" is considered the most effective in helping to stop smoking, and this opinion is spreading around the world. I do not consider myself to be a benefactor of mankind. His war which, I repeat, is not directed against smokers, but against the trap of smoking - I'm for purely selfish reasons.

Each time, learning about another smoker, choose from captivity, I feel a sense of great joy, even if it has nothing to do with me. Can you imagine what pleasure for me thousands of letters of appreciation received over the years!

But I sometimes disappointment. My disappointment is mainly related to two specific types of smokers. Despite the warning, the view expressed in the previous chapter, I am concerned about the number of smokers who find that so easy to quit smoking, start smoking again, and then it turns out that the next time they will not manage to get rid of their addiction. This applies not only to the readers of the book, but also to the smokers attending my consultation.

A few years ago I was called by a man. He was crazy with grief; he just sobbed. He said: "I'll pay you a thousand pounds, if you help me to quit smoking for a week. I know that if I can hold out for a week, then I can quit for good. "

I told him that my services have a fixed price, and that's all that he needs to pay. He attended group sessions and, much to his surprise, found that quitting smoking is easy. Later, he sent me a very touching letter of thanks.

Former smokers, leaving my classes, I usually say: "Remember, you should never light up another cigarette." This man said to me then: "Do not be afraid, Allen. If I managed to "engage", then I have something for sure I will never smoke. "

Immediately I could say with certainty that in this case the warning has not been fully internalized, and replied: "I know now you feel that way, but how will your business in six months? "

He said: "I'm never going back to smoke." A year later, the phone rang: "Allen, I smoked a little cigar at Christmas, and now returned to their" normal "- forty cigarettes a day."

I said, 'Remember why you first called me? You hated smoking were going to pay me £ 1,000, if I help you quit smoking for a week. "

"I remember. Well, do not fool I was? "

"Remember, you promised me never to smoke? "

"I know. I'm a fool".

It's like that find a man who stuck to his neck in a swamp and is about to be hidden in the swamp forever. You help him get out. He is grateful to you, and then, six months later, dives back into the same swamp. Ironically, this man took a curious story.

Arriving at one of the sessions, he said: "Can you imagine? I offered her son a contract: If your 21 th birthday, he begins to smoke, I will pay him 1,000 pounds. I have paid. And what? He is now 22 years old, and he smokes like a chimney. I can not believe that he was such a fool! ".

I said, "I do not understand why you call him a fool. He, at least avoided this trap for twenty-two years, and, furthermore, does not know all of the suffering that he had to go through. You knew it all, and lasted only a year. "

Smokers who have found that quitting smoking is easy, but to start again - too easy, represent a particular problem. When you become free, please do not repeat this mistake.

It is believed that these people start smoking again because still in dependence and yearn for a cigarette. In fact, discovering that quitting smoking is so simple, they lose the fear of smoking. They think: "From time to time I smoke a cigarette.

Even if I once again get to dependence on smoking, again I could easily give up. " I am afraid that is not so simple. Quitting smoking is easy, but to control the addiction to nicotine - is impossible.

The only thing that is important in order to become a non-smoker - is not to smoke.

Another type of smokers, causing my disappointment - those who are too scared to make an attempt to quit smoking.

If they are trying, quitting smoking seems to them a great fight.

The main reasons for this lie in the following sentiment:


  1. "Fear of failure".

The failure there is no shame, but do not attempt because of this fear - is nonsense. Take a look at the situation from the other side of anything you do not hide. The worst thing that can happen to you - you will fail, but in this case does not become worse than it is now. But how wonderful it would be to achieve success! If you do not try, you will have guaranteed failure.

2. "The fear to panic."

Do not worry about it. Think about that, actually, terrible can happen to you if you never smoked a cigarette? Absolutely nothing! Terrible, if you continue to smoke. In any case, nicotine creates panic, and soon it will pass.

Getting rid of this fear will be a great acquisition for you. Do you believe that smokers are really ready to amputation of feet or hands for the pleasure they get from smoking? If you feel that you are close to panic, deep breathing can help you.

If you are among the people and they act on your nerves, go away from them. Get out of the garage in an empty office or anywhere else. If you feel you are about to cry, do not be ashamed. Crying - a natural way to relieve tension after the crying, we always becomes easier.

What we teach little boys do not cry - a mistake. Notice how compress their jaws when they are trying to hold back the tears. As true Englishmen, we learn to compress his lips, showing no emotion. But we should not suppress their emotions and hide them deep inside. Scream, shout, let yourself rage. Kick a cardboard box or a bedside table.

Treat their fight against smoking as a boxing match in which you can not lose. No one can stop the time. With each passing moment the little monster, sitting inside you dies. Rejoice - your victory is inevitable.

3. Failure to follow the instructions.

Incredibly, some smokers say to me: "With me your method did not work." Then they begin to describe how they ignored even not one, but almost all directions. (For clarity, I will summarize all indications in the form of a checklist at the end of the chapter.)

Prev. - Next. "
