41. The Final Warning

No smoker, encouraged him to go back to a time when he had not yet become addicted to smoking, with the knowledge that he is now, I would not have made the choice in favor of smoking.

Many smokers, contact me convinced that if I could help them quit smoking, they would never dream of, to fall into the trap again.

Nevertheless, thousands of smokers manage to quit smoking for many years and lead a happy life completely, and then again fall into the same trap.

I believe: this book will help you to make sure that is really easy to quit smoking.

However, remember that smokers who were convinced that quitting smoking is easy to know that just as easily and start smoking again.

Do not fall once again on the bait!

No matter how long you have smoked or how confident you would never fall into dependence on smoking, do yourself a rule of life - never and for what reason not to smoke.

Resist the millions of dollars that are spent on advertising, tobacco companies, and remember that they advertise a drug - killer "number one" and a terrible poison.

You're not tempted to try heroin and cigarettes kill hundreds of thousands of people more than he did.

Remember that the first cigarette you smoke will not give you anything.

You will not be the nicotine hunger to be alleviated, and it will taste awful.

All what it will lead - to enter the dose of nicotine in your body, and a little voice inside will begin to say:

"You want some more! ".

And then again a choice: either to suffer for some period of time, or start all this vile chain again.

40. The Last Cigarette

So, if you are ready for this, select the time to smoke his last cigarette.

But before you do that, answer yourself two important questions:

1. Do you feel confident in the success?

2. Sees Do you dark and gloomy future, or do you feel a sense of excitement from the consciousness that is about to achieve something remarkable?

If you have the slightest doubt - re-read the book.

Remember, you never get to make decisions in the nicotine trap. But this trap is arranged to enslave you for life.

Getting rid of it can only make a firm decision to smoke your last cigarette.

Remember, the only reason that you have already read the book prior to this chapter, is that what you want so much to get rid of smoking.

So take a positive decision right now. Give a solemn promise that finished smoking his last cigarette, regardless of whether you will be easy or difficult, you never lit another.

Perhaps you are concerned that several times in the past gave similar promises, but continue to smoke, or the fact that you have to go through a difficult period of time.

Do not be afraid. The worst thing that can happen to you - it is a failure in this attempt to get rid of smoking, so you have absolutely nothing to lose. And you can buy so much!

Stop even thinking about failure.

Quitting smoking is not just easy - the process can really enjoy.

This time you are going to use the "Easy Way"!

You only need to follow the simple instructions, which I offer you:

1. Give a solemn promise - and let it seriously.

2. smoked his last cigarette deliberately inhaling deeply this muck that it goes directly into the lungs. Then ask yourself: "What is, indeed, a pleasure? "

3. dokurivaya cigarette, do not think in this case: "I'll never have to light up the following" or "I can no longer smoke." Think differently: "How wonderful! I am free! It ended nicotine slavery! I never shove this stuff in your mouth! "

4. Remember: in a few days you will live in a small nicotine traitor. It may be that you will have one desire: "I want a cigarette." I call light physical cravings for nicotine "little nicotine monster." Strictly speaking, it is wrong, and it is important that you understand why.

Since the death of the little monster takes about three weeks, ex-smokers believe that they will continue to miss about tobacco, and after the last cigarette smoked. Therefore, they consider it necessary to apply the method of willpower to resist temptation during this period. This is not true.

The body does not feel nicotine craving, longing for nicotine only exists in your mind. If you do manage to overcome the feeling of "I want a cigarette! "In the next few days, your mind will be an easy choice.

He can choose between staying with a feeling of emptiness and insecurity caused by even the very first cigarette, or to respond to it with the words: "Hurrah! I am a non-smoking! "In any other case, you may long for a cigarette and to suffer the rest of his life.

Think for a minute. Do not be silly at first say, "I never want to smoke more", and then spend the rest of his life, saying, "How I would like to smoke a cigarette! "

That this involved smokers who use willpower method. Not surprisingly, they feel so miserable: they live in desperate longing that from what the same desperate hope to get rid.

It is not surprising that so few of them are successful and that they will never feel completely free.

5. Only doubt make quitting difficult.

Therefore, never doubt your decision, because you know what it is - right. If you start to doubt him, you will be in a deadlock, stalemate. Eager to cigarette, but not allowing himself to smoke, you will feel miserable. And if you still smoke, it will become even more miserable.

Whichever system you may use, only one question of principle: what you are trying to achieve, to quit smoking? Do not ever smoke? No! Many ex-smokers do not smoke but live with the anguish of a cigarette.

What is now the difference between smokers and nonsmokers? Non-smokers no need nor the desire to smoke; they do not yearn for a cigarette and they do not need to use willpower to not smoke.

This is - your goal and achieve it in your power.

To become a non-smoker and stop hankering for cigarettes, you do not need to wait for anything: this is the moment when you finish smoking his last cigarette.

Blocking the entry of nicotine you have already become happy non-smokers !!!

But to remain in this state forever, you have to accept some of the conditions:

1. Never doubt my decision.

2. Do not expect that "will become a non-smoker": nothing much will not happen, and the empty expectation leads to the formation of a phobia.

3. Do not try to not think about smoking and do not wait for the onset of the "moment of truth". This road also leads to phobias.

4. Do not use nicotine substitutes.

5. Looking at the smokers, try to see who they really are; feel sorry for them, not envy.

6. Do not change your life because of the fact that quit smoking, no matter what day you fell, happy or difficult. There is no need to sacrifice. Remember that you are not throwing live and on anything in my life refused.

On the contrary, you have healed yourself from a terrible disease and managed to escape from the terrible prison. Over time, your health, physical and mental, will become better and life will seem all the highs higher and the fall - less painful than when you were a smoker.

7. Whenever you think about smoking, in the coming days or for the remainder of life, thinks so: "Hurrah! I - Non-Smoking !!! "

37. Do not use any substitutes

Substitutes include chewing gum, candy, mints, herbal cigarettes and pills.

Do not use any substitute.

They only hinder the process rather than facilitate it. If you overtake the suffering, and you use a substitute, it only extends the flour and strengthens them.

In actual fact, you say to yourself: "I want to smoke, or to fill the void." It's just that the robbers to surrender or give in to a child's tantrum.

After all, it will only prolong the appearance of episodes of discomfort and torture yourself. In any case, no substitutes ease the pangs of withdrawal. You feel the craving for nicotine, but not for food.

Substitutes can only get you to continue to think about smoking.

Remember the following points:

1. there is no nicotine substitutes.

2. You do not need nicotine. It is not food and poison. When you overtake attack discomfort, remind yourself that the pangs of withdrawal affects only smokers. Consider these torments another evil drug. Imagine flour withdrawal - is the agony of nicotine monster.

3. Remember: Cigarette creates a void, not fill it. The sooner you realize that you do not need to smoke or to do something else instead, the more will become available.

In particular, avoid any products containing nicotine, no matter whether it is a chewing gum, patch, spray, or the latest gimmick - inhaler resembles a plastic cigarette.

Yes, indeed, a small proportion of smokers who tried to quit smoking using nicotine substitutes, succeeded in his endeavor, and now attribute their achievements to their use.

However, they stopped smoking despite the use of substitutes, and not because of them. It is disappointing that many doctors continue to recommend treatment by nicotine replacement.

This is not surprising: if you are not fully understand the essence of nicotine trap, nicotine replacement method looks quite convincing.

It is based on the belief that when you embark on an attempt to quit smoking, you have two powerful enemies that you have to overcome:

1. The habit to break.

2. Suffering withdrawal from nicotine to survive.

If you need to win two strong opponents, it is reasonable to fight them not at the same time, and in turn.

Therefore, quit smoking, you will at first take any nicotine substitute. When the smoking habit will be broken, and gradually begin to reduce the intake of nicotine, ie, They beat each enemy individually. That sounds perfectly reasonable, but this method is, unfortunately, based on a false premise.

Smoking - not a habit and addiction.

The physical pain caused by Unlearning nicotine is hardly noticeable.

Quit smoking, you are aiming at the same time to kill and a little nicotine monster that lives in the body, and a great monster who dwells in your mind.

The method of nicotine replacement prolongs the life of the little monsters, which in turn extends the life of the big monster. Remember that the "Easy Way" allows you to quit smoking immediately.

You kill a large monster ("brainwashing") even before the smoke a last cigarette. Soon the little monster and die, but this does not become a bigger problem for you than it was when he was in your smoker, even until the monster is dead.

Think about whether you can cure the addict from addiction, recommending him to take the same drug? One well-known and esteemed doctor once said on national television that some smokers are so heavily dependent on nicotine if they quit smoking, they will have a lifetime to take substitutes.

How could this doctor let so knock yourself confused to believe that the human body may depend not only on the receipt of food, water and oxygen, but also on the potent poison?

Our clinic frequented by smokers managed to quit smoking, but became dependent on nicotine gum. Others are addicted to it, continuing to smoke. And let that taste of nicotine gum is disgusting, do not fool you - exactly the same taste and was the first cigarette.

All substitutes have the same effect as the nicotine gum: "I can not smoke a cigarette, so take gum or mint to fill the void." Although distinguish the feeling of emptiness generated by the desire to smoke a cigarette, from hunger is not possible, one can not satisfy hunger, quenching another.

It turns out that getting your belly chewing gum or mints are specifically designed to get you to desire a cigarette.

But the main evil substitutes is that they prolong the existence of the underlying problem, ie, "Brainwashing." Do you need a substitute for the flu when it passes? Of course not. Your words "I need a substitute for smoking" actually means: "I bring a tremendous sacrifice."

Depression together with a method of willpower caused by the fact that the smoker believes that the sacrifices. You simply substituting one problem another. There is no joy in the absorption of chocolates, you just become fat and unhappy, and then again return to the tobacco in a very short time.

Irregular smokers is hard to part with the conviction that they were forcibly deprived of a small reward: a cigarette during a lunch break in the office or in the factory, where it is forbidden to smoke during work or leisure the teachers in the teachers between lessons, or a quick smoke break between patients of doctors.

Some say, "If I did not smoke, I never would have to make a break." This only confirms that the break is often done not because the smoker need it or just want to relax, but because it has eaten a desperate desire to scratch the itchy spot.

Remember, cigarettes have never been real reward.

Think about the example of the tight shoes, which I have already cited. If you need this kind of award should be during work wear shoes one size smaller than you normally wear, but do not allow yourself to remove them until the time comes to break, and then took off, to experience a wonderful moment of relaxation and satisfaction.

Silly? You are absolutely right. But that's exactly what they do all smokers, although it is difficult to see while you are in a trap. Even harder to imagine that soon you will no longer need this little "reward", and you will treat their friends are still in the trap, with genuine pity, wondering why they do not understand.

However, if you continue to deceive yourself into thinking that cigarette was the real reward for you, or you need something to replace it, you'll feel deprived and miserable, and most likely to smoke again.

If you - housewives, teachers, doctors and representatives of other professions - you really need a break to rest, then soon you will get from it even more fun than before, because you will not have the need to strangle themselves. Remember: you do not need substitutes.

Your suffering - is a passionate attraction to the poison, which will soon take place. Let this thought keeps you in the next few days. Enjoy cleansing the body of poison and his mind - from slavery and dependence.

If you become more than it is, because you will improve your appetite, and over the next few days will type extra kilogram, do not worry about it.

When will the "moment of truth", which I will describe later, you will gain confidence and belief that they can solve any problem that can be solved with the help of positive thinking, including eating habits.

However, what you can not do is to start grabbing pieces between meals.

If you begin to "kusochnichat" really grow fat and become miserable, without knowing exactly when you got rid of the addiction to tobacco: you can not solve the problem, and replace it with another.
