In this book, the term "food" always meant not only food but also drink - except where noted.
Consumption - the number and types of products we consume.
RECYCLING - the rate of calorie burning and elimination of waste.
If the consumption exceeds the regular recycling, we gain weight, and vice versa.
Our goal - to balance the consumption and utilization so our weight did not change throughout life.
You may think that this formula also includes other options - such as endocrine disorders, or metabolic changes. "I eat less than a sparrow, and kilos coming and coming! "- We've all heard many similar phrases, sometimes pronounced them yourself.
But the horrifying photographs taken in Nazi concentration camps, strongly deny these allegations. In my opinion, all these factors are invented to dissipate attention, confusing and justify those who are not able to control food intake.
Do not get me wrong. I do not want to say that there is no endocrine diseases. And I do not think that the rate of metabolism of all people the same. Moreover, I recognize that this speed throughout a person's life can change. I'm just trying to explain that oil is not made of stone and sweet.
Any gardener knows that if the soil to make fertilizers, flowers will grow better. But at the plate, stainless steel garden will not grow. If people do not have enough food - for example, in a camp for prisoners of war or in lean years - they suffer from exhaustion and not overweight.
If your metabolic or endocrine characteristics of the organism is such that you have to eat less food than your neighbor - so be it. But does this mean that you may not eat as much as you want? No, it does not. Do not jump the gun. You would be upset to learn that your neighbor's car consumes gasoline twice as fast as yours? I will not limit you in any way. The choice is yours.
No doubt you have already noticed that the formula "an easy way to lose weight" promises you the desired weight without any special exercises. Most people who call themselves experts in weight management, are of the opinion that successful weight loss without regular exercise impossible.
However, complexes of exercises - another excuse from the category of distractions. Yes, the more you engage in physical activities, the more calories you burn, and thus increase the rate of recycling. But the exercise is hungry and thirsty, and therefore the increase in food consumption. Sloths, snails and turtles are not very agile and active, but also from overweight do not suffer.
Even if consumption and disposal is influenced by such factors as physical activity, the activity of the endocrine system and metabolism, the fact remains the same: if the consumption exceeds utilization, we gain weight, and vice versa. Try to remember it firmly and to focus on core tasks.
Returning to the comparison with the machine. I think only one driver in a thousand knows how much weight his car, if he has not loaded. I do not know that number. But we do not have to know her. When the machine runs out gasoline, we refueled and weight of the machine increases. As the combustion of the fuel weight is gradually reduced, but the main weight of the machine remains unchanged.
Suppose, for some reason, it seemed to own the car you are too heavy. Do you really think that in order to solve the problem you need to drive a car with a single purpose - to burn more fuel not cheap? Only a simpleton is able to take such a decision. But this is how we do, doing exercise to lose weight.
The analogy seemed you failed? And you want to argue that when all the gasoline in the tank is over, the machine stops, while our body will continue to eat the internal reserves and we will begin to lose weight? All true, but not to lose made after the body begins to consume fat reserves, you have to observe a strict fast - or, at least, reduce the amount of food and beverages.
Otherwise wasted fat reserves would soon be restored. After exercise hunger and thirst especially strong. And if the food will be banned for you, you will feel miserable and deprived. You will need to call for help will power and discipline. In fact, you sit on a diet. Maybe even with some success. After you happened in the past to lose weight by dieting. But the gains were short-lived, as
Diets do not help!
And if it helped, you would now have not read this book. But why would so complicate your life, if you can use the "easy way"?
You probably already have the impression that I am against the exercise. Nothing like this. I'm just trying to explain why our base weight of the exercise is not affected. On them will be discussed in detail in the penultimate chapter.
In living beings, like any car, it has its own weight without a load, and if the base weight of the car varies depending on the model, and each species and individuals have their own ideal or standard weight. Why do we clearly see this in the machine, but do not notice in relation to his own body?
Because the machines produce people. We know very well what we need gasoline, and we understand that spend it just like that, without a goal, is very stupid. But the causes of food for us to remain vague.