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33. The period of withdrawal
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Up to three weeks after smoking the last cigarette you can experience so-called "withdrawal of flour."
They consist of two completely different factors.
1. The discomfort of nicotine withdrawal, a sense of emptiness and insecurity that resembles hunger - a feeling which is defined as smokers cravings or desire something to occupy his hands.
2. Psychological trigger (certain events or actions, such as a phone call or the completion of food, causing the familiar urge to smoke).
It is the failure to understand and distinguish between these two distant from each other factors greatly complicates smokers success when using the willpower. Misunderstanding and that is the reason that many smokers who manage to reach the goal, again fall into the trap.
Although flour withdrawal from nicotine does not cause physical pain, do not underestimate the power of their actions. We are talking about the "hunger pangs" when conducting a whole day without food; You can "rumble in the belly," but there are no physical pain. But even in this case, the hunger - a powerful force, and most likely we will be very irritable if deprive us of food. Something similar happens when our body experiences a craving for nicotine.
The difference is that our bodies need food and poison - is not so with the right attitude flour withdrawal easy to overcome, and they disappear very quickly. If smokers manage by willpower to refrain from smoking for a few days, soon nicotine cravings disappear.
This is the second factor, which generates difficulties. Smoker has acquired the habit of shooting flour withdrawal at certain times or in certain cases, giving rise to "an association of images" ("I will not be able to enjoy a drink without a cigarette"). Probably, this effect will be more readily understood by way of example.
Within a few years, you had a car, which turn signal is on the left of the steering column. In your new machine, he is right. You know he right, but in a couple of weeks each time you want to include turn signal, will include "caretakers."
Quitting smoking resembles something similar. At the beginning of the weaning period at certain points will trigger a psychological trigger smoking. You will be thinking, "I want a cigarette." If you are from the beginning confront "brainwashing", such mechanical reaction quickly disappear.
In accordance with the method of willpower smoker he believes that the sacrifices. Because of this consciousness in his bad mood, and he is constantly waiting for the pass craving to smoke. As a result, it only enhances the effect of psychological triggers rather than get rid of them.
A common trigger of smoking - a meal, especially during a meeting with friends at a restaurant, etc. Former smokers already feel unhappy because deprived of his cigarettes. When his friends light up, the feeling of deprivation increases. Now he gets no satisfaction from either dinner or what should have been a pleasant meeting friends.
When associating cigarettes with eating and socializing, the desire to smoke, as well as his sufferings, are tripled. At the same time increases and the degree of "brainwashing." If he is steadfast and will be able to hold out long enough, you eventually make your choices and succeed in life.
However, the impact of "brainwashing" is part and therefore a smoker quitting because of concerns about health or about their finances, even after several years in some cases continues to experience a passionate craving for cigarettes.
He suffers from the illusion that exists only in his imagination, and torturing myself for no reason. Even in my method most commonly associated with failure that lends itself to the action of a smoker psychological triggers. Ex-smoker inclined to regard as a kind of a cigarette or a placebo pill sweet consolation. He thinks: "I know that a cigarette does not give me anything.
But if I did not think about it, at some point it will be able to assist me. " Sweet pill, although not provide any appreciable physical assistance may still be potent psychological means allowing to remove real symptoms and thus benefit.
However, cigarette - not sweet pill. She gives birth to the symptoms that she herself and takes, and after a while, and it ceases to do; ie in this case, "the pill" creates disease, not to mention that it also is a poison - killer "number one" in the society.
You may find it easier to understand the effect on the example of a non-smoker or smoker, "tied" some years ago. Take the case of a woman who has lost her husband. At such moments, the smoker is quite natural intentioned to say: "Take a cigarette. It will help you to pull yourself together. "
If the cigarette is received, it will not have a calming effect: this woman has no dependence on nicotine and, consequently, no pangs of withdrawal from it, you need to make it easier. The only thing that can make a cigarette - provide momentary psychological support.
A cigarette smoked, but a terrible tragedy will not go away. It only worsened, because now the woman will suffer from a lack of nicotine.
She has a choice: to endure nicotine hunger or alleviate it, smoked another cigarette, but to put the beginning of this dependence. So, everything that will make cigarette - give short-term psychological support. But the same result can be achieved by expressing condolences and offered a drink.
Many non-smokers and former smokers acquired tobacco dependence as a result of such incidents. It is important at the outset to resist "brainwashing."
Remember: you do not need a cigarette, you only torture yourself, still regard it as a peculiar form of support or support. There is no need to be unhappy.
Tobacco does not improve the lunch or meeting friends; rather, it destroys them. Do not forget that smokers smoke while eating, not because they get pleasure from smoking. They smoke because they are forced. They - addicts. They can not enjoy any food, no life without cigarettes.
Give up the idea that the smoking habit is pleasant in itself. Many smokers think, "If only there were pure nicotine cigarettes." Such cigarettes there. Any smoker who has smoked herbal cigarettes, soon comes to the conclusion that it is - a waste of time.
Understand that the only reason that you smoke, is to obtain nicotine. Once you get rid of the craving for it, you will not care where to put a cigarette - in the mouth or in the ear.
It does not matter whether the suffering caused any real withdrawal symptoms or psychological mechanism Smoking, reconciled with the discomfort.