Exercise makes the body healthy and fit

Most experts on diets insist that weight loss requires physical exertion. It sounds logical, but as I explained, you do not need to increase or decrease the car weight by burning more fuel, or pouring it - that we just change the intervals between visits to gas stations.

From exercise hunger and thirst increase, eventually you drink and eat more.

Turtles and snails, never in a hurry, but still overweight do not suffer. People and their domesticated animals - the only creatures who need exercise just for the sake of loads.

If you perform a set of exercises to lose weight, you will not only reach the target, but also get the same effect as during a diet. Exercises you perceive as a form of punishment, you need willpower and discipline, not to throw them.

Yes, in the early days you're having a wonderful sense of righteousness, but when stocks will run out, or some other event in the life comes to the fore, you gladly forget about exercise.

If you do not believe me, look at ads from the local newspaper: often sell bikes, rowing machines and other exercise equipment and various tools for exercise. Do you think, because former owners brought in shape and not in need of lessons? Or because the owners are tired of simulators exercises in a couple of weeks?

Nevertheless, I recommend that you deal with on a regular basis - not to lose weight, but only for selfish reasons, to feel fit and healthy and keep the body in good shape, to enjoy life.

Anyway, as far as weight loss and at the same time raising the level of vitality of your body you have a natural desire to lead an active life.

One caveat: if your physical form is now poor, increase the load gradually. As the level of vitality will grow and form - to improve, you will automatically begin to engage more and more intense, feeling younger and younger. But do not overexert. Listen to the voice of common sense. When in doubt, consult your doctor.

Once you are ready to increase the load, you will experience a delightful feeling of adrenaline rush. This is a real euphoria. It will be followed and other equally wonderful feeling: one of them - a chance to relax after exercise. Second - the ability to satisfy voracious appetite and thirst, not gaining weight and suffering from remorse.

Currently, the sale is a large variety of devices for sports, there are also health clubs, videos, etc., intended to lose weight and become fit and healthy. I advise you not to pay attention to them. Catching up to lose weight, we perceive the burden as a punishment - the same is true for training for fitness and health.

Exercise does not have to be an obligation. Why do we have to force yourself to like children? Is a child you paid good money for the chance to swim, dance, play tennis or golf specifically to lose weight and bring the body in order? Of course not.

You did it for fun, because you have enough energy to enjoy physical activity. But there are not only energetic teenagers. And if now we do not pull on a tennis court, all the matter in the way of life that we lead.

But we intend to change it, for it is intended "Easy way to lose weight."

If you follow the recommendations presented here, soon the energy you will have so many that you can choose any kind of activity - depending on the age, strength, health and taste: golf, bowling, squash, tennis, badminton, athletics, hiking, climbing, cycling, skating, soccer, cricket, rugby, swimming, hockey, basketball, netball, skiing, gymnastics, not to mention many others.

These lessons are not only pleasing, but also benefit, expand social circle, causing a healthy appetite, provide an opportunity not only to enjoy the food, and there are more and more often, but do not gain weight.

In addition, classes result in muscle tone, make the body healthy and fit, brings to life the joy and meaning.

There is also the additional benefit that is not always obvious.

Sports relieve boredom - the main cause of overeating.

Most wild animals get their dose of exercise during daily hunting and foraging, as well as the need to escape from their enemies. Civilized people use intelligence to eliminate the need for such activities. Some of us exercise replaced physical labor.

I am convinced that the exercise needed to enjoy life.

Our bodies are made to be active, and not to stay in one place. Exercise should not be a punishment, they are entitled to please us, and at the same time bring a significant benefit.

That's all. We have all received the greatest gift - life. People occupy a privileged position in the most sophisticated mechanism for the survival of the planet. And if you're lucky enough not to have serious physical or mental disability, then you have even more privileges.

We now come to the end of the book - you only


Do I have to become a vegetarian?

I am often asked: "In the end, I'll be vegetarian? I have nothing against animals, but the thought that I will not eat meat, I feel deprived. Why - is unclear, because one of the advantages of the program - the ability to eat anything? "

I know the feeling. My own tastes gradually changed and continue to change.

A few months ago I hate salads. Now, my favorite dish - a sandwich with avocado, tomato, cucumber and lettuce.

The bottom line is this: even as a vegetarian, you'll eat your favorite dishes!

Most of my life I treated vegetarians almost the same as non-smokers and non-drinkers. I admired their high moral principles and actions, but, in my opinion, they were too correct. And so was shocked to learn that the majority of people who do not smoke and do not drink, do so only for selfish reasons - they just do not like to smoke and drink.

I admired the principles of vegetarians who thought he had no right to kill animals, especially in the presence of other food. But a great shock for me was the discovery that most vegetarians are not guided by ethics: simply, in their opinion, a vegetarian diet is healthier and more enjoyable.

Another plus "easy way" is that there is no need to repeat: "I am not allowed to eat chocolate, milk, ice cream, steak, cheese," and so on. Do not forget a very important limit is useless. The human body - a solid object, but consists of 70% water.

Your goal - to gradually change eating habits, food becomes useless to the exception, not the rule.

The ultimate goal - to ensure that at least 70% of food consumed were fresh, full of fruits and vegetables with water. Subject to reasonable combinations you can eat just about anything that you want, and to avoid excess weight.

Apparently, you think that 70% - a significant figure. Not really. If you, like me, eat twice a day, in addition, have breakfast with fruit, water accounts for about 50% of your diet. If you eat three meals a day, its content exceeds 33%. Eating a salad for lunch, then for dinner, you can have anything you want.

In any case, you'll discover that your main dish consists mostly of vegetables. It remains to verify whether the vegetables have not been heat-treated, killing nutrients and evaporates the water. Good decision - fried or steamed vegetables.

Trying to overcome the influence of brainwashing, you will also find that the extra weight disappear, it improves health, increases vigor and desire is useless food passes.

I do not drink milk, coffee and tea, do not eat sweets, desserts, chocolate, cakes, biscuits and dairy products - except butter. I did not have no need nor desire to eat refined sugar.

These changes did not require a conscious effort on my part. On the contrary, I felt a wonderful sense of security and satisfaction of knowing that eats food does not increase my weight, is easily digested and is replaced by another, even more useful.

I found that gradually lost all love for the worthless food. Limit useless I use still sometimes eat meat and dairy products, but only in those cases where I have no choice.

I just realized that our digestive system is unable to cope with the meat: the constant reports of diseases such as mad cow disease, the artificial fattening of cattle, use of steroids, as well as flavors, thanks to which the taste of meat seems bearable, helped me to give up meat .

The only conscious effort that I made was switching to fruit for breakfast. And even in this case, a lot of effort I did not need. I regret only that I was not transferred to the fruit on the same day as weaned!

And now let's summarize and consider

  And what about the other meals?

I would recommend you do not even try to change the eating habits of others, until you get used to having breakfast fruit. Any change in lifestyle requires physical, emotional and psychological adjustment.

If you try to start running before I could walk, you do not get neither one nor the other. And even change for the better, such as a new job or a new car, with a brief period of disorientation.

As in the case of smoking, the only real problem - the need to deal with long-term brainwashing. But otherwise our process does not differ from anti-smoking. We do not feel the urge to smoke, so just stop smoking.

But stop to eat, we can not, and why do we need it? Power - and the need for, and the pleasure of a lifetime. Smokers are relatively easy to change the brand of cigarettes. Initially, a new brand of cigarettes seem unusual, and then become your favorite.

All you have to do - gradually introduced into the diet of the most useful products.

Remember: the more useful - so tasty. And soon they will become your favorite.

Another advantage of the "easy way to lose weight" in that it requires no hurry. Here are the eleven recommendations:

Do not create obstacles

Accelerate the program possible. The problem with smoking you decide at the same time when the reduced nicotine intake. There is no need to wait until all of the light will be printed stuff to enjoy life again.

The problem of excess weight you have decided already when took up the "EASY WAY."

If you followed the recommendations addressed the problem started as soon as you start reading this book. You do not have to wait to achieve ideal weight. Improvement came immediately.

If you had to make changes in your life before you have adapted to eat fruit for breakfast, if you secretly still crave bacon and eggs, you look at those smokers who quit smoking by a strong-willed and the rest of his life dreaming of a cigarette. Any further changes in the diet will only aggravate the situation. They will have the same effect as a diet.

You will find that eating a breakfast of fruit and only fruit at first seems strange, but if you are struggling with brainwashing, after a few days you will be surprised how you can eat for breakfast something else other than fruit.

Thus, you will be able to realize that the method not only makes sense -

It works!

At the same time you will have the chance to apply the techniques of brainwashing confrontation with respect to food, subjected to intensive treatment (chocolate, dairy products, meat), and discover the nutritional and healthy products. By the time you'll be to strive for it, like a dog, tearing off the leash.

But even in this case, no need to hurry. You yourself will find himself unable to resist.

When the extra weight and fat ugly bumps begin to disappear, you will add health and energy, and you'll usually be sure that your favorite steel products with high water content, and the products of intensive treatment you feel useless.

You may be disappointed to learn that in this book there is no recipe. Everyone who heard about it, asked: is it possible to write a book about nutrition and do not include the single recipe? My logic agrees with you, but instinct says that you can.

I think the reason is this: in every book on nutrition, I read containing the recommended recipes, causing disappointment. I have a feeling that I'm on a diet and suffer from deprivation. But "Easy way to lose weight" is not such feelings.

In fact, making similar discoveries very pleasant: so I found that flakes with pure orange juice tastes better than milk, and sugar added to them is not necessary.

I gladly saw that my favorite dish, roast potatoes and cabbage, tastes great even without the meat, and lamb chops with new potatoes and peas delicious without the lamb chops.

But if you still need a prescription, you are offering hundreds of special collections.

I think it's time to turn to the issue that once bothered me and should be troubling you:
