25. Irregular smokers, teenagers, nonsmokers

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25. Irregular smokers, teenagers, nonsmokers
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She has not been able to quit smoking at the same time terribly afraid to increase the intake of nicotine out of fear of developing lung cancer, like her parents. But resist the temptation she had for twenty-three hours and ten minutes every single day. It required enormous willpower to do what she could, and as I said, these cases are rare.

But, ultimately, it still brought her to tears. Take a look at the situation from the point of view of logic, either in smoking provides a genuine pleasure and support, or nothing at all. If there anything there is, who wants to wait an hour, day or week?

Why for a certain time, people indulge in obtaining pleasure or support? And if smoking is no true pleasure or support, then why do smoke?

I remember another case, a man who smoked five cigarettes a day. He started talking on the phone in a hoarse voice: "Mr. Carr, I just wanted to quit before I die."

Here's how this man described his life. "I'm sixty-one years. Because smoking I gained throat cancer. Now I can physically Cigarette smoke only five a day. Previously, I slept soundly all night. Now I wake up every hour, and the only thing I can think of - is tobacco. Even when I sleep, I dream to smoke.

I can not smoke the first cigarette in the morning till 10 o'clock. I get up at 5 in the morning and drink endless cups of tea. My wife gets up about eight and, as I now have quite a disgusting character, it will not let me stay in the house. I go to the greenhouse and try to do something, but I persistently pursue the idea of ​​smoking.

At nine I start to twist their first cigarette and twisting it up until it becomes perfect. Not that I needed it to be perfect, I just have something to do. Then I wait for 10 hours. When the time is right, my hands start to shake uncontrollably. I did not immediately lights a cigarette. After all, if I smoke, I have to wait for three hours before the next one.

In the end, I light, make a right and the tightening of stub out a cigarette. Continuing in this way, I can stretch smoking one cigarette for an hour.

I smoke a cigarette, yet it shall not remain only a quarter of an inch (0, 6 cm), and then forward to the next. " In addition to all its ills, poor man burned his two lips as smoking cigarettes almost to the end. Perhaps you have formed the image of a complete idiot. But this is not so. The man - a former Marine sergeant.

Previously, he was engaged in athletics and did not want to become a smoker. However, in the last war Society estimates that cigarettes give courage, and all the soldiers were given rations of cigarettes. He actually ordered to be a smoker.

He spent the rest of his life, spending a fortune on cigarettes and spending taxpayers' money on their own treatment - all completely destroyed his health and has undermined the power of life.

If he is not a man but an animal, society would have taken pity on him and stopped his torment, but we live and continue to allow the physically and mentally healthy adolescents become dependent on smoking. You might think that the above case - an exaggeration. Yes, this is an extreme case, but not unique.

I know literally thousands of similar stories. That man poured out my soul, but you can be sure that many of his friends and acquaintances envy him because he smokes only five cigarettes a day.

If you think that you will not happen anything like that, stop fooling himself. YOU it is already happening.

In any case, smokers - unscrupulous liars, lying about even to themselves. They have to lie. Most of the non-regular smokers smoke cigarettes a lot more and a lot more reasons than recognized.

I spent a lot of conversations with so-called "five-cigarettes-to-day" - smokers, during which they smoked more than five cigarettes only in my presence. Observe irregular smokers at parties, such as weddings and birthdays. Like most other smokers, they smoke continuously.

You should not be jealous of irregular smokers. You should not smoke at all. Life is infinitely sweeter without cigarettes. Generally, teens heal much more complicated, and not because they think it is difficult to quit smoking. Either they do not believe they are addicted to nicotine, or are still in the early stages of the disease and suffer from the illusion that manage to quit before the move to the second stage.

Especially I would like to warn parents of the children who hate smoking, so they did not feel a false sense of security. All children hate the smell and taste of tobacco, while not addicted to it.

At the time, you do not like smoking. Also, do not be deceived by government campaigns against smoking. The trap remains the same as it has always been. Children know that cigarettes kill, but even they understand that one cigarette will not kill.

At some point, they may be influenced by a friend or a friend, classmate or colleagues. Did you think that they should just try to smoke a cigarette, the taste of which will be so horrible that they never became addicted to smoking.

I think that the failure to prevent the society our children dependent on nicotine and other drugs - the saddest of all the many sad sides discussed our problem.

I thought a lot about it and wrote a book (published in Russian by the publishing house "Good Book"), which purpose - to address the issue of how to protect our children from addiction to smoking and how to help them get rid of it, if they are already addicted.

The vast majority of adolescents become dependent on more dangerous drugs, was first introduced to the concept of chemical dependency when the fall in the trap of nicotine.

Therefore, helping them to avoid it, you greatly reduce the risk that they are addicted to more dangerous drugs. I beg you, leave complacency in this regard. It is necessary to protect adolescents at a very early age, and if you have kids, I strongly advise you to read my book.

Even if you suspect that your child may already be addicted to drugs, the book gives you a great guide that will help it heal.

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25. Irregular smokers, teenagers, nonsmokers

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25. Irregular smokers, teenagers, nonsmokers
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Smoker, smoking only in the morning or in the evening.

He punishes himself suffering from the pangs of withdrawal during the first half of the day, in order to facilitate them in the second half.

Again, I ask him: "Why, if he likes to smoke, he does not smoke all day, and if he does not like smoking, why does he do it? "

Smoker, who started or stopped smoking six months ago.

(Or, "Oh, I can quit when I want. I stopped to smoke a thousand times.") If he likes to smoke, why he stopped smoking for six months? If he does not get any pleasure from smoking, why he started smoking again? The fact that it is still in nicotine dependence.

Although he got rid of physical dependence, it remains a major problem - "brainwashing." Every time he hopes that quit smoking for good, but soon falls into the trap again.

Many smokers are jealous of those who throws and again begins to smoke. They think, "As they were lucky that they were able to control smoking, ie smoking, when they want, and throw, if they wish. " However, they always miss the fact that people who start something, then quit smoking, do not control the process of smoking.

When they smoke, they secretly dream of smoke. When they - non-smokers, dream about to smoke. If you think about it, it becomes clear that this statement is true for all the other smokers. When we were allowed to smoke, and we take it for granted, or even want to be nonsmokers.

Cigarettes become valuable to us only when we can not smoke. This is a terrible dilemma smokers. They can never win, because the hope for an illusion. Only one way leads to victory: stop smoking and stop moping.

Smoker "I smoke only on a special occasion."

Yes, we all start with this. But it is not surprising, as the rapidly growing number of cases, and that's before we realize it, we are starting to smoke on any occasion.

Smoker "I threw, but occasionally smoke a cigarette or a cigar."

In a sense, these smokers cause the greatest pity. They either live, considering himself left out, or what happens more often, their occasional cigar becomes two. They remain on a slippery path that led in only one direction - downwards. Sooner or later they will have to once again become regular smokers. They again and again fall into the same trap that caught earlier.

There are two other categories of occasional smokers.

The first type - smokers smoked a cigarette or cigar random at parties. In actual fact, they - non-smokers. They do not like to smoke. It's just their feeling that they are missing something. They want to be in the thick of things. We all start the same way.

The next time the cigars go around, notice how after some time, the participants are no longer delayed by them. Even smokers can not wait to put out his cigar. They would much rather prefer to smoke their own cigarettes. The more expensive and more cigar, the harder it smoke - it seems that the damn thing would have to spend too much overnight.

Smokers second category are quite rare; of thousands of people turn to me for help, I can think of only a dozen examples. Here is one of them.

I called the woman recorded on a personal meeting. She - a lawyer, smokes about twelve years old, and in all that time never smoked more or less than two cigarettes a day. By the way, she is very strong-willed and determined woman.

I explained to her that the success of group classes no less than the individual, and in any case, I'm an individual receiving only if the person is so famous that it will lead to the breakdown of the group's work. She started crying and I could not resist the tears.

Consultation is a lot of money; But most smokers would be at a loss, first of all, why is it even wanted to quit. They would gladly have paid my bill amount that I put the lady just for something to smoke two cigarettes a day. They make the mistake of assuming that those who smoke occasionally, happier and can control their "habit."

Maybe it can, but certainly not happier. In our case, both parents of the woman died of lung cancer before she is addicted to smoking. Like me, she was terrified of smoking until the first cigarette smoked. Like me, she eventually fell victim to the strong pressure and tried their first cigarette.

Like me, she still remembers her lousy taste. But unlike me, to capitulate and quickly became a heavy smoker, she desperately resisted the fall. All you've ever enjoyed a cigarette - is ending craving for it, regardless of whether it is caused by the almost imperceptible physical dependence on nicotine or torture of the mind, the source of which - the prohibition to scratch an itchy place.

On their own cigarettes - the poison and the muck. That's why you are suffering from the illusion of getting pleasure from cigarettes only after a period of abstinence. Like the feeling of hunger or thirst, the longer you suffer from them, the more fun experience when finally quench them.

Smokers make the mistake of believing that smoking - just a habit. They think, "If I could reduce smoking to a certain level, or if I could smoke only on special occasions, my body and mind would agree with that. Then, if I want, I can keep the number of cigarettes smoked at the same level or even reduce it. " Be clear: there is no "habit."

Smoking - a drug addiction. The natural tendency can be regarded as the desire to facilitate the withdrawal of flour, and not to extend them. Even the desire to keep smoking at the same level at which you are now, will require you to willpower and discipline throughout the rest of his life: as the increasing immunity of your body to the drug you want to smoke more and more, not less and downward.

As the nicotine begins to destroy your physical and mental health and shake your nervous system, confidence in themselves and their own abilities, you'll be less able to resist the desire to reduce the intervals between cigarettes. That's why at the beginning we still can smoke or not to smoke.

If we catches a cold, then stop smoking. This explains why people of my type, never had the illusion that they get pleasure from smoking, were forced to continue to smoke one cigarette after another, despite the fact that each cigarette becomes a real physical torture.

Do not envy the woman. When you smoke twelve hours just one cigarette, she gets to you the most valuable thing in the world. Within twelve hours, the poor woman was in a bitter struggle with them.

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