19. Smoking relaxes me and gives confidence

It is the worst of all illusions associated with smoking and, in my opinion, in the list of errors it follows the slavish dependence.

The biggest profit gained in smoking cessation, the fact that you no longer have to walk through life with a constant sense of insecurity felt by all smokers.

It cigarettes generate a sense of panic that occurs when left without their homes late at night.

Non-smokers do not suffer from such a feeling - it generates is nicotine.

On many of the benefits of quitting, I learned only after many months after he quit smoking, in the course of consultations with other smokers.

Twenty-five years I refused to resort to medical care.

If I insure their life, trying to save on insurance premiums by insisting on the policy does not cover health care costs, and as a result - to pay much more.

I hated to visit hospitals, doctors or dentists.

I could not bear the thought of aging, retirement, etc.

None of the above events, I did not associate with his "habit" to smoking, but getting rid of it was like the night awakening from a nightmare.

Today I am looking forward to each new day.

Of course in my life it happens, and bad, and I'm exposed to stress and fatigue - but how wonderful to be sure that I will be able to cope with them!

Moreover, the moments of joy and become much more enjoyable when you feel a rush of health, energy and confidence.

18. The effect of smoking on the body's energy level

Most smokers are aware of the impact that has on the light the gradual clogging of blood vessels, oxygen deprivation and lack of nutrients. However, they do not know how it acts on the energy level of the organism.

One of the features of the insidious trap of smoking is the process which has an impact on our physical and mental condition occurs so gradually and imperceptibly, we are not even aware of it and regard it as normal.

In many ways reminiscent of the effect of the impact of smoking habits of malnutrition. Big belly is formed so slowly that its growth does not cause us concern.

Looking for people who are overweight, we do not understand how they could afford to reach a state.

Now let's imagine that all of this happened overnight. You went to sleep slender man with a weight of 65 kg, with relief muscles and without a gram of fat in the body.

When you wake up, your weight has reached 85 kg, you have become thick, flabby man with a decent belly.

Instead of jumping, feeling rested and full of energy, you wake up feeling miserable and lethargic and barely opened his eyes.

Probably, you would cover the panic: what a terrible disease you get sick at night? But it's all the same disease - just you come to such a state for 20 years.

If I could in an instant move your body and mind time to let you compare how you feel, just stopped smoking for three weeks, it would be enough to convince you to quit smoking.

You would think, "Am I really going to feel so fine? "But this is tantamount to thinking," Am I really sunk so low? "

I stress that do not mean just your physical health and energy: you will feel much more confident and free, and you will be much better focus.

I remember when I was running around the world teenager. Crossing three decades abroad, I always felt growing fatigue and apathy. It was very hard to wake up at nine in the morning.

After dinner, I went to the sofa watching TV, and usually within five minutes began to nod. Since my father behaved in the same way, I thought this behavior normal.

I thought that energy - it is the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers, and old age, in my opinion, began sometime after twenty.

Finished his last cigarette, I soon felt relieved that cough and blockage of blood vessels have disappeared, and with them gone, and asthma or bronchitis.

In addition, there was also something truly unexpected: I started to wake up at seven in the morning feeling completely rested and full of energy. Now I want to do exercises in the morning, jogging and swimming.

In his forty-eight years, I could not run a step, I could not swim a single meter.

My exercise limited by its dynamic species like bowling (affectionately called "old game") and golf, which I had to move to the "buggy."

Now, sixty-four, I every day I run two or three miles, doing exercises for half an hour and twenty-distance swims.

Having a force - that's great, but when you feel physically and mentally strong, comes the joy of life.

Of course, when you stop smoking, physical and mental health also gradually returned. But this does not seem to slip into the pit.

If you are currently experiencing a failure, brought by force of will, any improvement of health or financial acquisition will be erased on a background of depression, which you can not escape.

Unfortunately, I can not instantly take you three weeks in advance.

But you can!

Instinctively you know that I speak the truth.

All you need to do - use your imagination!

17. All the dangers of smoking to health

Table of contents
17. All the dangers of smoking to health
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That is an area in which "brainwashing" reaches its climax. Smokers think they know all about the dangers of smoking to health. In fact, they do not know anything. Even in the case with me, when I was expecting at any moment to burst my head, and sincerely believed that he was ready to such consequences, I still deceiving himself.

If in those days, when I pulled a cigarette from the pack would include alarm, and after that warning voice said to: "Okay, Allen, here it is! For your happiness, you get a warning. It is this: so far you went unscathed, but if smoked another cigarette, your head will burst, "you think I would have stopped smoking?

If you doubt the answer, walk up to the main road with heavy traffic, wait on the curb with his eyes closed and try to imagine that you have a choice: give up smoking or to cross the road with your eyes closed, before you take another cigarette.

There is no doubt that you choose. I was doing something that makes every smoker all his life the smoking: closed my eyes and bury your head in the sand, hoping that one morning I wake up and just do not want to smoke more. Smokers can not afford to think about the threat to health. If they start to think about it, it will disappear even the illusion of pleasure from this "habit."

All this helps explain why the shock therapy applied by the media in the days of national tobacco control is so ineffective. For non-smokers only come to gawk.

This explains why smokers recalls Uncle Fred, who smoked forty cigarettes a day and lived to be eighty, will ignore the thousands of people who died in the prime of their tobacco poisons.

About six times a week I have the following conversation takes place with smokers (usually young):

I: Why do you want to quit?

Smoker: That I can not afford.

Me: Are not you worried about health risks?

Smoker: No, because I can get hit by a bus tomorrow.

I: And specifically you throw yourself under a bus?

Smoker: Of course not.

I: When you go out, do not you see the first left and then right?

Smoker: Yes, I look.

Quite true. Smoker is making a lot of effort not to get hit by a bus, and the chance that it will happen, is about hundreds of thousands to one. At the same time, the risk of harm to the smoker's tobacco is almost 100%, and, even so, he does not take it into account. Such is the force of the impact, "brainwashing."

I remember a famous British golfer, who did not go to the competition in America because I was afraid to fly an airplane. However, on the golf course, he chain-smoked.

Is not it strange: at the slightest feeling that the plane has the smallest fault, we never went to his side, even if the risk was hundreds of thousands to one against death!

At the same time the risks associated with a cigarette, is one to four, and we did not care about it. But what a smoker gets in return? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Another common myth about smoking - smoker's cough.

Many young people who came to see me, do not worry about their health because they do not cough. But the situation is exactly the opposite. Cough - one of the reliable natural methods for removing foreign bodies from the lungs. By itself, a cough - not a disease, it is only a symptom.

Smokers cough because their lungs are trying to get rid of cancer-causing tar and poisonous substances. In the absence of these resins cough and harmful substances remain in the lungs - that is they cause cancer. Smokers tend not to acquire the habit of coughing and breathing shallowly so as not to provoke a cough.

Once I thought I would die from this persistent cough. Now, I think, throwing light from a large part of all this stuff, he saved my life.

Try to think of coughing from a different perspective. If you had a cool car, and you're doing nothing, would allow it to rust - it would be extremely foolish, because soon she would have turned into a pile of rusty scrap metal and is not able to carry you. But this is - not the end of the world; You had the money, and you can always buy a new car.

Your body - a machine that carries you through life. Everyone knows that health - the most valuable asset. Is it true you can tell patients millionaires. Almost all of us can recall experienced an illness or accident, when we pray to get better faster. (How quickly we all forget!)

Being a smoker, you do not just let the rust grow, not solving this problem - you destroy the car needed to go through life, and yet it is only one you.

Now, remember: you have no need to smoke and, most importantly, - smoking is absolutely nothing does not give you.

Stick out your head in the sand for a moment and ask yourself if you knew for sure that next cigarette will be the one with which your body will begin the cancer process, will you smoke it? Forget about the disease (it is hard to imagine), but try to imagine that you need to contact the oncology clinic, to go through all these terrible treatments - radiation and others.

It turns out that you do not plan how it will spend the rest of his life and his death. What will happen to your family and the people you love, to your plans and dreams?

I often see people with whom it happened. They also did not think it would happen was with them; But the worst thing is not even the disease itself, and the realization that these people are to blame for it. All my life, until we smoke, we say: "Tomorrow I'll quit."

Try to imagine how it feels to those who crossed the threshold. For them, the "brainwashing" has ended. They are finally beginning to realize that their "habit" is actually and spend rest of his life thinking, "Why am I so many years tried to convince myself that I need to smoke? Oh, if only I had the chance to go back! "

Stop lying to yourself. Do you have a chance. What is happening - a chain reaction: if you lit another cigarette, this will lead to the next, and then another one, etc. All this is happening to you. At the beginning of the book I promised not to apply to you no shock therapy.

If you have already firmly decided that you are going to quit smoking, then you shock therapy and will not be.

If you are still in doubt, skip this chapter and return to it when you read the rest of the book. The harm that cigarettes cause health of smokers, written volumes of research.

The only problem is that until man decides to stop smoking, he did not want to know. Even warning the public health system - a waste of time because the eyes of the smoker - blinker, and if it accidentally and read it, the first thing that will make - will light a cigarette.

Smokers tend to think about the threat to health as a matter of trial and error, such as not to step on a land mine. Remember once and for all, your health is at stake.

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