28. Choosing the right time to stop smoking

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28. Choosing the right time to stop smoking
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From the reviews I know that many smokers have used my initial advice concerning the timing; postpone the day which, in their opinion, would be a terrible day. Then it occurred to me to use the same technique that I have used in the chapter on the benefits of smoking.

I would have written something like: "The timing is very important in the next chapter, I'll give you some advice, what time can be regarded as the most suitable and when you should make an attempt to quit smoking." You turn the pages, and there is a large letters NOW.

This - the best advice, but you follow it? That is the most insidious feature of the trap of smoking. Stress - the wrong time to stop smoking, and in the absence of stress - no desire to throw. Ask yourself the following questions.

When you smoked that, the very first, a cigarette, whether you have decided that you continue to smoke for the rest of life, all the days of his life, every day, without being able to stop? - OF COURSE NOT!

Are you going to continue to smoke for the rest of life, every day, every day, without being able to stop? - OF COURSE NOT!

So when you stop smoking? Tomorrow? Next year? In a year? Is this not what you are constantly asking yourself, ever since when I first realized that addiction to smoking? You really hope that one morning you wake up and you will have no more desire to smoke?

Cease to fool himself. I waited for it to happen with me, for thirty-three years. Once addicted, you are gradually drawn more and no less. Do you think tomorrow will be easier? Do not be fooled.

If you can not do it today, what makes you think that tomorrow will be easier? You are going to wait until actually not earn one of the diseases that lead to death? But it is somewhat pointless ...

The real trap is the belief that today - not a good time, but tomorrow will be easier.

We believe that're busy lives. In fact it's not. The most severe stress already experienced.

Leaving the house, you do not live in fear that you are attacked by wild animals. Most of us do not have to worry about where to get food the next time or where to find a shelter that night. Think about how to live a wild animal.

Each time getting out of its burrow, rabbit risks as well as soldiers in a combat zone. However, the rabbit unable to cope with it. Yes, it adrenaline and other hormones - but because we are too. The truth is that the most tense periods in the life of any creature - his childhood and youth.

Three billion years of natural selection have prepared us to to cope with stress. I was five years old when the war began. Our home was bombed, and I have been separated from parents for two years. I lived among people who treated me badly. It was a bad period of my life, but I was able to cope with it.

I do not think he's left in my soul eternal scars; rather, it made me stronger. When I look back on my life, it has only one, which I was not able to handle - from the bondage fucking tobacco. A few years ago I felt that my head struck the whole "world sorrow."

I was on the verge of suicide - not in the sense that he was going to jump off the roof, and that he knew that smoking will kill me soon. I was sure to continue to live without the support - the cigarette - just not worth it. I did not yet understand that when a person is in a state of physical and mental oppression, everything takes him out of himself and seems terrible. Now again I feel like a boy.

The only thing that changed in my life - I got out of the trap of nicotine. I know that the phrase "If you do not have health - you have nothing" - a literary cliche, but because it is absolutely true. I used to think the fans fitness disabilities people.

I argued that in life there are more interesting things than the feeling of cheerfulness, such as alcohol and tobacco. All this is nonsense! When you feel physically and mentally strong, you can enjoy the ups and downs to deal with. We confuse responsibility and stress.

Responsibility begins accompanied by stress only when you do not feel strong enough to carry it. Richard Burton of the world are strong both physically and mentally.

They did not destroy the stresses of life, not a job, and not age, and bad habits, which they consider to be their "legs", which resorted to the help and which, unfortunately, is only an illusion. It is sad to realize that in the case of Richard Burton and millions of other similar cases, such "support" kill.

Let's look at the situation from a different perspective. You've already made the decision that it is not going to remain trapped until the end of his days. Therefore, at some point in their lives, no matter whether you easy or hard, have to go through the process of liberation. Smoking - not a habit or pleasure.

This is - drug addiction and illness .   We have already established that the statement "tomorrow will be easier to quit smoking" - far from the truth, because over time to quit it only gets harder and harder.

When it comes to a disease that gradually progresses, the appropriate time to recover - RIGHT NOW (or as soon as possible, as far as you succeed). Think how fast the days fly by our life - all this and said.

Think how great it would be to enjoy the joy of life, is not clouded by these sinister shadows of guilt and fear. But if you follow my instructions, you will not need to wait five days.

Put out the last cigarette, you will not only find that quitting smoking is easy: You Like It!

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22. The method of willpower

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22. The method of willpower
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The process of quitting smoking difficult is another factor - the expectation of what is about to happen something. If your goal - to pass a test to drive a car, you reach the goal as soon as it passed. In accordance with the method of willpower you say to yourself: "If I can hold out long enough without a cigarette, the urge to smoke, in the end, will be held."

How do you know that have achieved the goal? The trick is that you will never know it, because the waiting that is about to happen something and be something more ... completely nothing you have stopped smoking at the time when smoked his last cigarette. You are, in fact, see how long it will take before you give up.

As I said, the agony experienced by a smoker dropped out - mentally, it gives rise to uncertainty. Although it is not accompanied by physical pain, but still has a strong impact: the smoker miserable and unsure of himself.

He can not forget about smoking, he was haunted by the thought of cigarettes. For it can occur days or even weeks of anguish black and master mind of doubt and fear: "How long will the urge to smoke? "

"Would I ever again happy? "" If I want to if I ever wake up in the morning? "'Will I ever again enjoy the food? "" How will I cope with stress in the future? "" Shall I again enjoy the company of friends? "

CSM expects that all is about to change for the better, but of course, as it is in a depressed state, the cigarette becomes for him more and more value. In fact, something that still happens, but a smoker does not realize it.

If he can survive three weeks without smoking entirely or receipt of nicotine in any form, the physical craving for it disappears. However, as already mentioned, flour withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that the smoker about them and does not know.

After about three weeks, many smokers feel that they are "committed" to the case. Then they light a cigarette, to prove it, and - the end!

The taste of cigarettes is horrible, but now ex-smoker put into your body a dose of nicotine, and as soon as he finished his cigarette, nicotine will begin to leave again his body. In the depths of the consciousness of the smoker immediately sounds a quiet voice: "How do you want another cigarette! ".

Yes, he did away with smoking, but now once again made himself dependent. Typically, the smoker did not immediately lights another cigarette. He thinks: "I do not want to again become dependent on nicotine."

Therefore, it allows you to go to some safe period, which may be hours, days or even weeks. Now the ex-smoker can say, "Well, since I'm not addicted to smoking again, I can calmly smoke another cigarette."

He again fell into the same trap, and has already embarked on a slippery slope. Smokers who managed to quit smoking using the method of willpower usually say that it was a difficult task, take a long time.

This is due to the fact that the main problem is "brainwashing", and long after the physical addiction to nicotine fade away, sulking smoker without cigarettes. After all, if he can hold out long enough, before it begins to realize that he can not give up.

Then he stops moping and take for granted that life is pleasant and without cigarettes. Many smokers can achieve success using this method, but it is very difficult, and failure are far more common than victory. Even those who are able to abstain from smoking, living in a vulnerable state.

They do not have outlived the consequences of "brainwashing" and still believe, that in moments of grief or joy cigarette can provide good support. (The majority of non-smokers are in a similar error, as is also exposed to "brainwashing."

But they understand, or that they can not learn to "have fun" of smoking, or do not want to suffer from its negative effects - for which they thank you very much.) This explains why many smokers stopped smoking for a long time, start again. Many ex-smokers sometimes smoke a cigarette or as a "special treat", or to convince ourselves, what they still nasty.

Everything happens so, but as soon as they was finishing begins removing nicotine from the body, and a little voice in the back of my mind again starts the song: "Do you want another cigarette! "

If they light up one more, the taste is the same disgusting and smokers say, "Wonderful! Until I get pleasure from smoking, I do not get dependent on it. After Christmas / holiday / injury I stop smoking. "

Too late. They have re-addicted. The trap in which they were at the beginning, once again demanded his victim.

As I keep repeating, there is no pleasure in smoking. There never was! If we smoked for pleasure, no one would never smoke more than one cigarette.

We believe that we enjoy smoking just because we can not believe that stupid enough to smoke from cigarettes without getting any pleasure. That's why in our smoking so much unconscious.

If during the smoking of each cigarette you should be fully aware of the number and action of harmful substances into the lungs, you would have to say to yourself: "So, in total, over a lifetime it would cost me 50 000 pounds, and can be, this is the most cigarette will be the one with which to start the cancer process in the lungs. "

But in this case it lost even the illusion of obtaining pleasure. Trying to block my mind from the negative aspects of smoking, we feel stupid. And if we had to come to terms with them, it would be unbearable!

If you watch for smokers, especially in the performance of public functions, you will see that they are happy only when they do not realize that smoke. Once they understand this, then, as a rule, begin to feel guilty and embarrassed.

We smoke to feed the little monster ... and as soon as you remove it from your body and mind, you will not have neither the need nor the desire to smoke.

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