17. All the dangers of smoking to health

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17. All the dangers of smoking to health
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I knew it must be scarlet, and believed that I had some kind of blood disease. I'm glad its density, which meant that I would no longer be heavy bleeding. Only after I quit smoking, I learned that smoking thickens the blood and that it was caused by a brownish tint lack of oxygen.

At that time I had no idea about this investigation, but looking back I understand that it is a manifestation of the impact of smoking on my health today fills me with the greatest horror. When I think of my poor heart who tried to download the dirt on the constriction of blood vessels every day, without missing a single thrust, I believe a miracle that I have not had a heart attack.

It made me wonder what does not, how fragile our bodies, and how strong and cunning, these incredible machines! After forty in my arms were "age spots" (pigment brown and white spots appearing on the face and arms of the elderly). I tried not to pay attention to them, thinking that they are caused by early aging of the organism caused by the active busy life that I led.

Once in the hospital, I heard one man remark that after he stopped smoking, he has this pigmentation disappeared. I have not smoked for five years and about their spots had forgotten - and what was my surprise when I saw that they, too, had disappeared! How many can remember, every time I got up abruptly, especially when taking a bath, before my eyes swam circles.

I felt dizzy, as if about to faint, but never connected it with smoking and was convinced that it is perfectly normal and is observed at all. Until five years ago, a former smoker did not tell me that he no longer has that feeling, I did not come to me that I do not feel it anymore.

You can draw the conclusion that I have - a hypochondriac. I believe that I had them until smoking. Smoking is fooling us into believing that give us courage when in fact it gradually and imperceptibly deprives us of it. I remember my shock when my father said that would not want to live up to fifty.

I hardly imagined that twenty years later, I too would like lack of "lust for life". You may find this chapter too scary and dark, and to doubt its necessity. I assure you it is needed! As a child I was very afraid of death. I believed that smoking will help me deal with this fear. In a sense, it has helped, replacing the fear of something infinitely worse: the fear LIVE!

Now my fear of dying back, but do not bother me so much, I am aware that it exists only because life brings me pleasure. I do not think so much about the fear of death, as a child. I live life to the full and are too busy for that. I probably have no chance to live to a hundred years, but I'll try.

Not only that: I will try to enjoy every precious moment of life! There are two advantages of healthy life that never occurred to me until I quit smoking.

First - termination of recurring nightmares torment me every night. I dreamed that I was being followed. I assume that these nightmares were the result of nicotine deprivation during the night and the feeling of insecurity that led to his absence.

Now the only nightmare that I visited - a dream that I re-lit. This dream is quite common among former smokers. Some worry that it is a subconscious longing for a cigarette. Do not worry about it. I believe that it shows your joy from the fact that you are a non-smoker.

There is a zone of half-sleep after any nightmare when you wake up, not quite sure of the reality - but how much more pleasant then realize that it was just a dream! When I described that every night for me someone chasing a dream, I once scored instead of "persecution" - "chastity."

Perhaps it was one of "typos Freud," but tell me how best to proceed to the second advantage. At the clinics, examining the impact of smoking on the ability to focus, sometimes I say, "What organ of your body most needs a good blood flow?"

Silly grin men indicate that they do not quite understand the meaning of the question. However, they are absolutely right. As old-fashioned Englishman, I find this topic rather awkward, and I have no intention to go into details regarding the harmful effects exerted by smoking on my own sexual activity and pleasure, or sexual activity of other ex-smokers, with whom I discussed this topic .

I can only say one thing: not yet stopped smoking, I had no idea about the effects of smoking and to treat their sexual prowess and activity (or rather the lack thereof) at the expense of passing years.

Looking non-fiction films, you know that the basic law of nature is survival, and the second - the survival of the species or reproduction. Nature ensures that the reproduction does not happen, if the partners do not feel physically fit and do not believe that to ensure the safety of its territory, the ability to feed themselves and the right partner.

Men's ingenuity enabled us to slightly change the rules, but I do know that smoking can cause impotence. I can also assure you that feeling free and healthy, you will get to have sex a lot more fun and be able to enjoy it a lot more often.

Smokers often mistaken belief that the negative effects of smoking are greatly exaggerated. In fact, the situation is the opposite. There is no doubt that cigarettes - leading cause of death in our society. The problem is that in many cases where cigarettes are the cause of death, or are an aggravating factor, the statistics do not put the blame on them.

It is estimated that 44% of fires in homes caused by smoking. I wonder how much of it was caused by automobile accidents occurring in those few moments when you look away from the road to light? I - very careful driver, but the closest to the death (except for the smoking process in general) when he tried to roll a cigarette while sitting behind the wheel.

I do not like to think about how many times a fit of coughing cigarette flew out of my mouth, risking to fall somewhere between the seats. I think all the drivers-smokers have this experience: trying to drive a car with one hand, and the other - to attach somewhere a lit cigarette. "Brainwashing" leads to a tendency to talk like a man falling from the building stoetazhnogo. Flying the fiftieth floor, he said: "So far, so good."

We believe that once went so far as to smoking, even one extra cigarette will not change anything.

Try to look at the situation differently: "habit" - a continuous chain of a lifetime, because each cigarette creates a need for the following.


The only problem is that you do not know the length of the wick.


Each time, light a cigarette, you get one step closer to the explosion of the bomb.

How do you know that this will not be next?

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14. I "throw"? - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

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14. I "throw"? - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
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Life is a non-smoker is much nicer.

I mean not only that you will become healthier and wealthier. I say that you will become happier, and start to get out of life is much more fun. Delightful benefits of living non-smokers will be discussed in the next few chapters. Smokers difficult to appreciate this freedom from nicotine.

Maybe you can help the following analogy.

Imagine that you have appeared on the face of fever, herpes is a well-known, and I have a wonderful solution to treat this disease.

I say to you: "Just try it."

You rub the ointment, and immediately the fever disappears. A week later, she reappears.

You ask, "Do you still have that ointment?", And I suggest: "Take the tube itself. It may be necessary for you. "

You smear. And, lo and behold! Fever disappears again. Returning illness each time becoming more and more painful and affects a larger area.

You try other ways, but nothing helps - just this wonderful ointment. Now you're totally dependent on it. You never go out without checking whether the tube taken along. If you are traveling abroad, then you take a few packages.

Moreover, on top of all your worries about health, I have sent you an honest account - $ 100 for each tube. But you have no choice but to pay.

Later, you read in the medical column in the newspaper that this has happened not only to you: Many people suffer from the same problem. Pharmacists found that the cream does not cure herpes. Everything she does, - fever drives under the skin surface.

That ointment caused a proliferation of fever, and now, to get rid of herpes, you should cease to apply the ointment: if the fever finally disappears.

Will you then continue to apply the ointment? Do you need a special force of will not to use it? If you do not believe the article, perhaps a few days you will have no doubt; but when you see that the fever decreases, the need and desire to use the ointment immediately disappear.

Will you feel unhappy? Of course not. Did you have a terrible problem, you guessed it insoluble, and now have found a solution.

Even if the fact that the fever has disappeared completely, leave a year, every day, seeing as your condition improves, you will think, "Well, this is not it wonderful? I'm not going to die. " It is a miracle happened to me when I put out my last cigarette.

Let me explain to you an analogy with the herpes and ointment. Fever - is not lung cancer and arterial sclerosis, emphysema not without angina without chronic asthma, bronchitis and no coronary heart disease. All this is only an application for a fever.

And it's not wasted thousands of pounds, and bad breath, and yellowed teeth forever, not apathy, not wheezing and coughing.

It is not ten years, during which we suffocate themselves, dreaming stop doing that. And that's not all the times when we are punished for smoking in the wrong place.

And it's not a constant feeling of contempt for others, and his own to boot. It's only the consequences of a fever. Fever - this is what makes us close our eyes to all these things.

This panic, familiar to all smokers. "I want a cigarette! ". Non-smokers do not experience this feeling.

The greatest feeling you've ever experienced - the fear, and the biggest benefit you will gain when - to get rid of him.


I felt then as a man suddenly vynyrnuvshy of dense fog. I suddenly saw clearly that sense of panic desire to smoke was not the result of my extreme weakness or a kind of magical properties of the cigarette. It caused the first cigarette, and each succeeding not only facilitated this feeling, and strengthened it.

Suddenly, I realized that all the other "happy" smokers live in the same nightmare that I do. All of them come up with an explanation Outliers (though no worse than invented by me) trying to justify their own stupidity.

How wonderful to be free!

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