2. Easy Way to Stop Smoking

The purpose of this book - you have to create a mindset that you will immediately feel the joy overwhelms you, as if recovered from a terrible disease. This is the difference of my method from conventional methods of quitting smoking, following which you start to struggle with smoking, with a feeling as if to climb Mount Everest,

and within a few weeks after blowing live, yearning for a cigarette and desperately jealous of other smokers. Following the "easy way", pretty soon you'll view on cigarettes and wonder how you used to be able to smoke them. Instead of envying smoking, you will look at them with pity.

It is important not to give up smoking until you read the whole book, unless you are a non-smoker and former smoker. This wish may seem contradictory, but later I will certainly explain that the cigarette is absolutely nothing you do not give. Moreover, one of the many puzzles associated with smoking, is that at the very moment when we smoke a cigarette, we look at it and try to understand why we do it.

Cigarette only acquires real value for us when we are deprived of it. But let's face it: whether you like it or not, you know what you're - "on the hook". Once you believe in the "hook", you can never fully relax and focus without a cigarette.

So do not try to quit smoking until you have read the entire book. As you read your desire to smoke will gradually decrease. Do not smack fever - do not start to act ahead of time, since this decision may prove fatal. Remember, all you have to do - follow the instructions.

Reader Reviews gained over twelve years since the first publication of the book shows that it is the wish - to continue smoking until you have read the entire book - has caused more frustrating than any other.

When I first quit smoking, many of my relatives and friends also dropped - just because I did. They thought, "If he could do it, anyone can." For many years, using simple techniques I managed to convince even those who have not thought about how wonderful it is - to be free of nicotine addiction!

After the book was published for the first time, I distributed several copies of inveterate smokers who still receives pleasure, blowing cigarette smoke into the sky. I was sure that even if it's the most boring book in the world, they still read it, though, because it was written by their friend.

A few months later, I was surprised and disappointed to learn that they did not bother to read it. Moreover, I found that the one I believed then best friend and who has signed and presented a copy of his book, not only did not read it, and gave to someone else.

At the time, I was deeply touched by this, however, I have not attached importance to all-consuming fear, who inspires slavish dependence on tobacco every smoker. This fear is stronger than friendship. Once he almost provoked my divorce.

One day, my mother asked my wife, "Why do not intimidate her husband, that you leave him if he did not stop smoking? "What my wife said," Because he would leave me if I do. " I am ashamed to admit, but she was right - the fear is so strong that generates in us smoking.

Now I know that many smokers are not finished reading the book just because they feel: they will have to quit when they finish reading it. Some of them read on line on purpose to delay a terrible day. Today, I am fully aware that many of my readers have their hands tied because they are forced to read a book people they love.

Take a look at the situation from another perspective: what do you lose? If you do not quit smoking by the end of the book, you will not be worse than it is now.


By the way, if you did not smoke for a few days or weeks, but are still not sure who you are: the smoker, former smoker or non-smoker, try not to smoke while reading. In actual fact, you are - a non-smoker! All we now have to do is bring your brain into harmony with your body. By the end of the book you will become happy non-smoker.

Basically my method - the exact opposite of the conventional method to quit smoking. Normal (normal) way is to draw up a list of obvious negative aspects of smoking and the conviction itself:

"If I can hold out long enough without a cigarette, the urge to smoke will pass. Then I'll start to enjoy life again, free from nicotine addiction. "

This is a logical way to put an end to smoking, and every day thousands of smokers quit smoking with the help of the many variations of this method.

However, to succeed, following it very difficult for the following reasons:


1. The real problem - not a problem of quitting smoking. Each time put out the cigarette, you quit smoking. At one day you can make a convincing argument and say, "I do not want to smoke." Such arguments have each smoker in every day of his life, and they are much more important than you can imagine.

The real problem is that the second, ten or ten thousand a day, in a moment of weakness, of triumph, or simply intoxicated, you smoke a cigarette, and as the smoke in some way - drug addiction, you want to light another, then another, one and suddenly become a smoker again.

2. Taking care of their own health should be to stop us. Our mind tells: "Quit, you idiot! "But as a result it becomes even more difficult to quit. We smoke, for example, when nervous, but tell smokers that smoking kills them, and the first thing they will do - to light a cigarette.

3. All the arguments are actually considerably complicate quitting smoking for two reasons.

First, a feeling of sacrifice, as we are forced to give up the "little friend", or support, or a small blemish or pleasure, depending on how it views the smoker.

Secondly, they put us on the "blinders": the reasons why we smoke, are different from those on which we should quit. That sounds like the main question: "Why do we need to smoke? "

An easy way to quit smoking is the following: let's forget about the reasons because of which we would like to quit smoking, and look at the problem of smoking in general, and ask yourself the following questions:

1. What gives me smoking?

2. Do I enjoy it?

3. Do I really want to go through life paying a fortune just for something to choke, putting the contraption in his mouth?

The good news is that smoking is absolutely nothing does not give you .   Let me clarify this point.

I'm not talking about the fact that the disadvantages of smoking far outweigh its positive aspects; know it all smokers. I mean that smoking has no advantages.

The only positive aspect of smoking was once a social (communicative and informal) background; Today, even the smokers believe that smoking - anti-social habit. Most smokers find it necessary to give a rational explanation for his smoking, but their arguments - delusion and illusion.

So the first thing we do - debunk these fallacies and illusions. You will come to understand that, strictly speaking, do not give up on anything. Not only is there nothing of what you have to give, but more than that, to be a non-smoker, there are obvious benefits (money and health - only two of them).

Once it debunked the illusion that life will never be as enjoyable without cigarettes; Once you realize that life is not just as enjoyable without nicotine, and infinitely more pleasant; as soon as the sense of deprivation and longing for a cigarette disappear - we will once again return to the health and money, as well as ten other reasons for quitting.

This understanding will provide you with additional support and help you achieve what you really want: to enjoy a life free from nicotine addiction slave.

1. The most severe case of nicotine addiction

1. The most severe case of nicotine addiction, with whom I have ever encountered

Perhaps I should start with the confirmation of their competence. No, I'm not a doctor and psychiatrist, but we are interested in the field of knowledge can be considered professional.

Thirty-three years of my life I lived as a heavy smoker. In recent years, before quitting smoking, I smoked no less than sixty cigarettes a day, and in a particularly difficult time - up to a hundred.

During his life, I made a lot of attempts to quit smoking. Once I even smoked six months, but he continued to climb the walls still kept close to those who smoke, trying to catch the smell of tobacco, still prefer to travel in cars for smokers.

From the point of view of health for the majority of smokers, the problem is this: "I Brochu smoking before this happened to me?" I have reached the stage when he became convinced that smoking is killing me. I had a constant headache, accompanied by an endless cough.

I felt a continuous surge in the vein extending vertically at the center of the forehead, and sincerely believed that at any moment in my head can burst blood vessels, and I'm going to die of a brain hemorrhage. It bothered me, but did not stop.

I have reached the stage when stopped even trying to quit. Not because I was getting so much pleasure from smoking.

Over a period of time the majority of smokers suffer from the illusion that enjoy the occasional cigarette, but I'm such a mistake has never suffered.

I always hated the taste and smell of cigarettes, but believed that they help me relax. They gave me courage and confidence, and whenever I tried to quit smoking, become unhappy and could not imagine a life of pleasure, without a cigarette.

In the end, my wife sent me to a hypnotherapist. I must admit that it is always skeptical of hypnosis anything about it while not knowing. I imagined a man like Svengali1, with piercing eyes and a swinging pendulum.

I had all the usual illusions about smoking, which have each smoker, except for one: I knew that I - not weak-willed people. I completely control all aspects of their lives, but cigarettes sway over me.

I thought that hypnosis involves violence against the will, and, though it did not prevent an event (like most smokers, I really wanted to give up), but I believe that no one can fool me and prove that the urge to smoke I do not have .

The session turned out to be a waste of time. Hypnotherapist tried to force me to raise their hands, and do various other things. It turned out that really did not work, I did not lose consciousness, did not sink into a trance (or at least did not think it happened).

Yet not only did I quit smoking after a session of hypnosis, but concluded that this process (including the period of withdrawal) - pleasant. Now, before you will break off and flee to a hypnotherapist, let me make something clear.

Hypnotherapy - a means of communication. Get the wrong message, you do not quit. I do not want to criticize the doctor, which asked for advice, because if he had not, I'd be dead by now.

But it happened in spite of, not because of it. I also do not want to seem forward to hypnotherapy; on the contrary, I use it as part of my ongoing consultations.

Hypnotherapy - the power of suggestion, and the powerful force that can be used for good as well as harm. Never refer to a hypnotherapist, if it was not recommended to you by someone whom you respect and who believe.

During all those terrible years, when I was a smoker, I thought that my life depends on cigarettes. I was ready to die rather than to do without them.

Today, people ask me if I had come one day strange pains. The answer is: Never, never, never! On the contrary, I have no more of them, and I live a wonderful life. If I died from smoking, I would, of course, is not complaining.

I was very happy, but the most amazing thing that has happened to me in life, - exemption from this nightmare, from bondage, forced me to go through life, systematically destroying your body and pay through the nose for this dubious privilege.

Let me at the outset to dot the «i»: I am - not a mystical figure. I do not believe in witches or fairies. I'm quite skeptical mind, but what happened to me, I can not be interpreted otherwise than magic. I began to read up everything about hypnosis and smoking. Nothing seemed out of the reading can not explain the miracle happened.

Why this time to quit smoking was so easy, ridiculously easy, if before it was followed by weeks of black depression?


In fact, to deal with all of this, it took me a long time, mainly because I went up to the point right. I tried to find out why quitting smoking was easy, while the main problem was to try to explain the reason for the heavy smokers to quit.

Smokers are talks about the awful agony of withdrawal period, but looking back, trying to remember their terrible suffering, I am convinced that they were not. I had no physical pain. Everything happened only in the mind.

Currently I am constantly busy helping people to get rid of this bad habit. And it is quite possible, I have helped thousands of smokers have already healed. I want to emphasize once importantly incorrigible smokers there.

It is still not met anyone who would just as much addicted to smoking (or, rather, believed that he has the same strong dependence), as I am.

Anyone can not just quit, but make sure to do it - easily.

Basically we make smoking fear: the fear that life without cigarettes will never be as comfortable, and the fear to feel deprived of something necessary. When you stop smoking, you will have only one question: "Why am I smoked for so long? "Let me issue a warning.

"Easy way" involves just two possible reasons for the failure:

1. NESPOBNOST follow the instructions.

Some annoying my categorical in respect of certain recommendations. For example, I urge you to not try to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, or use substitutes (candy, chewing gum and the like - especially anything that contains nicotine).

I'm so categorical because I know his subject. I do not deny that there are many people who were able to quit smoking through the use of such tricks, but they threw in spite of them, not because of them.

There are people who can make love standing on the mound, but it's not the most pleasant way for that entertainment.

All I'm telling you, has one goal: to make quitting smoking easier and thus ensure success.

2. Failure to understand.

Do not take anything for granted. In matters related to smoking, challenge not just my words, but also their own opinions, and what society has taught you.

For example, those of you who think smoking is a habit, you should ask yourself:

"Why is it easy to give up other habits, even pleasant, but the habit that has lousy taste, which flies us a lot of money, and finally, just kills us - so hard to get rid of? "
