Table of contents
6. Nicotine addiction
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The main reason for the complexity of quitting smoking is that smokers believe that abandoning the real pleasure and strong support.
It is important you understand that quitting smoking you of anything not refuse.
The best way to realize this insidious trap - to compare it with food. Accustomed to eat regularly, we do not fear that hungry between meals. Only in the case of delay of food we realize how hungry and we do not have any physical pain, just a feeling of emptiness and uncertainty, which we know as "I need to eat."
The very same process satisfy hunger - a very enjoyable pastime. With smoking occurs almost the same. The feeling of emptiness and uncertainty, known to us as "the desire or the need for a cigarette," like hunger, although here one is not satisfied through the other.
As in the case of hunger, physical pain is not, and this discomfort is so imperceptible that we do not even remember it in between cigarettes. It is beginning to be realized only at the moment when we want to smoke, and we will not be allowed. Then finally lit, we would feel satisfied.
This similarity with a meal helps to fool smokers, making them believe that they are getting a truly unfathomable pleasure. Some smokers are very difficult to realize that smoking brings no pleasure and no support.
They argue, "How can you say that smoking is not supporting me? After all, you agree that lighting I feel less nervous than before. "
While eating and smoking seem to be very similar, in fact, these processes - committed opposite:
1. Do you eat in order to survive and prolong their lives, and smoking reduces it.
2. The food is really pleasant to the taste and eating - a really enjoyable experience, which we can enjoy throughout our lives. Smoking involves inhaling as disgusting and toxic smoke into your lungs.
3. Adoption of the food does not cause famine, and makes it easier; while the first is the beginning of a cigarette craving for nicotine, and each subsequent - does not ease the cravings, and ensures that you will suffer from it for life.
Now is the moment to dispel another well-known myth about smoking - the myth that "smoking is - it's a habit."
Eating - the habit? If you think so - you try to give it up for good. No, describe the meal as a habit - the same that is called habit breath. Both processes are essential for survival.
Of course, different people tend to satisfy their hunger at different times and using different types of food. However, the mere eating habit is not.
The only reason that any smoker lights a cigarette - an attempt to put an end to the feeling of emptiness and uncertainty created by the previous cigarette. Of course, a variety of smokers are used to relieve his discomfort at different times and in different ways, but in itself is not a smoking habit.
Society often turns to smoking as a bad habit, so in this book, for convenience, I also call it the "habit." However, always remember that smoking - it's not a habit, and drug addiction.
Started smoking, we must learn to deal with cigarettes. Before we realize it - again! - And we are not just buy them regularly, but they have to carry all the time.
Now, in the absence of cigarettes, we panic or smoke over time more and more. So it is with any other drug: our body seeks to protect from the effects of nicotine, and at the same time the demand for it is growing.
After a short period of cigarette smoking stops completely relieve the discomfort absence of nicotine, which itself had created. Therefore, lighting a cigarette, you feel better than a moment ago; in fact, you are becoming more nervous and tense, even in the smoking process than if all were non-smokers.
This habit is even more absurd than the habit of wearing tight shoes: the increasing discomfort persists even when shoes are removed. But that's not all: as soon extinguished cigarette, nicotine begins rapid elimination from the body, which explains why in stressful situations smokers tend to smoke cigarettes one by one. As I have said, 'habit' does not exist.
The real reason that every smoker continues to smoke, is the smallest of the monster that lives in the womb. From time to time every smoker should his "feed".
He decides when to do it, but usually you can identify four types of cases or a combination thereof:
BOREDOM / FOCUS - complete opposites!
STRESS / RELAX - as complete opposites!
What magical means can suddenly change the action, which itself is provided twenty minutes ago? Think: what, but sleep can so dramatically change the reality?
The truth is that smoking never eases stress or boredom, and does not contribute to concentration or relaxation.
All this - the illusion. In addition, nicotine - a drug, it is also a potent poison, which is part of the insecticides (see this word in the dictionary!).
The dose of nicotine contained in just one cigarette, if you type it directly into a vein, will kill you. Tobacco plant contains a lot of toxins, including carbon monoxide, and belongs to the same genus as the well-known belladonna. If you're thinking about how to move on the tube or cigars, keep in mind that what is said in this book applies to all types of tobacco-nicotine and any substance, including chewing gums, patches, sprays and inhalers.
The human body - the most complex object in our world. Neither species, even lower - amoeba and worms, can not survive without knowing the difference between food and poison. For thousands of years, natural selection, our mind and body have formed the ability to distinguish between food and poison, as well as reliable methods of getting rid of the latter. All people are averse to the smell and taste of tobacco, while not addicted to it.
If you exhale tobacco smoke in the face of the child before he gains nicotine dependence, he starts coughing and sneezing. When we smoked their first cigarette smoking causes coughing fits, or if smoked too much, dizziness and obvious physical ailments.
It is our body appealed to us, "You are administered in me poison. Stop it! "At this stage often is determined, we will become smokers or not. To think that smokers become physically weak or mentally unstable people - a mistake. Those who have caused the rejection of the first cigarette, whose lungs are not physically able to cope with it - lucky they are cured of smoking for life.
In other words, they are not prepared to go through a brutal process of learning to learn to smoke, coughing. This circumstance appears to me the most tragic.