As I explained earlier, I became interested in this topic because of their own biases. What I finally did quit smoking - a miracle. Whenever attempting to quit, I fell into a black depression that lasted for several weeks.
There were also days when I was rather glad, but the next day the depression returned. It was like trying to get out of a slippery pit, when you feel that you are already at the top, you see the sunlight, and then once - and then slides down to the bottom.
Ultimately you lights a cigarette - it tastes absolutely horrible - and try to understand why you have to do it. That's one of the questions I always ask smokers to start consultations: "You want to quit smoking? "In a sense, this is a stupid question.
All smokers (including members of the "FOREST" 1), of course, would like to quit smoking. Ask most inveterate smoker: "If you went back in time when you have not become dependent on cigarettes, but with the knowledge possessed today, you started to smoke? "" Of course not, "- the answer either.
Ask a smoker himself - someone who does not believe that smoking is harmful to his health, who do not care about public censure and who can afford it (and such people today is not so much): "You encourage the smoking of their children? "" Of course not, "- the answer either.
All smokers feel that they owned something diabolical. At the beginning of smoking this statement: "I give up, but not today, tomorrow." As a result, we reach that phase, when we think or what we do not have the willpower or that a cigarette contains something you need to enjoy life.
As I said, the problem is not to explain why quitting smoking is easy, but to understand why it is difficult. The main thing - to understand why most people start smoking at all, so that at some point in time smokers proved more than 60 percent of the population of our planet.
Mechanism of business associated with smoking, defies rational explanation. The only reason why we even talking about it - thousands of people already involved in it. In addition, each of them regretted that the general started to smoke, and I am convinced that smoking - a waste of time and money. While looking at the smoking, it is difficult to believe that they do not enjoy.
Smoking is associated with the adult world, and so we work hard, and to themselves addicted to it. We then all my life tell their children that smoking is not necessary, while they themselves are trying to "engage" with this harmful habit.
Starting to smoke, we have the rest of your life paying big money for cigarettes. A smoker smokes twenty cigarettes a day for life is spending about 50 000 pounds.
What do we do with this money? (Alas, if we just lowered them into the sewer!) We use them to systematically fill in their own lung carcinogenic resins gradually clogging and poisoning his blood vessels.
Every day, we get to experience oxygen starvation every muscle and every organ of our body, becoming more and more sluggish. We sentence the life itself to the horrible bad breath, darkened teeth, scorched clothes, smelly ashtrays and stale tobacco smell.
This is - a life of slavery. A large part of our life takes place in situations where society forbids us to smoke (churches, hospitals, schools, subway cars, theaters, etc.). Trying to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked or quit smoking in general, we feel wronged.
Another part of the lives we spend in situations in which smoking is allowed, but we ourselves, and we would like to have been prohibited. Very strange hobby: doing it, you want to stop, and when not to do - dream about it. What a strange life, when half of society treats you like a leper? And, worse of all, such a life chooses a reasonable and adequate in all other respects a man ...
Smoker despises himself in each national day of quitting; whenever accidentally reads a warning of the Ministry of Health; when they pass the campaign against cancer or for clean air; when he once again ache somewhere in his chest; every time he is the only smoker in the company of non-smokers.
Forced to live always with the consciousness, overshadowed by feelings of guilt and fear - that he gets in return?
Pleasure? Pleasure? Discharge? Support?
All this - the error, unless you do not feel pleasant wearing tight shoes for the pleasure that arises at the moment when you take it off! As I said, the main problem - to try to understand not only why it is difficult for smokers to quit smoking, but why there anyone in the world smokes.
You might say, "Well, I know all that, but when you are addicted to it, it becomes very difficult to quit."
But why it is difficult to quit smoking, and why should we give up?
Throughout his life, smokers are looking for answers to these questions. It is believed that the process of withdrawal from nicotine is accompanied by unbearable torment. In fact, on their own physical suffering during withdrawal from nicotine is so weak (see chap. 6), that most smokers have lived life and died without ever knowing that they - addicts.
Some say that the cigarette gives them pleasure. Not true. Everything connected with tobacco, pretty nasty. Ask any smoker who believes that smoking because cigarette gives him pleasure: if he had not been able to buy their usual brand of cigarettes, and took only those that are normally considered repugnant - he quit smoking?
Yes, smokers are more likely to become smoke old rope, than not to smoke! And the fun does not have anything to do with this: I like lobster, but I have no need to roam the streets themselves with a twenty lobsters.
In the life of a lot of different activities that bring us pleasure, but we do not feel deeply unhappy because they do not do at the moment. Some are looking for the deep psychological underpinnings - "Freudian syndrome", "the child from the mother's breast."
But in fact, just the opposite: as a rule, we are starting to smoke, showing that grew and matured. If we had to suck on the public teat, we would have died of embarrassment. Some, on the contrary, they see here the image of the "real men", "macho". Cool - exhale smoke or fire through his nostrils!
This argument is not justified: a burning cigarette in the ear will seem ridiculous. But inhalation of carcinogenic tar in their lungs - a much funnier!
Some say: "This is just what I hold hands! "But then why get a light cigarette?
"It's just oral satisfaction." And again: why then lights a cigarette?
"It is a pleasant feeling of smoke entering the lungs." But it's a terrible feeling - it is called the "choking."
Many believe that smoking relieves boredom. This is also a deception. Boredom - a state of mind, and after a cigarette is nothing entertaining.
For me, the reason to smoke for 33 years was the conviction that smoking relaxes me and gives me confidence and courage. At the same time I knew that it kills me, "it comes at a price."
Why did not I go to the doctor and asked him to write me in exchange tool that would allow me to relax, it would give confidence and courage? I did not go to the doctor, because he knew that he would offer me an alternative means. And the fact that I called the "cause smoking" was just my excuse. Some people say that smoking just because their friends are doing it. Are you really that stupid?
If so, pray that your friends have not started to cut off his head to heal a headache! Most smokers think about it, come to the end, to the conclusion that smoking - just a habit. This is not a real explanation, but if you do not take into account all the usual rational explanations, it seems the only remaining. Unfortunately, this idea to the same extent illogical.
Throughout life, we regularly change habits, although some of them bring us more pleasure. We carefully "punched brains" that we believe that smoking - addiction and the habit is very difficult to refuse. But is it really so difficult?
In the UK, decided to drive on the left side of the road. However, in Europe or in America, we will immediately get rid of the habit without any particular problems. The assertion that it is difficult to get rid of habits, - deception of clean water. In fact, every day we acquire habits and get rid of them.
So why do we believe that it is difficult to break the habit, which has a horrible taste and smell, which is killing us and costing us, vile and disgusting, from which we dream to get rid of if all that is required of us - to stop doing it?
The answer is simple: smoking - not a habit, it is - nicotine addiction!
Because smokers do not realize that this is - drug addiction, they think "give up" smoking extremely difficult. The main reason for this complexity lies in their belief that they get genuine pleasure and / or support from smoking, and believe that this will bring a sacrifice, if you quit smoking.
I have good news for you: nicotine dependence and realized the true reasons for his smoking, you stop smoking "on the count of three."
After three or four weeks, you'll wonder why smoking for so long, and why can not convince other smokers that be non-smokers - happiness!