4. Smoking - the most insidious, the most ominous trap

Smoking - the most insidious, the most ominous trap created by the joint efforts of man and nature.

Who pushes us to it in the first place? Thousands of adult smokers. They even warn us that smoking - a nasty habit, destructive in the end, our body and getting around is very expensive,

but we can not believe that they do not get pleasure from the process. One of the curious aspects of smoking - what you need to try hard to become addicted to it.

This is the only pitfall in nature, in which there is no bait, even a tiny piece of cheese. The trap closes no matter what the taste of cigarettes is delicious, and the fact that it is disgusting.

If the taste of the first cigarette was pleasant, rang a warning bell would be alarming, and as rational beings we would understand why half the adult population regularly pays big money for what poison themselves.

But since that first cigarette was disgusting, our youthful mind was quite comforted that we somehow never addicted to this, because they do not get any pleasure from cigarettes, so - will be able to quit whenever you want.

It is the only drug in nature, which does not allow you to reach your goal.

Boys usually start smoking because they want to look "cool", imitating the heroes of Clint Eastwood. The last thing you feel from the first cigarette - what you are "cool".

You do not dare to drag as it should, and if you smoke a lot too - feel dizzy and then sick.

At this point, you most want to get away from the other guys and throw those nasty cigarettes. The girl wants to look modern and sophisticated. We've all seen them, take short inhaling at the same time producing a ludicrous impression.

By the time the boys will learn to look "cool", and the girls - highly experienced, they regret that once started smoking. It is interesting to know whether smoking lends sophistication to women, or that the image imposed on cigarette advertising.

The rest of life we ​​will have in trying to explain to myself why we smoke, telling children how to avoid falling into the trap, and from time to time trying to "tie."

But the trap is designed so that we are trying to quit only when experiencing a lot of stress associated with health, lack of money or that we again made to feel like lepers.

Quit smoking, we begin to experience even more stress, forcing himself to do without what is hoped to relieve stress: without our old friend - the cigarette.

After several days of torture, we come to the decision that you have chosen the wrong time: you should wait for the moment when we will not have stress.

Once that thought comes to mind, a reason to quit smoking completely disappears. It is obvious that such a time will never come - we know that life has a tendency to become more and more tense.

When we go away from the parent wing, begins the natural process of building the house, debt accumulation, the birth of children, career, etc. etc. Thus, hoping for peace, we will again dwell in the illusion. In addition, it is known that the most stressful times in anyone's life - early childhood and adolescence.

We confuse responsibility and stress. The life of a smoker automatically becomes more tense, as tobacco can not relax and relieve stress as society makes us believe.

Everything is exactly the opposite: in fact, smoking leads to the fact that you feel more and more nervous and tense.

Those smokers who at least once manage to "engage", can be happy as long as again not fall into dependence on nicotine.

All business related to smoking, resembles a giant walk in the maze. As soon as we enter it, our minds are fogged up, and we spend rest of his life in an attempt to escape. For many of us this is, after all, possible, but only to again fall into the trap.

I spent 33 years old, trying to get out of this maze. Like all smokers, I did not realize it. However, due to a combination of unusual circumstances (none of which makes me the honor), I wanted to know why throughout my life I was so desperately hard to quit, but my attempt was successful not only easy but also enjoyable.

Since the cessation of smoking, my hobby (and later my profession) has become the solution of many mysteries associated with nicotine dependence. This is a challenging and fun puzzle game that, like a Rubik's Cube, it is practically impossible to collect.

However, as with most complex puzzles, if you know the solution - it's easy!

I know how to quit smoking with ease.

I will bring you out of the labyrinth, and I promise that you will never it does not wander. All you have to do - follow the instructions. If you roll up the wrong way, all further recommendations will be meaningless.

Let me emphasize: find that quitting smoking is easy, anyone can, but first you need to install all of the facts. No, I do not mean the facts that give rise to fear.

I am convinced that you are quite aware of the dangers of smoking. If this knowledge is stopped, you would have long ago quit smoking.

I mean understanding the reasons that smoking cessation seems to us very difficult.

To answer this question it is necessary to establish the true reasons why we still smoke.

5. Why do we continue to smoke?

We all start smoking foolishly normally pressurized environment, or at a party, but when we feel that getting used - why do we continue to smoke?

None of regular smokers do not know why he smokes.

If he had known the real reason he left to smoke.

In his consultations, I asked this question to thousands of smokers.

The correct answer is the same for all, but the diversity of the responses received indefinitely.

I think that this piece of advice - the most fun, but at the same time and the saddest.

Deep in my heart all smokers understand that they are fools.

Before becoming dependent on smoking, they know that they do not have the slightest need to smoke.

Most of them can remember the sickening taste of their first cigarette, and what they had to work thoroughly before they are addicted to smoking.

The most annoying is that they understand the mind that non-smokers not only have nothing to lose but laugh smokers (hard not to laugh Vudget dau1).

But smokers - a reasonable, rational people.

They know that they are at great risk their health and are aware of the fact that for the life of spending a fortune on cigarettes.

Therefore, to justify their habits they need to have a rational explanation.

The real reason why smokers continue to smoke - an insidious combination of factors, which I make out in detail in the next two chapters.

42. You will not fail if you follow the simple instructions

Table of contents
42. You will not fail if you follow the simple instructions
Page 2

4. Misunderstanding instructions.

a) "I can not think about smoking."

Of course, you can not, and if they are going to try, you will earn a phobia and become unhappy. It's like trying to sleep in insomnia: the more you try, the worse you get. I think of smoking 90% of their time. It is important what you think. If you want to, "I'd love to smoke a cigarette" or "When I become free? "It will be miserable. If you think: "Hurray! I - free "- you will be happy.

b) "When it dies little monster? "

Nicotine is rapidly leave your body. However, to say exactly when it will stop your body suffer from mild physical withdrawal from nicotine sensation, impossible. This feeling of insecurity and a feeling of emptiness reminiscent of the usual hunger, depression or tension. Cigarette only increases the level of hunger. That is why smokers quit smoking method willpower will never be absolutely sure if they broke their habit.

Even after your body has ceased to suffer from nicotine hunger when he is experiencing normal hunger or stress, your brain will continue to affirm: "It you want to smoke a cigarette." You should not wait for the urge to pass nicotine - she is so weak that we are not even aware of its existence.

It is known to us only as a feeling of "I want to smoke." Departing after the final treatment session in the dentist's office, you do not wait until the jaw stop hurting? Of course not. You continue to live. You have a good mood, even if the jaw still aches.

c) Wait for the "moment of truth".

Waiting for him to come, you just create another phobia. Once I quit smoking for three weeks, using the method of willpower. I met an old school friend and former smoker. He asked, "How's it going? "I said," lasted three weeks. " He wondered: "What do you mean by that lasted three weeks? "I said," I lasted three weeks without a cigarette. "

Then he said: "What are you going to do next? Keep the rest of your life? What are you waiting for? You're already done. You - a non-smoker. " And I thought, "But he is absolutely right. What do I expect? "Unfortunately, because at that time I did not fully understand the nature of the trap of smoking, I soon re-lit, but noted this feature. You become a non-smoker, when was finishing his last cigarette. It is important that you have from the outset been happy.

d) "I still miss about cigarettes."

Well, if you behave really stupid. How can you say; "I want to be a non-smoker," and then say, "I want a cigarette?" This is a contradiction. Saying, "I want a cigarette," you are, in fact, declares: "I want to be a smoker." Non-smokers do not want to smoke. You already know what you want in real life, so stop torturing yourself.

d) "I dropped out of life."

Why is that? All that you are asked to do - stop strangling himself. You do not have to stop living. Look at how simple. For some time you have to live with a small injury. Your body will suffer from almost imperceptible deterioration due Unlearning from nicotine.

But you know very well this condition: that way you suffered when he was a smoker - when falling asleep or were in the church, supermarket or library. It seems that when you were a smoker, you is not particularly worried. But if you do not quit, you will suffer the rest of his life.

No cigarettes pose pleasure of a dinner or a friendly atmosphere at the meeting - rather, they destroy it. Even while your body still feels the need for nicotine, meeting with friends and breakfasts - wonderful. Life is wonderful! Feel free to go to social events, even if there will be twenty-smokers.

Remember: it's not you, and they are experiencing hardship. Each of them would have gladly at your place. Enjoy your situation "first violin" and be in the limelight. Stopping smoking - a great topic for conversation, especially when smokers see that you are happy and cheerful. They, of course, decide that your case - unique. It is important that you have from the very beginning to enjoy life. You have no need to envy smoking - it they will envy you.

e) "I am unhappy and irritable."

That's because you have not followed my instructions. Determine what advice you missed. Some smokers understand me and believe in everything that I say, but, nevertheless proceed to implement the plan with a sense of sadness and inevitability of fate, waiting for something terrible.

What for? After all, you do not just fulfill its desire, but do what you would like to make any smoker on the planet. According to any method of quitting, a smoker every person wants to reach a special state of mind in which, whenever he thought about smoking, he could say to himself: "Hurrah! I AM FREE! "

If it is - is your goal, why wait? Stay in a similar frame of mind from the beginning and never lose it. The final part of the book is to make you understand why there is no alternative.


You will not fail if you follow these simple instructions.

1. Give the solemn promise that you will never - ever - do not smoke, chew or suck anything that contains nicotine, and keep your promise.

2. be clear: there is absolutely nothing of what you give, or what you throw. In saying this, I mean not only that you will be pleased to live a non-smoker (you know it always).

No, I mean something else: though your smoking not explicable in terms of the logic, you should receive from him a kind of pleasure or support - otherwise you would not do that. But I would argue that there is no smoking pleasure or support - unless you like banging your head against the wall for the pleasure one experiences when you stop this attraction.

3. There is no concept of "a dedicated smoker." You - just one of the millions got into this insidious trap. Like millions of other ex-smokers who once thought they could not get out, you do it.

4. Whenever you began to weigh the "pros" and "cons" of smoking, you always come to the same conclusion: "Stop smoking. You're a fool! "Nothing will ever change that. It always has been and always will be. Knowing that you made the right decision, do not torture yourself, doubting it.

5. Do not try to not think about smoking and do not worry that you are constantly thinking about it.

However, whenever you think about smoking - whether today, tomorrow or later, whether - think as follows:

"HOORAY! I - non-smokers! "

6. DO NOT use any substitutes.

Do not keep to yourself a cigarette.

Do not avoid other smokers.

Do not change your lifestyle just because quitting.

If you follow the guidelines above, you will soon outlive "the moment of truth." But:

7. Do not wait for its occurrence. Just continue to lead a normal life. Enjoy life's ups and downs to deal with. You will certainly soon find that this moment has come.

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