30. Dial I weight?

This is another myth about smoking, distributed mainly by those smokers who tried to quit using willpower method, replacing the nicotine candy and so on., To ease the withdrawal of flour.

Flour withdrawal from nicotine is very similar to the pangs of hunger, so the two are often confused feelings.

However, hunger pangs can be satisfied with the food, and completely remove the flour from the Nicotine withdrawal impossible.

As with any other drug, after some time the body becomes immune to it, and the drug is no longer fully alleviating the sufferings of withdrawal. Once the cigarette is smoked, nicotine leaves your body quickly, so the nicotine addict is experiencing constant hunger.

The only natural way - to become, in the end, a heavy smoker, ie, smoker smokes one cigarette after another.

However, the majority of smokers is hard to do this for two reasons:

1. Money - we can not afford to increase the intake of nicotine.

2. Health - to facilitate the withdrawal of flour, we are forced to take poison, which acts as an automatic count of the number of cigarettes that we smoke.

Therefore a smoker living with a sense of constant hunger, which he can never fully satisfy.

That is why many smokers go to overeating, drinking, or even switch to a more powerful drugs in order to satisfy their hunger.

(Most of Alcoholics - heavy smokers. Interestingly, perhaps, this problem - the problem of smoking?)

For the smoker becomes natural way to replace the nicotine desire food. Over the years, the nightmare I reached the point where completely abandoned breakfast and lunch. During the day, I always smoked. Later, I would wait in the evening - just because evenings could not stop myself strangling.

However, the whole evening I was constantly chewing. I thought it was - hunger, but in reality it was flour withdrawal from nicotine.

In other words, during the day I replaced a meal with nicotine, and in the evenings - food substituted for nicotine. In those days, I weighed 12 kg more than now, and nothing he could do about it.

As soon as the little monster will leave your body disappears, and a terrible feeling of insecurity.

Returned your confidence along with a surprising sense of self-esteem.

You get the confidence that control of your life, not only in eating habits, but also in the rest. This is another huge advantage of getting rid of tobacco.

As I said, the myth of the excess weight due to the use of substitutes exist during the period of withdrawal. In fact, they do not facilitate the process of quitting.

Rather, they impede it.

In more detail this statement will be explained below, in the chapter on nicotine substitutes.

29. Will I miss a cigarette?

No! As soon as the little nicotine monster will die and your body will no longer feel the craving for nicotine, the remains of "brainwashing" disappear. Then you will find that both physically and mentally able to better cope with life's stresses and loads.

Not only that: you will enjoy life to the fullest. There is only one major danger - the influence of people who continue to smoke. "In a strange yard grass is always greener" - known adage that applies to many aspects of our lives, and this is understandable. Why in the case of smoking, which are numerous and obvious disadvantages in comparison with the illusory "benefits", ex-smokers, smokers tend to be jealous?

Given the intensity of started as a child process of "brainwashing", it is easy to see why we clearly understand how smoking is a thankless job, and even get rid of this habit, again go straight into the same trap. This is - the influence of smokers. Usually it happens at parties, especially after meals. Smoker smokes, and ex-smokers feel a twinge.

This is an amazing anomaly, especially if we take into account the research data: every non-smoker in the world is happy that he is - a non-smoker; every smoker on the planet, the victim of "brainwashing", depends on the misconception that smoking relaxes him or like him - but he, too, would have preferred never to become dependent.

So, why do some jealous ex-smokers to smokers, hitting, for example, a birthday?

1. "Just one cigarette."

Remember, this is an illusion. Stop to take this party as a unique event, take a look at it from the point of view of the smoker. Perhaps you are jealous of him - but then he does not approve of myself envying you.

Start watching for other smokers; They can be your strong support that will help you get out. Note how quickly the cigarette burn and how quickly the smoker has to light a following. Pay special attention to the fact that he not only does not realize that smoking a cigarette, but even it lights up automatically.

Remember, it does not get pleasure from smoking, - he just can not get pleasure without cigarettes. Still, keep in mind that he is going to continue to smoke and leaving your company. The next morning he woke up with the feeling that inside him a dump, it will still continue to strangle himself.

Smoker constantly forced to eke out a chain of their addiction: once again felt pain in the chest; once the National No Tobacco Day; every time, accidentally seeing a warning of the health system on a pack of cigarettes; the next time there is a threat of cancer; being in a church, a subway car, visiting a hospital, a library, a dentist, came to the supermarket; whenever he would be in the company of non-smokers - in spite of all this, he has to continue to pull the chain lifelong, paying big money for the dubious privilege of destroying and despise himself.

For what he is doing all it wants to achieve what purpose? Perhaps he hopes to return to the beginning, to the state, which still remained before the addiction to smoking.

2. The second reason why some ex-smokers feel uncomfortable at parties, is that the smoker is doing something, do something, ie smoking a cigarette, and a non-smoker - no, why ex-smoker feels deprived.

Before you start throwing firmly usvoyte: deprived here - not smoking. This is - the poor smoker who is deprived of many things:




Confidence in himself

Peace of mind





Throw envy smokers habit and begin to see them as poor, wretched creature, what they are. I know, I was the worst of them, however, and you are reading this book. But those smokers who can not face the truth and have to continue to deceive ourselves - the most miserable of all.

You would not be jealous addict, addicted to heroin? In our country, heroin kills about 100 people a year, and nicotine - more than 120 000. Throughout the world, it annually kills 2, 5 million lives. Smoking killed more people on the planet than all the wars in history combined.

Your addiction will not appear lighter than all the others, and each year it will become a more and more difficult. If you do not like to be a smoker today, tomorrow you will like it even less.

Do not envy other smokers. Pity them. Believe me, they need your pity.

28. Choosing the right time to stop smoking

Table of contents
28. Choosing the right time to stop smoking
Page 2

Apart from the apparent suggestion that now is a good time to stop smoking, since smoking does not make you good, I am, however, convinced that the crucial timing. Our society is smoking lightly, as a little nasty habit that can be harmful to health.

This is not true.

Smoking - drug addiction, illness and a killer "number one".


Become addicted to nicotine - terrible, but remain dependent on him for life - even worse.


The timing of recovery from nicotine addiction is vital for success.

First of all, set the moments or events when you think smoking is absolutely necessary. If you are - a businessman and smoke due to the illusion of stress relief, select the period of relative calm, for example, the annual holiday.

If, as a rule, you smoke out of boredom or inactivity, on this basis, by the opposite state. In any case, Take the issue seriously and try to make this the most important event in my life. Look forward to three weeks ahead and try to anticipate any event that could lead to failure.

Events such as weddings or Christmas, you do not need to hold as long as you envisioned them well, and therefore will not feel deprived. Do not try to reduce smoking in the meantime, as it only reinforces the illusion of pleasure from cigarettes.

In fact, it helps only one thing: through the power to shove in her throat as large as possible number of all sorts of rubbish. By smoking his last cigarette, is well aware of its terrible smell and taste, and think how wonderful it will be when you allow yourself to stop smoking.

Whatever you do, do not fall AGAIN TRAP, says to himself: "Not now. Later. " DISPOSE this thought out of my head.

DEVELOP NOW own schedule and look forward to.


Remember you of anything not refuse, and are going to make a wonderful acquisition.

Over the years, I always claimed that I knew more about the mysteries of smoking than anybody else in the world.

The biggest problem is the following: Although every smoker smokes solely to facilitate the chemical craving for nicotine, keeps it in a state of dependence is not the need for nicotine, and "brainwashing" - the result of this relationship.

Even smart people fall for when abused his trust. Fortunately, most smokers - are not fools; they only consider themselves fools. How many smokers - so many methods of "brainwashing."

That is why it seems that there are many different types of smokers, that only complicates the situation.

Based on the experience of many years of correspondence and meetings with smokers that I have accumulated since the first publication of this book, and remembering that to learn something new about smoking on a daily basis, I was pleasantly surprised, realizing that philosophy, which I proposed to discuss in the first edition, all still working.

The experience that I have gained over the next few years, deals specifically with how to convey this knowledge to each individual smoker. My own knowledge that any smoker might find that to quit smoking easily and even gain from this process a real pleasure, it makes no sense, if I can not pass it to the smoker.

Many have said to me: "You advise:" Keep on smoking until you have read the book. " This leads to the fact that either the smoker takes years to read it, or he simply does not finish before the end of it. You should change this order. "

It sounds logical, but I know that if it was followed by an indication: "Quit immediately" some smokers do not even begun to read.

At the beginning of my work I met a smoker, with whom I have consulted. He said:

"I really do not like that I have to resort to your help. I know that I - a strong-willed person. In every other area of ​​life, everything is under my control. Why is it that the rest of smokers manage to quit smoking using willpower, but I have to go to you? "

He continued: "I think I could have thrown myself, if I could smoke while I'm doing it." Such an assertion may seem contradictory, but I understand what he meant. We believe that quitting smoking - unthinkable difficult. What we need, if we need to do something difficult? We want our little friend - a cigarette. Therefore, quitting smoking seems to be "a double blow."

Before us is not only a difficult task to be executed: something that we usually rely in such situations, is not available. For a long time after the man left, I did not come to mind that the indication continue to smoke - the highlight of my method. You can continue to smoke until overcome the process of quitting smoking.

First you get rid of all their doubts and fears, and when you put out the one last cigarette - you have become a non-smoker, and you like it.


Only the head, which caused me to seriously question its initial advice - it's a real chapter on choosing the right time.

Above, I advise that if you smoke a cigarette are occasions stressful situations in the office, take a vacation and make an attempt to quit smoking, and vice versa. In actual fact this is not the easiest way.

The easiest way - to choose what you think is the most difficult time to do it, no matter whether it is stress or secular meeting, the time of concentration or boredom.

Once you prove that you can handle it and enjoy life in the worst possible situation, - any other situation would be easy. But if I gave you such a clear statement, took Would you ever try to quit smoking? Let me draw an analogy. My wife and I are going to swim together.

We come to the pool at the same time, but rarely swim together. The reason is that it is immersed in water toes and only after half an hour starts to swim. I can not stand this slow torture. I know beforehand that regardless of the temperature of the water in the pool, I'm finally going to decide to go for a swim.

So I learned to do it the easy way: dive immediately. Now suppose that I would insist on the fact that if she did not dive right away, it is not able to swim. I am sure that she will not swim at all. Now you understand what the problem is?

Prev. - Next. "
