22. The method of willpower

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22. The method of willpower
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In our society, it is believed that it is difficult to quit smoking. Even the books that advise to quit, usually begin with a description of how hard you will do it.

In fact, it is ridiculously easy.

Yes, I can understand your doubts about the veracity of the allegations made, but accept it, please note.

If your goal - to run a mile in less than four minutes, it's difficult. Most likely, you have to go through years of enhanced training, and even then you may not be able to do it.

(Most of our achievements is happening in our mind. Is not it strange how difficult it was before until Bannister was unable to put his record, but today it is - a common occurrence?)

However, in order to quit smoking, the only thing you need to do: do not smoke. Nobody forces you to smoke forced (not including yourself) and, unlike food or drink, you do not need to smoke to survive.

Therefore, it is not clear why, in fact, you have to be difficult to quit smoking?

In fact, the process of quitting is difficult using a smoker willpower method. According to my definition, method of Willpower - is any method, causing the smoker to feel that he brings a kind of sacrifice. Let's look at it in more detail.

We did not decide to become smokers. With those first cigarette, we're just experimenting and because their taste was horrible, were convinced that we can stop whenever we want. For the most part, we smoked those first few cigarettes completely only make an effort, and this is usually in the company of other smokers.

Before you realize what is happening, we are not only regularly buy cigarettes and smoke them, when we want, but just smoke every day. Smoking has become a part of our lives. We always check, whether to have a cigarette. In our opinion, the tobacco does parties and dinners more pleasant and helps relieve stress.

It seems we do not even occur to him that the taste of the same cigarettes from the same pack, smoked after dinner does not differ from the taste of the first morning cigarette. In fact, smoking has never been able to improve eating or social event, and it does not eliminate stress.

No, just the smokers believe that they can not enjoy the dinner or to cope with stress without cigarettes. Usually, the fact to realize that we are addicted to smoking, it takes a long time, as we console ourselves with the illusion that smokers smoke because they enjoy cigarettes, and not because they have to.

Not getting pleasure from cigarettes (and in fact, we will never get), we are in the delusion that we can quit whenever you want. Usually we are wrong as long as do not try to quit smoking for real, and only learned of the existence of this problem.

Almost always the first attempts we make at the beginning, and they are usually caused by a lack of money (boy meets girl and they decide to save money to build a nest, and do not want to spend money on cigarettes), or concern about the health of (teenager still actively involved in sports and discovers that began to suffer shortness of breath).

For whatever reason, the main thing - that a smoker is always waiting for the situation of stress - in the monetary sphere and in the sphere of health. As soon as he stops smoking, little monster begins to demand food. Smoker wants to smoke a cigarette, and he can not smoke because it makes him suffer even more.

Cigarettes, which he usually used to relieve the stress, the more he is not available, so he redoubled force wants to smoke. A possible result of a period of self-torture becomes a trade-off: "I'll cut smoking" or "I chose the wrong time," or "I'll wait until life will be calmer."

However, as soon as the voltage is reduced, and there is no need to cease smoking, so the smoker decides to wait. This, of course, a vicious circle, because the time for most people, life becomes less stressful, and more.

We are moving away from the custody of parents in the world to create their home, contract debts, have children, move to a position of responsibility, etc.

The life of the smoker will never be less stressful because it is cigarettes generate stress.

As the dose of nicotine consumed growing up and the suffering of the smoker, and with them his own misconception depending on cigarettes. In fact, the belief that life is becoming more intense - misleading and that smoking or generate similar support it. For more information on this topic, we discuss further in Chapter 28.

After the first failure of a smoker usually begins to hope that woke up one day he'll never want to smoke. Such hope is fueled by tales of other ex-smokers. (For example: "I had a severe influenza, and after it I just did not want to smoke more.") Do not be fooled.

I researched these rumors, and in fact they were not so simple, what looked at first glance. Typically, the smoker to prepare myself to stop smoking and flu simply used as a springboard. For over thirty years I have lived in the hope that one morning I wake up and never want to smoke.

But with the appearance of pain in the chest, I was looking forward to their end because they prevented me from smoking. Most people who quit smoking easily, - those who survived the shock. Perhaps their close relative had died due to illness caused by smoking, or they experienced a severe fright.

Of course, now it is easy to say: "One day I just decided to quit. That's what I have done! "

Stop deceiving yourselves! Nothing will happen without your efforts.

Let's try to understand why quit smoking method willpower is so difficult.

Most of the life we ​​live according to the principle of an ostrich, burying your head in the sand, under the motto: "I stop smoking tomorrow." From time to time something serves as an impetus to what we are trying to quit smoking.

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14. I "throw"? - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

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14. I "throw"? - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
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It is fear that keeps us stop smoking.

The fear that we will lose the enjoyment or support. The fear that the situation will never pleasant no longer be such. Fear that we will not be able to cope with stress.

In other words, the effects of indoctrination is to trick us to believe in the inevitability of our smoking either in some special weakness inherent in us, or in the fact that cigarette contains something necessary for us so that when we quit smoking, stay emptiness.

, Be clear as follows: CIGARETTES DO NOT fills the void, THEY create it!

Our body - the most complex object in the world. Do you believe in the Creator, the process of natural selection, or the combination of these two factors, no matter what system or being created our bodies - it is a thousand times more powerful than a man!

Man can not create even the tiniest living cell, not to mention the miracle of view reproductive, circulatory system or the brain.

If the Creator or the process of natural selection suggested that we smoke, they would have provided us with some filtering device to prevent the admission of poison in our body, and even some flue pipe into the bargain.

In fact, our bodies are equipped with reliable signaling devices in the form of cough, dizziness, nausea, and so on, and we are at your own risk ignoring them.

The good news is that throwing in essence, nothing.

As soon as you remove from your body the monster and out of your head - the results of promotion of smoking, you will never be any desire to smoke no need for nicotine.

Cigarettes do not improve the taste of food - they destroy it. They spoil your taste and smell.

Watch the restaurant for smokers who smoke between courses. They did not enjoy the meal - they can not wait, when lunch is over, since it prevents them from enjoying cigarettes. Many of them smoke in all circumstances, even though they know that smoking offends smoking.

And it's not that smokers - too inconsiderate people, and that they simply suffer without cigarettes. They are between a rock and a hard place.

They are only two possibilities: either to abstain and feel unhappy because they can not smoke, or smoke and feel miserable because they cause insult other people, conscious of their guilt, and despising himself for it.

Watch smokers during official events, where they have to wait for the toast to the high-ranking official. Many of them refer to a weak bladder, when they have to sneak away from the audience to quietly drag cigarette.

It is in such moments you can see smoking as a result of this dependence on nicotine. Smokers smoke not because they like to smoke. They smoke because without that feel unhappy.

Since many of us are starting to smoke at a party when we are young and shy, then we begin to believe that we can not get the pleasure of communicating with friends without smoking.

Complete nonsense!

Tobacco takes away your self-confidence.

The most solid evidence of fear, which give rise in cigarette smokers - their impact on women.

All women are very choosy about their own appearance. They can not imagine how to appear at social events without being impeccably dressed and delightfully fragrant.

Even when they know that their breath like the smell of an old ashtray, it does not worry them. I know that smoking is bothering them all the time - many hate the smell of their own hair and clothes, and yet it does not stop them.

Such is the fear that breeds in smokers this terrible drug.

Cigarettes do not help at a party; they just spoil them. You have to hold in one hand a glass of wine in the other - a cigarette while trying to shake off the ashes and empty the ashtray with cigarette butts are filled with endlessly.

By doing this, you should try not to smoke in the face of the person with whom speak, wondering whether he feels the smell from your mouth and see whether the stains on your teeth.

So you not only have nothing to "throw" - you get amazing benefits.


When smokers reflect on whether they quit smoking, they tend to focus on health, money and public condemnation.

This is undoubtedly important and is a legitimate question, but I personally believe that the greatest benefits for smoking cessation - psychological:


1. The return of courage and confidence.

2. Finding freedom from bondage.

3. The ability to go through life without suffering from "black holes" in the mind: the understanding that most of humanity treats you with contempt, and, worst of all, you and despise themselves.

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