How to get rid of imposed beliefs?

The first step is to realize that you have been brainwashed. But in itself this knowledge does nothing. The next step - decide what you intend to take. The third step - direct action! And there you have ten recommendations:

Not just to understand what I'm trying to explain, and nods his head - it is necessary to consciously do anything!

Do not worry, I will explain what to do and if you follow all of the recommendations, the work will not only easy but also enjoyable.

To get rid of imposed beliefs will need to take them to the "ticks". First learn healthy foods in their natural form.

The next time, cutting juicy ripe orange or pineapple, enjoy its exquisite aroma, appreciate cool, saturated water content, imagine how easily and quickly your body can digest the pulp is filled with precious energy and important nutrients, how easily get rid from waste.

Then take a look at the products that you have been taught, saying that it is your favorite flavors, though in fact it is only a disguise, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Comparison of failure, it would say "pig pretending apple."

The next time you eat a piece of meat, ask yourself if you really feel the taste of meat, if you want to burden the body, forcing him to get rid of toxins and waste, save energy, almost nothing in return? Do not assume that our body in any way capable of without consequences flush toxins and waste.

Paradoxically, it is this aspect of the "easy way to lose weight" is the greatest resistance from people who fear that will never be able to absorb the favorite dishes.

So smokers are afraid that will never be able to enjoy a meal or talk on the phone and smoking at the same time. The fear generated by the smoker willed by getting rid of nicotine addiction, and fear the owner of excess weight - suffering on diets.

Personally, I was able to come to terms with the new rules because I realized: cooking spoils her, and that Mother Nature does not recommend us to carry out the processing of food. I do not agree with this, I could not, but because almost everything I ate was cooked (starting with a bowl of cereal), at first I did not know how I would do without this food.

I think it's delicious smell of cooking. One could argue that the Creator in order to create a pleasant smell, and to show that the food is delicious. True, but this rule only applies to natural food. Spirits also smell good, but it is unlikely you will drink them. Before I often came the delicious smells from the kitchen. I call Joyce: "It smells wonderful! What are you cooking? "" Nothing, just clean my oven. "

The basic function of smell in nature - to help us find food. We have found that hunger is good that we do not always feel it in the absence of specific stimuli.

The most common of these stimuli - kind of food, another - the smell of food. Because we eat a lot of processed foods, we smell of cooking in the brain associated with hunger and food, but it does not mean necessarily that the taste of the food is pleasant.

Smokers trying to quit smoking, enjoy the smell of other people's cigarettes, but when the smoke themselves, they seem to taste disgusting. It is necessary to get rid of the belief that the smell of cooking creates hunger. If not for the smell, we would find that in fact are not hungry. And when really hungry, you were able to enjoy the food as it should.

Perhaps you have decided that I propose to brainwash themselves. IN NO EVENT! This exercise has the opposite effect and is not always as difficult as you might think.

Referring to the analogy. Let's say you fell in love with a woman with a beautiful face, perfect body, a great character, a pleasant disposition. The trouble is that you're in love with her, and she can not stand you.

But there is another woman who is ready to kiss the ground on which you tread. But alas, it seems you ugly, boring, characterless, having no sense of humor. Suppose I - a sorcerer, and you came to me for help. I offer you two pills to choose from, each of them will solve your problem.

The first costs only ten pounds. By adopting it, you fall in love with an ugly woman, and will consider her as beautiful as the other. Other cost you a thousand pounds, and when you take it, your fiancee will respond to you in return. Suppose the money is not a problem for you. Which pill would you choose?

If you answer honestly, I think most people would choose the latter. Yes, from the point of view of logic solve both problems. In the first pill even have two advantages over the second: it is cheaper and no one is forcing you to respond in kind.

So why almost all of us would choose the second pill? I think because we are the first suspect in the dirty trick - that we simply have to make believe in the beauty of ugly. But I'm not a sorcerer, and these pills do not exist in nature. Unlike fraud. Consider the same example, but do not give confidence if the first chosen one - the beauty, and the second - boring and ugly.

You've probably seen movies where the main character is ugly at first, and then becomes attractive looks and nineteen and ninety years, depending on the wishes of the director. Surely in your life there were cases when the first impression changed over time on diametrically opposite.

Suppose that in fact the chosen one - the ugly duckling, and a fan - a beautiful swan. Then you do not need any wizards or magic pills: all you have to do - get rid of the blinkers.

And now you're in the same position!

After all, you have been brainwashed!

Food that you as a result of brainwashing feel fine - meat, cream, dairy products, exotic desserts - does not love you. On the contrary, hate, kill you! And the food that you love, support, bestows health and energy benefits, is seen as the second-best of you.

Vegetables are a side dish to the main course. Fruits are optional, as one embodiment of the dessert. Bread and potatoes are considered a delicacy we do not because they are relatively cheap, and take them for granted, we eat almost every day.

But if they are the basis of our diet, unless they can not be called a true delicacy? In the end, the sandwich can be made with anything, but not do without bread!

You imposed the belief that food is useless useful. I think you think you are a reasonable person. If you are able to convince the usefulness of useless food, imagine how easy it would be to see the opposite and evaluate real healthy food - provided that you are able to overcome the effects of brainwashing.

In fact, any effort from you is not required. You instinctively know that I'm right. After learning the truth, you can not continue to deceive ourselves. You will discover that will start to think about the composition of foods subjected to intensive treatment.

You begin to doubt the usefulness of such food. What is the treatment - to make the food tolerable useless taste? To deprive her naturalness?

Consider the classic example of a product that seems to cause us greater stimulation than any other:

Cool, clear, oxygen-rich cleansing and refreshing water

Table of contents
Cool, clear, oxygen-rich cleansing and refreshing water
Page 2

You may find it difficult to recognize the dignity of the water. But imagine that you get lost in the waterless desert. Palit sun throat has long been dry. You do not doubt that you are destined to die of thirst. What kind of drink you ask for?

Suppose by some miracle came ahead of an oasis, and in it - a luxury hotel. At the bar lined with bottles of fizzy lemonade and cola, bitter beer glasses with froth, glasses with clear water. What do you think, which of them do you pull? Perhaps you choose beer. And I used to think that prefer lemonade. But as it turned out, I was wrong.

Once in Spain, I tried to climb the mountain. And caught in the thick vines. By the end I felt like I was going to die of thirst. I thought only of water. When I finally got to the centers of civilization, I had the opportunity to choose between drinks that we used to quench their thirst.

I asked for water. It was no matter how cool or transparent - if only it were water. Oddly enough, I could not remember the last time before drinking the water.

Modern civilized man brainwashed almost entirely dependent on food products that have passed an intensive treatment, as well as drinks. Authorities even treated water that flows from our taps at home.

Do you want to say, "If it were not for this treatment, we would not have survived"? Maybe you are right. But is this not another rebuke to the civilized world? We are so polluted the natural sources that are already not drink. And wild animals drink.

Undoubtedly, pollution and questionable quality of the water from the tap forced us to look for other drinks. The pressure from the authorities, encourages us to drink milk, drove a steady to mind the myth that it is useful. Commercial companies pursuing selfish goals, easily manage to convince us that a particular drink a refreshing, provides us with nutrients, making fresh and healthy.

For us, the most natural thing to do seems to be preparing a morning cup of tea or coffee. But in fact there is nothing natural. Both beverages invented man. Of course, drinking tea or coffee in the morning is nice. They consist mostly of water, and we need to quench your thirst after eight hours of sleep.

But his appeal tea and coffee are required to caffeine addictive. When the body is not caffeine, we feel a sense of emptiness and insecurity that forces us to consume more caffeine.

The second cup is no longer quenches thirst, and relieves withdrawal symptoms caused by the first. The third cup relieves us of the symptoms caused by the second, and so on, ad infinitum. Many people are dependent on caffeine drink twenty cups a day and can not understand why they are constantly thirsty and irritation.

Incredibly, coffee producers have done the same trick as the manufacturers of non-alcoholic beer - was removed from the caffeine of coffee. If you are not thirsty, the only reason for the consumption of coffee - caffeine withdrawal symptoms of withdrawal. By eliminating caffeine from the drink, we lose the only reason for coffee consumption - and thus consider ourselves intelligent beings!

Well, maybe you're not as stupid as it seems. Maybe you drink a non-alcoholic beer or coffee without caffeine because you really like the taste of coffee or a beer. Remember, I advise you to beware of the food, which is developing a taste for or acquired? Usually it turns out to be harmful.

If you had to work hard to rasprobovat one or another flavor, so before you addictive drug. Children and animals do not like the taste and smell of coffee, alcohol and nicotine - not yet a dependence. And even after that, they do not enjoy the taste, only pretend - because heroin addicts, convinced that they enjoy the process of injections into a vein.

That's why a child to drink tea or coffee, we had to add them milk and sugar, silencing the unpleasant taste of the drink and give it a more reasonable view. With the appearance of excess weight we give up milk and sugar. Persevere, we will soon discover that the coffee or tea you can drink without sugar.

But if their taste is so wonderful, why we did not appreciate it as soon as you have tried without sugar? For the same reason that smokers distasteful first cigarette taste. Because he really repulsive. Like the taste of tea and coffee. But if you persist, the body gradually gets used to this smell and taste - in order to get the drug.

If you have not read my book about addiction, you may think that this is a learning process to go through to extract the full benefits of the drug. But depending on the drug have no benefit.

I emphasize: there is no need to say that the disadvantages outweigh the drug, depending on its merits. Anyone who suffers from such dependence, knows this from experience. I'm just explaining that any benefits to which owners insist dependence illusory. In other words, no advantages have depending.

Smokers believe that smoking helps them to relax, focus, relieve boredom and stress. But in reality things are different. It is very difficult to convince smokers. However, the concentration and boredom - complete opposites as relaxation and stress.

Togo, who will try to sell the same smoker magic pill that gives just two opposite effects for several hours, the smoker accuse of charlatanism. But these are the properties attributed to nicotine smokers.

This is a very complicated issue, which is not open to two paragraphs. The easiest way to outline briefly the nature of the problem - try to find out why

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