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17. All the dangers of smoking to health
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Each time, puffing a cigarette, you inhale lung carcinogenic tar and cancer is far from the worst of the deadly diseases they cause
Nicotine - a powerful factor contributing to the development of heart disease, atherosclerosis, emphysema, angina pectoris, thrombosis, chronic bronchitis and asthma.
When I smoked, I never heard of atherosclerosis, or emphysema. I knew wheezing, coughing, and aggravated asthma and bronchitis - a direct consequence of my smoking. But although they caused me discomfort, pain was not present, and only with a sense of discomfort I somehow could not handle.
Now I admit that perhaps the idea of developing lung cancer scares me, so I threw it out of my head. Surprisingly, as the fear of the terrible health risks associated with smoking, stop smoking was blocked by fear. And not because they fear to quit terrible cancer, but because it is necessary to throw to smoke today, and it will take effect immediately, while the fear of developing lung cancer - the fear of the future.
Why pay attention to the dark side of life? Maybe this will not happen. Moreover, by the time I was in any way give up smoking. We usually present smoking as a tug of war. On one side - the negative: it is unhealthy, expensive, ugly and enslaving habit. On the other side - the pros: My pleasure, my friend, my support.
It seems we never occurred to me that there is, at the other pole, too fear. It's not a big pleasure from cigarettes rather we fear becoming unhappy, deprived of them. Think of addicted to heroin addicts, deprived him; those humiliating sufferings, which they will. Now imagine their joy when they are allowed to stick a needle into a vein and stop this terrible craving.
Try to imagine how anyone could really believe that enjoys introducing hypodermic syringe into a vein yourself. Addicts, "sitting" in the heroine, do not feel a sense of panic. Heroin does not alleviate the feeling of passionate thrust, on the contrary, it creates it.
Non-smokers do not feel unhappy if they are not allowed to smoke in the afternoon, this affects only smokers. Nicotine also does not remove this sense, on the contrary, it is something he and creates.
The fear of developing lung cancer is not caused me to quit because I thought that smoking recalls walking through a minefield. If you could go - nice and stepped on a mine - so no luck. Did you know about the risk, which itself was, and if they were ready for it, then what does this have to do with someone else?
Try a non-smoker ever force me to learn about the threat of smoking to health, I would have used the usual tactics of evasion used by all addicts without exception. "All of us have from something to die."
Of course, you will die, but whether this statement is a compelling reason for the deliberate reduction in their life? "Quality of life is more important than longevity." That's right, but I hope you are not saying that the quality of life of a drug addict or alcoholic is higher than the man who has no dependence or alcohol or heroin?
Do you really believe that the quality of life of smokers is higher than a non-smoker? Of course, the smoker loses more - and his life is shorter, and he pitied. "Perhaps, the exhaust gases more harm my lungs than smoking." Even if it were true, which is to punish your lungs even more? Can you imagine anyone who would be stupid enough to cling to the mouth of the exhaust pipe and specially inhale these gases in their lungs?
But smokers, in fact, doing just that! Think about this the next time you watch the poor man a smoker at the time of deep inhaling so "precious" a cigarette! It is easy to understand why the blockage of blood vessels and the risk of lung cancer did not help me quit smoking.
I was able to withstand the first and the last out of my head. As you already know, my method is not to scare you, yet you do not stop smoking, but in exactly the opposite: I want you to understand how your life will be more pleasant when you get rid of this addiction. I am confident, however, that if I could see what was going on inside my body, it would have helped me to quit smoking.
Now I do not mean the big bang method for displaying color light smoker. Whereas nicotine yellowed teeth and fingers, to me it is obvious that my lungs - not a pleasant sight. However, continuing to function, they cause less uncomfortable than the teeth or fingers - at least, my lungs no one sees.
I told you about the gradual clogging of the arteries and veins, to strengthen oxygen starvation every muscle and every organ of our body, of depriving them of nutrients, which are replaced by toxic substances and carbon monoxide (this is nothing like the carbon monoxide contained not only in the exhaust gas cars, but also in tobacco smoke). Like most car enthusiasts do not like the idea of dirty oil and filter in the engine of my car.
You can imagine that buying a new model of the "Rolls-Royce" and never change it from oil and oil filter? But that is what we so stubbornly do with our bodies, when we smoke. Today, many doctors attributed almost all kinds of diseases with smoking, including diabetes, cervical cancer and breast cancer. I'm not surprised.
The tobacco industry has for many years used the inability of physicians to prove scientifically that smoking - a direct cause of lung cancer. Statistics on this issue is so staggering that it needs no proof.
Nobody ever explained to me scientifically, why, when you hit on the thumb with a hammer, it hurts so much. Before me, and so it came. I must stress that I have - not a doctor, but as is the case with a hammer and thumb, I pretty soon became apparent that the blockage of blood vessels and my persistent cough, frequent asthma attacks and bronchitis are directly related to smoking.
However, I am quite sure that the biggest threat that smoking brings to your health - it is a gradual and consistent deterioration of the immune system caused by the process of clogging the body.
All the plants and animals on our planet are constantly exposed to attacks from bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. The most powerful protection against diseases available to us - the immune system.
Throughout life we all get sick of infectious and other diseases. Everyone suffers from any trouble. However, I do not believe that the human body is arranged to be sick, and if you - a strong and healthy person, your immune system will fight and defend against these attacks.
But can your immune system to work efficiently when you deprive every muscle and every organ of his body of oxygen and nutrients, replacing them with carbon monoxide and other toxic substances?
Not so much the smoking causes these diseases: it acts on the basis of AIDS, that is, gradually destroys your immune system.
Some of the negative effects of smoking on my health (from the other of which I have suffered for many years) have become visible only years later, after I quit smoking. While I was too busy despising those idiots and imbeciles, who soon lost his legs than quit smoking, I did not come to mind that I also suffer from arteriosclerosis.
Permanent gray of his face, I felt a natural or attributed to the lack of exercise. It never occurred to me that it is caused by a blockage of the capillaries. For thirty years I gained varicose veins, which miraculously disappeared after I stopped smoking.
Years in the five years before quitting smoking, I felt a strange numbness in the legs. It was not a sharp pain, like needles or pins from, but very uneasy feeling. Every night, Joyce had to make me a foot massage. And I had no idea that I do not need him until a year passed since I quit smoking.
About two years before I quit smoking, I have occasionally been severe pain in the chest, which, as I feared, were caused by lung cancer: Now I understand that it was angina. Since then, I "gave up", I have not had a single attack. When I was a kid, all my cuts were bleeding profusely.
It frightened me. Nobody explained to me then that the bleeding - natural and important healing process, and that when the curative effect is complete, blood clots. I suspected that I had hemophilia, and feared that bled to death. Later, during the life of me, too, I was fairly deep cuts, but they barely bleeding - oozing some red-brown mud. The color of the blood caused me concern.