6. Nicotine addiction

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6. Nicotine addiction
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We worked very hard before you get into the relationship - that's why it is so difficult to stop teenagers. They are still learning to smoke, they still believe cigarettes disgusting taste - and therefore believe that they can quit whenever they want. Why do not they learn from this example?

Why have we not learned anything from their parents?

Many smokers believe that the taste and smell of tobacco gives them pleasure. This is - an illusion. When we learn to smoke, we accustom your body to become immune to the horrible smell and taste. Just heroin users claim that they like to be pricked.

The pain of withdrawal from heroin more cruel, and all that they like in reality - the ritual of removing the pain. Smoker own mind teaches blind eye to the disgusting smell and taste, to get their "dose."

Ask a smoker who believes that he smokes while enjoying the taste and smell of tobacco, "If you will not be able to buy their cigarettes and get one, only those whose tastes seem disgusting to you, you do not smoke? - Of course I will". Smoker will continue to smoke.

It does not matter whether you'll be on cigarettes, menthol cigarettes, cigars or pipe: first, you'll still feel the taste disgusting, but continuing to smoke, learn to love it. Smokers trying to smoke even during cold, flu, sore throats, bronchitis and emphysema. Unless having fun has this anything to do? If it was, no one would have smoked more than one cigarette.

About seven thousand former smokers are addicted to nicotine chewing gum disgusting, proposed by doctors, and many of them still smoke. During my consultations, some smokers are afraid to see themselves as drug addicts. They believe that this knowledge makes the process of quitting smoking more difficult.

I believe that this news - the good, and here's why:


1. Disadvantages of smoking clearly exceed its advantages . But we nevertheless believe that the cigarette is something that gives us pleasure or have some support - for this reason, most of us continue to smoke. We feel that after quitting smoking, the image of some empty, and that certain situations in life will not be as as before. This is - another illusion. The truth is that the cigarette does nothing; It only takes, but then partly back - just to maintain the illusion. In more detail, I will explain in the next chapter.

2. Although nicotine - the most effective drug in the world due to the speed with which you have formed relationship, you'll never have to depend on him in the extreme. Since the drug - fast acting, to ensure that excrete 99% of the nicotine takes only three weeks, but the real meal weaning so insignificant that many smokers have lived life and died, and did not realize that they have experienced them.

It is just the question of why the majority of smokers so hard to quit smoking, why they go through months of torture and spend rest of his life, from time to time yearning for a cigarette. The answer to this question is the second reason that we smoke - in "brainwashing."

With chemical dependency is much easier to handle. Almost all smokers do very well at night without nicotine. Flour withdrawal did not wake them. Before you smoke your first cigarette, most of them leave the bedroom; Many first breakfast; Some wait until they come to work. They may abstain from nicotine for ten hours of sleep time, and not worry about this, but if you spend ten o'clock without a cigarette during the day - will start to tear his hair.

Today, some smokers buy new machines and do not smoke in them. Many of them visit theaters, supermarkets, churches and the like, and the inability to smoke in these places is not worried about them. There were mass riots in subway cars. Smokers are almost happy when someone or something makes them stop smoking.

Today, many smokers try to refrain from smoking at home or in the company of non-smokers, while experiencing a little discomfort. In fact, the majority of smokers were prolonged periods when they easily refrain from smoking.

Even I, being so passionate smoker, would quite happily relax for a whole evening without a cigarette. Sometimes I looked forward to the evenings when I can stop "strangling" of himself (what a ridiculous "habit"!). Coping with chemical dependency easily, even if you are still dependent on smoking and smokers, there are thousands of people who throughout their lives are irregular smokers. But they are dependent as much as a heavy smoker.

There are even smokers who tied with the "habit" to smoke the occasional cigar, keeping this relationship. As I said, nicotine addiction - is not the main problem. It simply acts as a catalyst, keeping our minds at a loss as a real problem, "lip service."

For heavy smokers, smoking all my life, it may be comforting to know that they have to quit as easily as smoking regularly. In some ways, it's even easier. The farther you go from the "habit", the more damage it will produce, and the more significant will be your purchase.

Perhaps consolation for you will hear that rumors circulating from time to time ("to the" contagion "has left your body will need eight years" or "every cigarette you smoke reduces your life for five minutes") - not true.

Do not assume that the harmful effects of smoking are exaggerated: they are rather undervalued. It is obvious that the rule of "five minutes" - a preliminary assessment, applicable only in those cases, if you have picked up one of the deadly diseases or poison themselves "in full."

"Contagion", in fact, never completely eliminated from the body. If nearby smoke, nicotine is in the air, and even get a small percentage of non-smokers. However, our bodies - an incredible device; they have great potential to restore, of course, if you have not already set in motion one of the irreversible disease.

If you stop smoking now, your body will recover within a few weeks, and as if you have never been a smoker. As I said, to stop smoking is never too late.

I helped cure many patients older than 60 years and even more people aged 70-80 years. My clinic has visited 99-year-old woman with her 66-year-old son. When asked why she decided to quit, she replied: "To be an example for him." Six months later she wrote me feel young again.

The more you destroy the smoking, the greater the sense of liberation. When I finally quit smoking, then I rolled with smoked a hundred cigarettes a day just to zero, and I did not have any diseases.

The process of the cast was really nice, even in a period of "withdrawal pangs." But first we must get rid of "brainwashing."

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"I'm going to heal from smoking the whole world"

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"I'm going to heal from smoking the whole world"
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The truth still is that Quitting smoking - easily!

So it is an obvious fact. The only difficulty - to convince every smoker. But all the knowledge that I have acquired over more than 14 years, helping me to provide every smoker the opportunity to see this. At the clinics, we aim to achieve an absolute result. When smokers fail, they tend to view it as their own.

We regard it as our failure, considering that it is we could not convince them how easy and enjoyable to quit smoking. The first edition of the book I dedicated to people who could not heal. In case of failure, we return to the smoker his money, and evaluate the effectiveness of their work on this indicator.

To date, the failure throughout the network clinics around the world are on average less than 5%. This means that the efficiency of the method is greater than 95%. Although I was convinced that he had discovered something incredible, never, even in my wildest dreams, I did not expect to attain such efficiency.

On this you can rightly argue that if I sincerely believed that I could heal the world from smoking, it would have to reach 100% efficiency! No, I never thought. Once the most popular form of nicotine dependence was smelling of tobacco, until the habit has not become antisocial and died.

However, there are still cranks that continue to snuff, and they probably always will be. Interestingly, one of the last bastions of snuffing tobacco - English Parliament. However, it is not surprising when we remember that the policy as a whole lags behind its time about a hundred years.

Therefore, there will always be people weirdo, who will continue to smoke. Of course, I never imagined that I could personally heal all smokers.

I thought that after I solve the mystery of the trap of smoking and debunk such illusions as:

· Smokers enjoy smoking;

· Smokers make a conscious decision to smoke;

· Smoking defeats boredom and stress;

· Smoking helps to concentrate and relax;

· Smoking - it's a habit;

· To quit smoking: necessary willpower;

· Started smoking once, you can not ever give up;

· It is necessary to constantly remind the smoker that smoking kills him;

· Smoking substitutes (in particular nicotine substitutes) helping to quit smoking.

And, most importantly, when I debunk misconception that quitting smoking - it is difficult, and the transition period of pain and suffering is inevitable, then that (as I naively thought) rest of the world would believe me and take my way.

It seemed to me that my main opponent would be the tobacco industry. Amazingly, the main stumbling block was the very social institutions, which I thought would be my main allies: the media, the government, non-governmental organizations (ASH1, QUIT2, etc.) And traditional medicine.

Perhaps you watched the movie "Sister of Kenya." He was devoted to the time the child polio, leads to paralysis, it was a disaster, which is not able to fight. I remember very well that these words aroused in me the same fear that today is the word "cancer."

Polio is not only leads to paralysis of the arms and legs, but also to deformation of limbs. As a conventional method of treatment offered to put limbs in fetters, and thus prevent them from bending. In fact, it led to a paralysis of life.

Sister of Kenya believed that the shackles hinder recovery. It is more than a thousand times proved that the muscles can be taught again and again that the child is able to walk. However, the sister of Kenya was not a doctor, but only a nurse. How dare she intrude into an area designed just for graduates?

Therefore, the solution found by the sister of Kenya, are not treated seriously. Children, she healed, knew that she was right, knew it, and their parents, but traditional medicine has not only refused to accept her treatments, but pushed her from the medical practice.

Before doctors admit the obvious, it took 20 years. The first time I watched this movie before he opened "The Easy Way". The film was very interesting and, of course, true. However, it was obvious that Hollywood has brought to the history of their share of lyrical digressions. It is unlikely that Kenya has opened a sister something that has not been able to reach a complex knowledge of medical science.

Naturally, traditional practitioners could not be so much monsters as they are shown in the film. How could they have for twenty years not to recognize the obvious facts? They say that the truth is much more surprising fiction. I apologize to the filmmakers, "Sister Kenya" for charges of poetic license.

But even in this enlightened age of modern means of communication, having access to modern means of communication, I could not convey his thoughts and fourteen years. I, of course, proved the rightness of its own: the only reason that you're reading this book, is that you recommend it to other former smoker.

I do not have such strong financial resources, as in the British Medical Association, the ASN or QUIT. Like Kenya, sister, I - a loner. Like her, I know only because my method really works. Like the sister of Kenya, I have to defend their point of view. Well, sister of Kenya failed to prove their case.

What would be the world if we were still using techniques that do not lead to recovery? The book ends with the same words as in the original version: "In a society wafted change. The snowball has started to grow, and I hope that with this book, he will turn into an avalanche. "

Of all the things mentioned above, you can decide that I do not respect doctors. Nothing could be farther from the truth than this statement. One of my sons - a doctor, and I do not know the noble profession. In our clinics by doctors is we get more advice than from any other source; Furthermore, among patients of our hospitals all over the health professions than any other. Previously, doctors tend to think of me as someone between a charlatan and a quack.

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