Lacquered fruit for breakfast, you will make the most radical step of all, which will require you to program "Easy way to lose weight."
It is difficult to imagine eating fruit for breakfast - because we have been programmed to use them for dessert. But this is only part of the brainwashing.
Eat breakfast at a time when the stomach is empty, when the body is ready to take delicious, juicy, saturated with water, refreshing, bestowing energy and health nutrients in the form of fresh fruit.
Most people find it hard to believe that there is a delicious fruit for breakfast, but after several attempts, they begin to take eggs, sausages and bacon as a traditional English breakfast, as well as the pure
Pile of indigestible fat!
Some people initially believed that lose diversity, eating fruit for breakfast. But this fear is groundless. And even the opposite of the truth.
As I have already explained, many people prefer to eat for breakfast the same food.
Now, I eat every day, four different kinds of fruits and berries, have the opportunity to choose them from a long list, which includes apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, bananas, melons, grapefruit, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, plum, black and red currants , gooseberries, blackberries, grapes, pineapple, peaches and apricots.
World fruit infinitely diverse. I have mentioned only those that are popular in Western society. In supermarkets you can also find such exotica as mango and lychee.
If you think about it, these fruits give countless combinations and easily solve the problem of diversity.
An easy way to lose weight
You can eat fresh fruits as much as you want, and do not gain weight!
I emphasize: I do not urge you to eat fruit for breakfast every day, until the end of life. On vacation, I sometimes have breakfast kippers or haddock - usually where it is difficult to get fresh fruit.
But it does not matter. As I have already explained, such departures from the program provided a limit is useless.
How to set a correct diet
Good gorillas - you can spend days wandering through the woods, occasionally biting the banana, but we have to work. But it does not matter: the flexible system at our disposal a wide variety of foods, and starvation is designed so that most of his life, we almost do not notice.
The problem is that we tend to put everything on its head. We used to eat three times a day and each time to empty plate. In other words, the regime has become for us the dominating factor.
Mode and habits determine our range of products, the amount of dishes, the intervals between meals.
For the reasons I have already explained - because we eat too much useless write, which does not satisfy hunger, - the usual mode leaves us a feeling of dissatisfaction and leads to overweight.
If you eat food, nature has created specially for people, you can not eat them and gain weight uncontrollably.
If you are used to "kusochnichat" - that is influenced by the constant feeling of hunger all day to capture pieces - you are probably worried that in the future will have to chew on almost constantly. In vain. When we switch to real food such as fruit, they satisfy hunger and do not cause desire from time to time missed bits.
But do not mode and habit of the same? On this issue, we have already said, we have been conditioned to eat exactly three times a day, regardless of whether we are or not. Yes, the food did not meet our needs. On the contrary, it causes us damage. But the regime is nothing wrong with that.
Mode, there are wild animals. Deer munching all day, and the lions eat once a day. And they do it out of pure selfishness, because they are so convenient.
Fortunately, the choice of mode is available to us. But instead of following the instructions of washers and brain adapt to the regime, we do the opposite: we will choose the type of food, the amount and frequency of its methods so that they match our needs.
Remember that hunger must cherish, because the food is especially nice when we have a good appetite.
And it is impossible without hunger. Famine occurs after a period of lack of food.
You think, I suggest you go hungry most of his life? No!
As I have already explained, the famine is designed so that you have it even will not notice until the next meal - of course, if you set a reasonable mode. And then you can enjoy every meal.
If you feel hungry, but for some reason can not immediately satisfy him, do not panic: the physical pain does not threaten you. Yes, you will have rumble in the stomach, but it does not hurt.
Remember: The longer the hunger, appetite and the stronger the better the next meal.
As I said, the hunger - a precious gift: his respect, cherish, cherish them. I am convinced that at the present time, eat with pleasure mainly because limited to two meals a day.
I highly recommend that you begin the program and make the mode only one change:
What we have come, the main conclusions
Before moving on, let's see what we get.
Using the instruction of Mother Nature, as the animals do instinctively, we got rid of the need to know your ideal weight.
We continue to regularly weigh and record the readings of the weights only to make sure: "It is easy way to lose weight" is effective.
When we stand naked before a mirror and be happy looking at his reflection, the weight that we have at this moment is perfect.
We know what kind of food has the best taste - fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, wheat and other cereals.
We also know that these products are best suited for our digestive system, thanks to them we can live a long, healthy and active life.
Once we know what foods to avoid - undergoing intensive treatment, especially meat and dairy.
We realized, when to eat - when we feel hungry, and when to stop - when hunger disappears.
In addition, we have a general idea of the correct calculation of time and combined.
But how to begin practical changes in eating habits to conform to these principles?
Chocolate does not make a person absolutely no benefit
Almost from every holder of excess weight I hear: "I love chocolate! Do something so that I stopped loving it! "They love chocolate, but for some reason I have to wean them from their goodies.
In response, I hear that the abuse of chocolate they believe the cause of excess weight. If so, why have not asked: "Make it so that I could eat as much chocolate as I want, but do not get fat?" Strange, but such a request to me has never been accessed.
Once I myself had trouble with chocolate. I opened a box of assorted chocolate candy and chose my favorite filling. We first had a great taste. The second - is worse. I have put in your mouth candy for candy and the taste deteriorated. I not only ate candy with my favorite stuffed, and stuffed, to which I was indifferent.
And even when there were only a box filled sweets, which I hated, I could hardly hold to not eat them. Surprisingly, even at this stage, when I could no longer see the chocolate and smell it, candy is still attracted me, I could not rest until I ate it all. What is it, I did not understand. And now I know.
We all grew up on chocolate bars - just like our children and grandchildren. Therefore, they spoil the teeth, so they are often irritated. Chocolate made from the cocoa fruit. And drink cocoa too.
Try unsweetened cocoa - a nasty taste.
And we remember: if the food taste bad, it is dangerous.
Chocolate is composed of three main components:
1. Cocoa, which contains addictive, unpleasant taste, a harmful substance theobromine. It is what makes us, despite the nausea, eat candy, one after another.
2. Refined sugar, which masks unpleasant taste of cocoa.
3. The milk intended for the calves and give an attractive appearance to chocolate.
All three components does not bring a person absolutely no benefit, but rather harm of varying severity.
However, together they suggest to us that we eat something surprisingly tasty and nutritious. Chocolate - the worst examples of products undergoing intensive treatment, and the most vivid sample of brainwashing.
I believe that many people have relations of the "love-hate" with chocolate are added as well as in smokers with cigarettes. Instinct tells us that in front of them harmful product. Maybe you consider that dependence on chocolate so strong that it suppresses the will? Not at all. These substances cause dependence only upon use.
Discard the first candy, and you do not need to eat second. You would eat feces if a substance gave them a pleasant taste and smell, also made you eat it? Perhaps it would be if it were not aware that eating feces. But once you understand that in front of you, and no taste, odor, and the drug does not cause you to take them in his mouth.
From the beliefs associated with chocolate, it is necessary to consciously unlearn. Looking at the chocolate, imagine how the components are mixed in a sickening viscous mass, invented specifically to deceive you. And soon you'll be amazed at how long you have been fooled.
In the book, "The only way to permanently stop smoking," I described the cunning tricks of commercial organizations, beautiful packaging hazardous substances to make them look attractive. Imagine that you regaled a box of chocolates, and then learned that their filling is made from crushed and flavored dead mice.
You will be able to enjoy these treats if knew in advance what they are made? Of course not. But as long as you do not know what to chew candies filled with dead mouse, refined sugar masked the taste disgusting, and you thought that you enjoy them.
Theobromine is much more harmful dead mice. Get rid of the blinders and try to understand that chocolate makers simply mask useless food for useful. Next time, eating chocolate, think about his stuffing. Imagine what it is made of mice - in the end, it's almost true!
Chocolate I have devoted an entire chapter. But this is only one example of skillful brainwashing for commercial purposes, the ability of some people to convince others that the destructive ingredient - healthy food. There are thousands of such substances, it is impossible to list them all in this book is one of them.
In general, this problem affects the eighth recommendation:
Beware of food subjected to intensive treatment
Chocolate as an example I chose because it is extremely popular. It is eaten not only in pure form - pardon the contradiction, in fact, pure chocolate is not the case - but also used as an ingredient or a glaze for many other dishes and products that are at least useless.
But thanks to the brainwashing we believe delicious chocolate. If you want to know the true taste of chocolate, try a powder or cocoa beans, without any additives.