Table of contents
32. Easy Way to Stop Smoking
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1. Throw in fact, absolutely nothing. On the contrary, you will gain invaluable advantages. I mean not only that you will be healthier and richer you will get more pleasure from the happy moments of life and easier to cope with grief.
2. clearly understand that there is no such thing as "just one cigarette." Smoking - a drug dependency and chain reaction. Secretly hoping and yearning for occasional cigarette, you just will punish himself, although this is not necessary.
3. Look at the smoking, not as a social habit that can hurt you as well as drug addiction. Whether you like it or not, but you - the patient. The disease will not work if we just bury their heads in the sand. Remember, like all serious disease, your disease is not only a chronic (ie lasting for a lifetime), but also progressive. The right time to treat your illness - right now.
4. Separate the disease (ie, chemical dependency) from the state of mind of the smoker or non-smoker. If you allow smokers to return to a time when they are not addicted to nicotine, they are happy to take hold of the proposal. Today, the opportunity you have! Do not even think of it as a "failure" of smoking.
By adopting a final decision had already smoked his last cigarette, you immediately become a non-smoker. Smoker - one of those unfortunates who have to go through life, destroying their health nicotine.
Non - one who has no such need. Once you make a final decision, I immediately reach your goal. Rejoice in this. It is not necessary to sit dejectedly, waiting for when they host the chemical dependency.
Quit smoking and immediately begin to enjoy life.
Life is delicious even when you are addicted to nicotine, and when you do not have this relationship, it day after day will become more beautiful and more beautiful.
The key to ensuring that smoking cessation easier - the confidence that you will succeed and completely refrain from smoking during the period of withdrawal (up to three weeks).
If you are properly configured, you will find that quitting smoking is ridiculously simple. If you open your mind, as I asked in the beginning, then by this time had already come to a decision that you are going to stop smoking.
Now you feel impatient, like a dog pulls on the leash; You already can not wait to begin the withdrawal of the poison from the body.
If you feel depressed, and the future looks dim view of you, this may be due to the following reasons.
1. You did not have learned some important points. Reread the five points above, and ask yourself if you believe in what they are valid. If you doubt any of them, re-read the relevant sections of the book.
2. Are you afraid of the failure. Do not worry. Just keep reading. You will succeed. Smoking resembles a large-scale fraudulent trick, and only a fool, once opened sell, will continue to deceive himself.
3. Do you agree with all the above, but still feel miserable. Do not! Open your eyes. There is something wonderful. You are about to make a jailbreak. It is important to start to quit smoking in the right mood: how wonderful that I - a non-smoker!
All we now need to do - to maintain this attitude in itself during the period of withdrawal, and the next few chapters will be devoted to special techniques, which will help you to keep it.
At the end of the period of withdrawal you will not have to think this way on purpose, it would be quite natural for you.
The only thought that darkens your life, will regret: "It's so obvious! Why did not I realize this before? "
However, let me make two important caveats.
1. Put your plan to smoke a last cigarette as long as you have read the entire book.
2. Several times I mentioned that the withdrawal period lasts up to three weeks. This statement may cause a misconception.
First, you will subconsciously feel that three weeks you will have to suffer. No, it is not necessary.
Second, avoid the trap that lies in wait for those who are thinking, "Somehow hold out for three weeks and then be free."
In fact, three weeks, nothing happens. You suddenly feel that they have become a non-smoker. Non-smokers compared to smokers, I do not feel anything special.
If you are tormented because of quitting during these three weeks, probably by the end of this period you will remain depressed.
I say that if you can say to yourself right now: "I will never again smoke. Well, is not it wonderful? "The three weeks the temptation to smoke will pass.
But if you say: "I would only survive three weeks without cigarettes," even after these three weeks will still be dying to smoke a cigarette.