12. Relax. Cigarettes do not help to relax

Most smokers believe that cigarettes help them relax.

But we all know that nicotine - an aphrodisiac.

If you measure your pulse, and then smoke a cigarette in a row two, you will notice a significant acceleration of its frequency.

One of the favorite for the majority of cigarette smokers - cigarette after dinner. Lunch - time of the day when we stop working.

We sit down and relax, satisfy hunger and thirst, and then feel complete bliss.

However, a poor smoker can not relax because he has another hunger to be satisfied.

He dreams of a cigarette, as icing on the cake, but in fact he was not, and it is this little monster needs food.

A drug addict, have become dependent on nicotine, can never fully relax, and over time the situation is only getting worse.

The most intense people on the planet - not those who do not smoke, and fifty years is constantly coughing businessmen, smoking one cigarette after another, have high blood pressure and are constantly irritated.

They cigarette ceases even partially mitigate those symptoms that they themselves have created.

I remember how to raise their children as a young accountant. If one of my sons to do anything wrong, I was coming out of himself to such an extent that it is all right to any comparison with what the child has done.

I honestly believe that my nature is contained an evil spirit. Now I know what happened to me.

It was not some inherited defect, but only a little nicotine monster, and that created problems.

At that time I believed that burdened enormous problems, but looking back at my time of life, wonder: "And what's all this lay great stress and tremendous strain? "

I had complete control over their lives. The only thing that keep me were cigarettes.

It is sad that even today I can not convince their children that smoking just made me irritable.

Every time they hear a smoker trying to justify their addiction, they hear the leitmotiv: "Oh, cigarettes comfort me. They help me relax. "

A couple of years ago, organizations involved in adoptions, threatened to ban smokers to become foster parents.

One call to one exasperated man and said, "You are absolutely wrong. I remember when I was a kid, if I needed to talk to the mother of any controversial issue, I waited until she lit up a cigarette and become more relaxed. "

Why could not he talk with his mother when she did not smoke?

Why all smokers so tense, if you do not smoke after dinner at a restaurant?

Why, then non-smokers completely relaxed?

Why smokers can not concentrate without a cigarette?

The next time you're at the supermarket, and hear a young mother screaming at the child, watch for its withdrawal from the store. The first thing she would do, lit a cigarette.

Start watching for smokers, especially when they are non-smoking.

You will find that in these moments they hold hands at the mouth, or play with your thumbs, or touch their own leg, or teasing the hair and jaw clench.

Smokers are not relaxed, they even forgot that feeling - to be completely relaxed.

And this is just one of the many pleasures to which you have come.

All business related to smoking, can be likened to a fly caught by carnivorous plants.

First fly eats nectar, but the plant itself imperceptibly begins to devour the fly.

Is not it time you get out of the flycatcher?

11. Cigarettes do not help to focus


Cigarettes do not help to focus - this is just another delusion. Trying to focus on, you will automatically try to avoid all distractions, such as feeling cold or heat. Smoker is already suffering: little monster wants to get your dose.

So when he wants to focus, it does not even need to think about the process. It automatically lights up, partly to satisfy the desire to smoke, and proceeds to what he has to do. He had forgotten that smokes.

Cigarettes do not help focusing, rather, they destroy it.

After some time, even during the smoking of the cigarette, the smoker can not completely get rid of the nicotine hunger. Then it increases the dose, and the problem is becoming more acute.

There is another reason that smoking interferes with concentration.

The progressive blockage of the arteries and veins of toxic substances leads to oxygen starvation of the brain.

It is obvious that your ability to focus and creative activity is significantly improved by changing the process. This problem prevented me stop smoking when I tried the method of willpower.

I could put up with irritability and bad mood, but when I really needed to focus on something complex, the cigarette becomes necessary.

I remember the sense of panic that is felt when he discovered that during exams in accounting can not smoke.

I had been a heavy smoker, convinced that I could not concentrate for three hours without a cigarette.

But I passed the exams and do not remember that at the time was thinking about smoking, so when it came to the decisive moment, I do not care.

Loss of ability to concentrate that smokers experience when they try to stop smoking, in fact, is not because of the physical pain of withdrawal from nicotine.

When you smoke, you have a mental stupor occurs.

And what do you do when you have a stupor? If you are at this moment do not smoke, then surely light a cigarette. But it does not help to remove a stupor, so you do what you have: You get used to it, as do non-smokers.

If you - a smoker, cigarette in no way could be to blame.

For example, smokers never cough caused by smoking - they just constantly cold.

The moment when you stop smoking, the blame for everything in your life is not so rests with the fact that you have stopped smoking.

In this case, if you experience a stupor, you do not resign themselves to it, and say, "If I were lit now, it would solve my problems."

Then you start to question your decision to stop smoking.

If you believe that smoking - the best support in achieving concentration, this confidence is guaranteed to lead to the fact that you can not concentrate without a cigarette.

That is certainly not the physical suffering withdrawal generate problem.

Remember: the pangs of withdrawal affects smokers and non-smokers are not.

When I put out my last cigarette, I went for one night of a hundred cigarettes a day to zero without any apparent loss of ability to concentrate.

10. Boredom - this mood of mind

If you smoke at the moment - you would have forgotten about it if I did not remind you.

Another misconception associated with smoking, - statement that cigarettes relieve boredom.

Boredom - this mood of mind.

When you smoke, you do not mind repeating: "I smoke a cigarette, I smoke a cigarette."

This occurs only when for a long time you have been deprived of the opportunity to smoke, or when trying to reduce smoking, or when starting to smoke again after a failed attempt to quit.

In reality, the situation is as follows: when you are addicted to nicotine, but do not smoke at the moment, you have a feeling that something you are missing.

If you have the opportunity to take the mind something that does not cause stress, the lack of a drug for a long time may have absolutely no bother.

However, when you are bored and have nothing to distract the mind, you have to feed the monster.

When you indulge yourself (ie, do not try to quit or reduce smoking), lighting a cigarette, too, becomes unconscious action.

Even those who smokes a pipe or cigarettes, can perform this ritual automatically.

If any of smokers try to remember all the cigarettes smoked them for a day, he could recall only some - for example, the first or the afternoon.

The fact that cigarettes indirectly lead to an increase in boredom as cause you to experience apathy, and instead do something energetic, smokers usually mill around, bored and trying to facilitate the withdrawal of flour.

That is why it is important to resist "brainwashing."

That feeling bored, smokers tend to smoke - it is a fact; that from birth we were told that smoking relieves boredom - is also a fact, so we did not even occur to challenge these truths.

We were treated well, what we believe and that chewing gum helps to relax. And really - in a stressful situation people sometimes grind their teeth.

All of which makes chewing gum - so it gives you a reasonable argument teeth grinding. The next time you watch chewing it, note how they do it and what they thus form a relaxed or tense.

Watch for people who smoke out of boredom. Cigarettes obviously do not bring them to get rid of it - they look bored anyway.

As a former heavy smoker, I can assure you that it is hard to imagine a more boring than a nasty light a cigarette after another, day after day, year after year.
