6. Nicotine addiction

Table of contents
6. Nicotine addiction
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Nicotine - a colorless, oily substance found in tobacco and causing the smoker addiction. This drug is the most addictive of all substances known to mankind: to become addicted to it, you may need only one cigarette.

Each puff of a cigarette delivers light to the brain through a small dose of nicotine that acts much faster than, for example, a dose of heroin that an addict enters into a vein. If, smoking a cigarette, you do twenty-puffs - you get twenty doses of the drug with just one cigarette.

Nicotine - fast-acting drug, and the level of its content in the blood drops to about half within 30 minutes to about one quarter of an hour after smoking a cigarette. This explains why, on average, smokers smoke twenty cigarettes a day.

Once the cigarette is smoked, nicotine begins rapid elimination from the body, and the person begins to experience withdrawal flour.


Now I have to dispel a common misconception regarding the suffering of withdrawal, common among smokers. They think that the pain associated Unlearning - a terrible injury that occurs when they are on their own or were forced to try to quit smoking.

In fact, the more the flour - mental; smoker feels deprived of pleasure or support. Later we will discuss this in more detail. In fact, the pain caused by Unlearning nicotine is so slight that most smokers live all my life and die without ever realizing that they - addicts.

When we use the term "nikotinozavisimy," we think that simply "acquired the habit." Most smokers experience the horror of the drug, being, in fact, drug addicts. Fortunately, nicotine - the drug, which is easy to give up, but first you have to recognize that they have become addicted.

Unlearning from nicotine is not accompanied by physical pain. Basically it is an alarming sense of emptiness, a sense that something is missing. Many smokers think, therefore, that it is something to do with their hands.

If this feeling persists, the smoker becomes nervous, insecure, nervous, irritable and begins to experience lack of trust in the world.

Thirst for this poison, nicotine, similar to acute hunger. Seven seconds after zakurivaniya in fresh blood to nicotine, and a passionate desire for it ends, leaving a feeling of relaxation and confidence that gives the smoker a cigarette.

In his youth, when we are just beginning to smoke, the pain of withdrawal and its relief are so weak that we do not even know they exist. Starting to smoke regularly, we explain this pleasure or that smoking is a habit.

The truth is that we are addicted to nicotine; we are not aware of this, but a little nicotine monster has settled in our belly, and we have to feed him. All smokers start smoking out of stupidity. After all, one is not forced to start smoking by force.

The only reason why people continue to smoke (whether they are avid smokers or smoked occasionally) - the desire to feed this little monster. The entire scope of the business related to smoking, is a series of puzzles.

Deep down, all smokers know that foolishly fell into a sinister trap. But the saddest thing in smoking that pleasure derived from a cigarette smoker - is primarily a pleasure caused by an attempt to return to a state of peace, order and confidence that his body has experienced before he became addicted to nicotine.

Think of a day when many hours howled broken burglar alarm or a neighbor have long plagued other loud noises. Then the noise suddenly ceases and you feel the intoxicating feeling of peace. But in fact it is not peace, but merely the end of the noise.

Before we create the shackles of nicotine dependence, our bodies are perfect. Then we drive in your body nicotine, and when the throw a cigarette, he starts to leave our body, and we experience the pain of withdrawal - not physical pain, just a feeling of emptiness.

We are not even aware of its existence, but it operates inside our body as the dripping faucet. But we do not want to understand that the mind, having this is no necessity. It is enough to know that we desperately want a cigarette, and when it lights up, passionate thrust out, and for some time we again experience the satisfaction and confidence, becoming by what they were before the addiction to smoking.

However, now it is only a temporary satisfaction, as to relieve cravings, we need to enter into the body even more nicotine.

Once you extinguish a cigarette craving arise again, and so on to infinity.

It shackles of a lifetime, IF YOU DO NOT burst them.

The entire scope of the business related to smoking, wearing tight shoes reminiscent in order to get the pleasure experienced at the moment of getting rid of them.

Here are three reasons that do not give smokers to look at things from this point of view:


1. From birth we are exposed to massive "brainwashing", constantly hearing that smokers find great pleasure and / or support in smoking. Why should not we believe it is speaking? They will not spend a fortune to expose us to such a terrible risk?

2. Since the physical weaning from nicotine is not accompanied by real pain, only a sense of emptiness and uncertainty, hardly distinguishable from ordinary stress or starvation, and because we want to smoke - we tend to regard it as a normal desire.

3. Smokers can not see smoking in its true light, because the mechanism of addiction to it extremely thin, and it is very difficult to trace. First, we consider the sense of emptiness as normal and do not associate it with just smoked a cigarette. Lighting a cigarette, you will immediately feel a surge of strength, experience the buzz, relaxing, and - a cigarette again justify your trust.

It is this delicate process makes the rejection of all drugs difficult. Imagine the panic heroin users, who ran out of heroin. Now imagine his joy when he was able to finally make a injection.

But can you imagine someone who really enjoys the drug injection, if the very thought of it fills you with horror? Addicts are not dependent on heroin, do not experience a similar feeling of panic at the thought of the absence of heroin. Thus, it does not eliminate the drug, but on the contrary - generates.

Non-smokers do not feel a sense of emptiness, or the urgent need for a cigarette, and did not start to panic when running out of cigarettes. Non-smokers can not understand how smokers can enjoy the fact that they put their disgusting things in his mouth, inflame them and tightened this filth, filling her his lungs.

Do you know what is particularly interesting? Smokers also can not understand why they do it. We have already talked about a common misconception that smoking relaxes and gives satisfaction. But only need to meet those something stripped.

Why, then non-smokers do not suffer such hardship, and why after the meal, when all happy nonsmokers, smokers can not relax until the "feed" their little nicotine monster?

This theme we have to analyze in detail.

Prev. - Next. "

5. Why do we continue to smoke?

We all start smoking foolishly normally pressurized environment, or at a party, but when we feel that getting used - why do we continue to smoke?

None of regular smokers do not know why he smokes.

If he had known the real reason he left to smoke.

In his consultations, I asked this question to thousands of smokers.

The correct answer is the same for all, but the diversity of the responses received indefinitely.

I think that this piece of advice - the most fun, but at the same time and the saddest.

Deep in my heart all smokers understand that they are fools.

Before becoming dependent on smoking, they know that they do not have the slightest need to smoke.

Most of them can remember the sickening taste of their first cigarette, and what they had to work thoroughly before they are addicted to smoking.

The most annoying is that they understand the mind that non-smokers not only have nothing to lose but laugh smokers (hard not to laugh Vudget dau1).

But smokers - a reasonable, rational people.

They know that they are at great risk their health and are aware of the fact that for the life of spending a fortune on cigarettes.

Therefore, to justify their habits they need to have a rational explanation.

The real reason why smokers continue to smoke - an insidious combination of factors, which I make out in detail in the next two chapters.
