24. "Just one cigarette"

"Just one cigarette" - a myth that we have to dismiss. With this, "just one" cigarette, generally we started our smoking.

"Just one cigarette", allowing us to survive in difficult times, or smoked at a party, destroys most of our attempts to quit smoking.

"Just one cigarette", if the smoker manages to break his own dependence on smoking, can again trap him.

Sometimes a smoker lights up only in order to make sure that cigarettes are no longer needed him, and - this is the cigarette cancels all his efforts. It tastes terrible, what convinces smokers that it would never fall into dependence on smoking - and he's already got.

The idea of ​​a "special" cigarettes often prevents smokers stop smoking.

The first cigarette in the morning or a cigarette after dinner. Firmly Understand: there is no such thing - "just one cigarette."

Smoking - a chain reaction that will last the rest of your life as long as you do not consciously rend it.

It is the myth of the special cigarettes or cigarette occasionally leads smokers in depressed mood when they quit smoking.

Make it a habit never to dream of accidental cigarette or a pack of cigarettes - all this is just a game of imagination.

As soon as you think about smoking, imagine a life full of contempt, for which you pay a fortune for the dubious privilege to destroy their mental and physical health, for the life of a slave for life with bad breath.

It is a pity that there is nothing like a cigarette that could be used in times of grief and joy as a support or a rare pleasure.

However, it is clear that a cigarette does not support or pleasure.

You either mired in depression for life, or not. You would not dream of arsenic just because you like the taste of almonds?

So stop punishing themselves thought of accidental cigarette.

Ask a smoker, "If you had the opportunity to go back to a time when you have not fallen into dependence on smoking, would you a smoker? "

The answer is always the same: "You kidding? "

But, nevertheless, this choice is at each smoker in everyday's life. Why did not he makes his choice? The answer is - fear.

The fear that he can not stop smoking, or that life without cigarettes will never be the same again. Stop deceiving yourself. You will be able to do it. Anyone can. It is very easy.

There are some specific guidelines that must be clearly learn to quit smoking easily.

So far we have looked at three of them:

1. Throw in principle, there is nothing. You can only buy delicious benefits that you get.

2. Never think of the "casual cigarette." It does not exist. There are only a life full of diseases and troubles.

3. Your situation is not unique. Any smoker can come to the conclusion that quitting smoking is easy.

Many believe that they - "incorrigible" smokers or just prone to smoking. I assure you that such a thing does not exist.

Before people are addicted to drugs, they do not need to smoke. It generates your nicotine addiction, and not some special property of your personality.

This - the effect of the drug, they make you believe that you are inclined to use them.

However, it is important that you have debunked that belief: if you believe in their dependence on nicotine, it will depend on it, even after the death of the little monsters of nicotine in the body.

It should also eliminate all the consequences of the "washing" of the brain.

23. Be wary of reducing smoking

Table of contents
23. Be wary of reducing smoking
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Many smokers have resorted to a reduction in smoking as a temporary facility on the way to a complete cessation of, or as an attempt to establish control over the little monster. Reducing smoking is recommended as support for many doctors and consultants.

Obviously, the less you smoke, the better feel. But reducing the number of cigarettes smoked is fatal as an intermediate step before the complete cessation of smoking. It attempts to reduce smoking keep us trapped in this life.

Typically, the reduction of smoking following the failed attempt to quit smoking. After a few hours or days of abstinence from smoking smoker says to himself something like: "I can not bear the thought of life without cigarettes, so, from that moment on, I'll smoke only on special occasions or reduced smoking ten cigarettes a day.

If I can go to the habit to smoke ten cigarettes a day, I can resist, or at the same level, or to further reduce this number. "

Immediately begin to occur with a smoker is quite certain unpleasant things:

1. With him was the worst. He again dependent on nicotine and sustains life monsters, not only in body but in mind.

2. Now he wants to waiting for the next cigarette his life flowed faster.

3. In the past, attempts to reduce smoking, it just automatically lit than, at least, at least partially alleviating the sufferings of withdrawal. Now, in addition to the normal stresses and strains of life situations, he provokes own suffering, anguish caused by nicotine withdrawal, and tormented him most of his life. So he forces himself to be unhappy and have a bad temper.

4. While it is self-indulgence, he does not enjoy the majority of cigarette and did not even realize that their smokes. Everything happens automatically. The only cigarettes, on which, in his view, he enjoys - is cigarette smoked after a period of abstinence (eg, the first cigarette in the morning, after lunch, etc.).

Now, waiting an extra hour in front of a cigarette, he "enjoys" from each cigarette. The longer a smoker waits, the more enjoyable it becomes for him; as the "pleasure" of cigarettes - it's not the cigarette itself, and the end of unrest caused by craving for nicotine (no matter whether it is a weak physical attraction or mental blues).

The more you suffer, the "nicer" becomes each cigarette.

The main difficulty in quitting smoking - no chemical dependency. This is just what is easy. Smokers all night there without cigarettes; the desire to smoke even wakes them up. Many of them are first come out of the bedroom before to smoke. Some even have breakfast. Some do not smoke until you come to work.

Smokers are able to survive for ten hours without a cigarette, and it does not bother them. If they tried to survive without cigarettes ten o'clock in the afternoon, they would tear his hair. Buying a new car, many of them do not smoke in it. Without undue inconvenience smokers visiting supermarkets, theaters, doctors, hospitals, dentists, etc.

Many refrain from smoking in the company of non-smokers. Even in a subway train has not been social unrest. Smokers almost pleased when someone tells them that you can not smoke.

In fact, they get a secret pleasure of smoking without the existence of over long periods of time. It gives them hope that one day they may be, do not want to smoke.

When to quit smoking, the main problem is "brainwashing", under the delusion that cigarette - a form of support or reward and that without it life would never be the same.

The idea to reduce smoking does not lead you to a complete rejection of it, and leave with a sense of insecurity and self-pity, and convinces us that the most valuable thing in the world - next cigarette.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to imagine that in the future you will become happy without cigarettes.

There is nothing sadder than a smoker trying to reduce smoking. He suffers from the delusion that the less he smokes, the less he will want to smoke. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite.

The less he smokes, the longer suffers from the pangs of withdrawal, the more cigarette and enjoying the more disgusting it becomes taste. But that does not stop him. The taste of cigarettes is never taken into account.

If smokers smoke because they enjoy the taste of cigarettes, then no one has ever smoked more than one cigarette would. Do you find this hard to believe? Well, let's clarify that.

In a most disgusting taste of cigarettes? That's right, at the first cigarette in the morning - one that in winter provokes coughing and expectoration. What is the most valuable for cigarette smokers? That's right, the first cigarette in the morning!

Well, you really truly believe that smoke to enjoy the taste and smell of cigarettes? Or consider that a more rational explanation is that you simply facilitate weaning nine-hour meal? Before you finish smoking his last cigarette, we must dispel all misconceptions associated with smoking.

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