The most refreshing drink - cool clean water

Have you ever wanted to invent a "monopoly" or a Rubik's Cube? And if you were able to bring to market a product, the dream of modern man, wealthy, overweight and burdened busy counting calories?

Just imagine how you would get rich by opening a beverage containing absolutely no calories, but the taste surpasses all known humanity and thirst-quenching is better than any other!

I'm afraid you're too late. Monsieur Perrier saw the opportunity a few decades ago, many have already managed to cash in on his discovery. Its product he called "natural mineral water with gas from a natural source."

On what is the source and which gas is not mentioned [1]. But the water is sparkling as champagne. Ironically, Monsieur Perrier and its competitors had to spend a fortune on advertising the original product.

But even more paradoxical that the true inventor introduced the world to the product of more than three billion years ago. You can try it for free from every mountain stream. This drink, which all other creatures quench their thirst.

Until recently, the last microsecond in the history of the human race, by equating it to the day, the water was the only drink that people drank as soon as they weaned.

But people have the intelligence. And he allowed them to improve the product, created by the mind, billions of times superior to man. Ask any cricketer or rugby, what is best to quench their thirst after the match, and nine times out of ten you will be called, or bitter, or a mixture of beer and lemonade.

According to my dictionary, the word "bitter" means "a sharp, unpleasant taste." Beer called bitter because it gives bitterness.

Never met a person who, finishing her first beer, whether it is bitter, lager, soft, pale ale, dark ale, stout or Irish stout, would not have thought secretly:

"Why should I drink this stuff? It would be better asked for a glass of lemonade. " But the lemonade drink only children and adult men drink - beer! So, we should drink lemonade? No. Faith in the taste of lemonade - also the result of brainwashing, which we subjected to since childhood.

This indoctrination is so efficient that even convince us to drink beer that does not contain alcohol. Just think: we accustom the brain and body to ignore the nasty taste and smell, to feel the effects of alcohol.

And then we produce non-alcoholic beer, and we are left with a nasty taste and smell. And we assure ourselves that we like it!

Which would beverages and foods nor was it, I'm just trying to explain how easily fooled like a reasonable person.

If we are convinced that the taste of the drink called "bitter beer" must like us because it is bitter, how much easier to convince us that drinks like cola tasty, even though they contain alkaloids, addictive.

Brainwashing works so effectively that many of us feel worthy only drinks greenish or purple, with sharp fruity and a paper umbrella on top [2]. If we saw a similar swipes lapping cat or a dog, a sight we would have a lot of fun.

And I was surprised that the people who are watching their weight and give up ice cream for dessert, willingly eat creamy soup before a meal and drink a few glasses of liquor, composed mostly of cream.

Paradoxically, Monsieur Perrier and its competitors continue to spend money to convince us that a long time ago it is known from the instruction of the Creator:

The most refreshing drink - cool clean water

Maybe you still doubt it. We are objective. Just look back and try to remember how many times in life you like the taste of a beverage.

Did you answer without thinking: "I've always pleasant to the taste of wine at dinner."

And me too, but I do not remember, so I drained the glass in two gulps, and then reached for the next one. In fact, wine at dinner, I did not drink to quench their thirst, but because the meat without wine something is missing. It is not a need, but a consequence of the brainwashing.

And I ask you to remember those times when thirsty you drink a glass of liquid, and then another half a glass in seconds. Between hunger and thirst for a lot in common, right?

If you're really hungry, any food seems tasty. Remember that most of drinks, including beer, consist essentially of water.

If you really want to drink, excellent seem any clean liquid cool, refreshing and thirst-quenching throat, whether beer, cola, lemonade or the very fresh, health-giving moisture that the Creator created especially for us.

Cool, clear, oxygen-rich cleansing and refreshing water.

[1] "Perrier" - the famous French natural mineral carbonated water, is extracted from the source land Vernezh France, a world leader in this market segment. - Note. Ed.

[2] paper umbrella - I mean the tradition of decorating the top glasses with cocktails, including the soft, paper umbrellas. - Note. Ed.

Recommendations for the right combination of products

That recommendation intended for the right combination of products:

1. Do not eat fruit with other foods.

2. Do not mix during a meal proteins and carbohydrates.

3. Do not eat more than one concentrated product per meal. Concentrated considered all products, except for fresh fruits and vegetables.

4. The non-starchy vegetables (high in water) was digested with either acidic or alkaline gastric juices, therefore, you can not mix these vegetables with protein (meat, fish, poultry, dairy products) or carbohydrates (cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes).

Another factor to be taken into account -


There is only one rule of time, and it refers to the fruit.

Do not eat fruit with other foods - they can be used only on an empty stomach.

That is why breakfast - the perfect time for the fruit. After eating them, wait thirty minutes before proceeding to the next meal.

From the above recommendations you might conclude: "But it does mean that you can not eat fish with potatoes, cheese and bread, scrambled eggs on toast, cereal with milk! "No, it does not mean! That's the essence of the "easy way to lose weight."

In this manner there are no restrictions. The above guidelines - not rules or instructions, and excerpts from the instructions of the Creator. This is not a diet. You have to just change your eating habits to enjoy each meal.

Your task - to make the above principles of his usual rule and not the exception.

But occasionally break this rule is not forbidden. You can even take part in the traditional Christmas getting your stomach, and it does not gain weight and suffer remorse.

Principles set forth herein are intended to be obtained from administering to a maximum of food nutrients and calories, and do it with minimal costs to the energy enough for the removal of toxic waste and the functioning of the body.

Do not forget: the most delicious and enjoyable food - the one that gives health and vigor.

Timing and combining

For the calculation of the time there is only one rule: do not eat fruit when the stomach contains other food. The meaning of this rule will become clear after we consider the combination rules.

On combining different kinds of food before I was conceived with only one purpose - to find out what flavors go together. I was a typical "trash the body" and choosing only the food, which he considered delicious. Swallow it, I considered their obligations to be fulfilled by the body.

Omnivorous animals, such as goats, capable of digesting most different foods. But they rarely eat one meal a few products. We create problems not only for those that are processing our food.

Successful cultivation of various crops, storage and conservation of the great variety of products, modern cooking technology - all this has created another problem, pretty serious.

We combine different products not only during one meal - often they are mixed even in our mouth.

What is the problem?

The fact that our digestive system is not designed to digest different foods at the same time.

Before you begin to protest and indignation, I will explain: this does not mean that combine different products in one meal is impossible.

But we should understand what happens in our bodies when we consume are incompatible with each other products.

Unsuccessful combination spoil food exactly same as the processing in which the food loses nutrients. In addition incongruous products difficult to digest, metabolize, and excrete.

A common example - a combination of foods high in protein, such as meat, potatoes, mainly consisting of carbohydrates. The stomach produces acid juices to digest protein. But for the digestion of carbohydrates need an alkaline environment.

What do you get if you mix acid with alkali? They cancel each other out. This means that either the meat or potatoes are not digested. You have set an impossible task stomach. It produces new portions of acids, alkalis neutralize the new portions. The result - stagnation of food in the stomach, indigestion and heartburn.

While this happens, likely fall into the body new products, causing confusion. I have already explained why the fruits are ideal for a person.

Unfortunately, we usually eat fruit for dessert at the end of the meal. But if you eat fruit while in the stomach, there is another, yet not digested food, fruit in the intestine will not pass.

Not only do you lose all the benefits of fruit, but also will add them to the mass of rotting food, all the nutrients are lost. Next time, suffering from indigestion and heartburn, try to imagine the hodgepodge decomposed meat and vegetable food in the stomach.

It does not fit the food can stay in it for more than eight hours. Finally fuse blows. The stomach is saying, "I'm sorry, I tried my best, but it did not work" and sends undigested mass in the intestine. And intestines also can not do anything.

All the nutrients contained in the food already disappeared. We'll have to waste energy on something to somehow extract new reserves of energy from rotting, decaying, toxic mess, which has yet to get rid of.

I do not mean to be rude, but everyone who has suffered from constipation, remember how much pain it causes internally. The average transit time through the gastrointestinal tract of any other food, except for the fruit, is 25-30 hours. For meat, the figure doubled.

Imagine how much energy is needed, with some working voltage of the system of internal organs to digest this food and push it on the penalty intestines.
