9. Large and small tragedies of life stress

Here I mean not only the great tragedies of life, but also small stress: participation in public life, a phone call, a housewife irritation caused by noisy young children, etc.

Let's take as an example of a telephone conversation.

For most people, a phone call is a little stressful, especially with business travelers. Most of the calls do not come from satisfied customers and not from the boss who wants to congratulate you.

Generally calls are a kind of showdown, when something went wrong or someone needs something.

At that moment a smoker, if he no longer smokes, lit necessary.

He does not know why it does, but he knows that for some reason, smoking it, like, helps. In reality, the following occurs.

Himself without realizing it, he was already suffering from addiction (ie flour experienced withdrawal).

Smoke and partially removes the dependency and the normal stress, therefore, in general, overall stress is reduced, and the smoker is supported.

At this point, the support really is not illusory. Smoker really feels better than before lit a cigarette.

However, even when this very smokes a cigarette, it is more stressful than if it was a non-smoker: the more you are dependent on a drug, the more it destroys you, and the less give back when you smoke.

I promised to do without shock therapy. In this example, I'm going to still resort to it.

I'm not trying to shock you, but I want to emphasize that the cigarettes do not relax your nerves, and destroy them.

Try to imagine that you have reached the stage when the doctor says that if you do not quit, he will have to amputate your leg.

Stop for a moment, try to visualize life without legs.

Try to imagine the thoughts and feelings of the person to whom the warning was made, but he still continued to smoke and eventually amputated legs.

I've heard similar stories, but threw them out of their heads as implausible.

In actual fact, I even like to see the doctor told me something like that; then I would have stopped smoking. At the same time, every day I really expected that I had a brain hemorrhage, and I will lose not only the legs, but also life.

But I thought I was not an idiot, and a heavy smoker.

Such stories - not fiction: they do that makes us this terrible drug. As we walk through life, he regularly takes our energy and determination.

The nicotine takes more courage you have, the more you deceive yourself into thinking that cigarettes have the opposite effect.

We've all heard about the panic fear which covers smokers when they are late at night have not yet returned home and fear that they are about to run out of cigarettes.

Non-smokers do not feel this fear, it is generated by cigarettes.

In addition, nicotine shakes your nerves, he gradually destroys your physical health, being a potent poison.

By the time a smoker reaches a stage where smoking kills him, he already believes that the resolution is supported entirely by nicotine, so do not risk to meet face to face life without a cigarette.

, Be clear that cigarettes not only soothe the nerves, and slowly but constantly, destroy them.

One of the most significant acquisitions in the rejection of this addiction will be the return of confidence in themselves and their abilities.

8. Relief pangs of withdrawal

As I explained earlier, smokers believe that smoking for fun, stress relief, or a kind of support.

In fact, this is misleading.

The real reason - ease the pangs of withdrawal.

In the beginning, we use a cigarette as social support. We can take advantage of it and can not use.

However, forming an invisible chain has already begun.

Our subconscious is already studying the fact that in certain moments smoking should be enjoyable.

The larger increases your dependence on the drug, the greater the need to facilitate the withdrawal of flour from him - the more you destroy the cigarette, the more you inflate to make believe that everything is just the opposite.

All this happens so slowly, so slowly that you do not even notice it.

Do you think that today is no different from yesterday's.

Most smokers do not realize that they have become addicted to smoking, yet in the end, do not try to quit smoking, but even then, many of them do not want to admit it.

Some stalwarts smoking lifetime live, burying his head in the sand, trying to convince themselves and others that they like it.

The conversation below, took me with hundreds of teenagers.

I: Do you understand that nicotine - the drug and that you smoke because you can not stop?

A: Nonsense! I like smoking. If I did not like, I would have stopped.

I: Try not to smoke a week to prove to me and yourself that you can, if you like.

P: I do not see the need. I like. If I wanted, I would have quit.

Me: Well, I try not to smoke for a week to prove to yourself that you have no dependencies.

P: And what's the point? I also like to smoke.

As I have argued, in moments of stress, boredom, extreme concentration, relaxation, or a combination of these reasons, smokers tend to facilitate the withdrawal of flour.

In the next few chapters of this idea will be explained in detail.

7. "brainwashing" and "dormant partner"

Table of contents
7. "brainwashing" and "dormant partner"
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Let's think about why we are starting to smoke?

To understand this until the end, you have to explore the powerful impact of the subconscious, or as I call it, "dormant partner". All of us tend to consider themselves smart, controlling myself with people to determine its own path in life.

In fact, our behavior is almost 100% corresponds to a particular model, because we are - we have brought up a product of society. This is so, whether it will go about the clothes we wear, the houses in which we live or behaviors that we follow. The subconscious has a surprisingly powerful effect on our lives.

Millions of people can be misleading not only in their beliefs, but even relatively simple facts of life. Before Columbus made a voyage around the world, people believed that the earth - is flat. Today we know that it is round.

I will write a dozen books, trying to convince you that the earth - plane, I would hardly be able to do it, but how many of us have been in space and saw firsthand the globe? Even if you travel around the world by plane or boat, can you be sure that traveled the surface of the ball and not move in a circle, while on the plane?

Advertising specialists well-known power of subliminal, hence the huge billboards, which the smoker sees everywhere, while driving, and advertising in every magazine.

Do you consider them a waste of money, do you think they do not encourage you to buy cigarettes? You are wrong!

Try a little experiment.

The next time, going on a cold autumn day in a bar or restaurant, on a question of your companion about what you drink, do not just say, "brand", but somehow priukraste your answer. For example, say: "You know what I really want to do today? Throat miraculous burning brandy. " You will find that you will join, even those who do not drink brandy.

From early childhood on our subconscious daily inundated with information that a cigarette relaxes, gives confidence and courage, and that the most valuable thing on the planet - a cigarette. You think I exaggerate?

When you see the cartoon, movie or theatrical performance, in which the people facing the death penalty or execution, that is their last request? That's right, a cigarette!

The impact of this scene is not recorded by our consciousness, however, the "slumbering partner" enough time to absorb it into himself. The idea that we are trying to instill is that: "The most valuable on Earth, so what I'm going to think and what I will endeavor in the last minute of his life, is a cigarette."

Remember, in every movie about the war wounded yield drag cigarette. Do you think that in recent years has changed? No, our children are still under the influence of aggressive huge billboards and magazine advertisements.

It is believed that today, cigarette advertising on television is prohibited, however, in the hours when most people are watching TV, the world's best players in the billiards and darts are constantly allowed to cigarette smoke screen clubs.

Sponsors of programs are usually tobacco companies - the giants, and the relationship between sporting events and "money-bags" became the sad trend of modern advertising.

At competitions, "Formula 1" racing cars even named well-known brands of cigarettes - or vice versa? Today on TV you can see a promotional video, where a naked couple in bed smoking a cigarette for two after lovemaking. The implication is obvious.

I sincerely admire the skill of the creators of advertising small cigars (of course, not the message, and its magnificent incarnation in commercials). The man is about to come face to face with death or disaster - his balloon on fire, and he was about to be broken; or motorcycle is about to fall into the river; or it - Columbus and his ship is about to go to the ends of the earth.

Do not pronounce a single word. Playing gentle music. He lights a cigar in his face spread an expression of absolute happiness. Consciousness can not even mention that the smoker is looking commercials, but "dormant partner" thoroughly digest and absorb the obvious subtext.

However, there is another kind of advertising - the threat of cancer, amputated legs campaign against bad breath - but in reality it does not stop smokers. Of course, logically, it should be, but in reality this does not happen.

All these campaigns are not even able to keep teens from smoking. All those years when I was a smoker, I sincerely believe that if had known about the relationship of lung cancer and smoking, it would never smoke. But, unfortunately, this knowledge one iota does not change anything.

Traps and today is the same as when it hit Sir Walter Rolly. All antinicotinic campaign only bring more confusion. Yes, even the product itself (these beautiful sparkling tutu, tempting you to try its contents!) Necessarily contains on one side a warning about danger of death.

Who among smokers ever read it, not to mention the fact, to force myself to think about its meaning? I believe that the major cigarette manufacturers use warning the public health system in order to better sell their products.

Many pictures include the frightening elements - spiders, dragonflies or carnivorous plants. Today health warning health is printed in such a large and bold, that the smoker can not miss it, no matter how hard he tried. Acute fear experienced by a smoker associates with glossy golden tutu.

Ironically, the most powerful force in the "composting brains" is a smoker himself. Do not think that smokers - weak-willed and physically weak creatures. To cope with the poison, you have to be strong.

This is one of the reasons that smokers refuse to recognize the staggering statistics, proving that smoking is harmful to your health.

All remember some Uncle Fred, who smoked forty cigarettes a day, a day does not hurt, and lived to be eighty years old. They refuse to even take into account the hundreds of other smokers whose death knocked down in the prime of life, or what if Fred did not smoke, he could have lived to this day.

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