I think you've already decided how much would you like to weigh.
We will not go into the details of the calculation of the ideal weight for you. Whichever method you may use, please forget about it. Chances are, you checked the table, which indicates how much weight a person should have your height in your life.
So, instead of a scientific approach you got "sand in the wheels." All these tables are approximate and have not been prepared Mother Nature and man.
In essence, the table height and weight - the perfect excuse. I always said that my problem - lack of 15cm growth rather than 12kg overweight. It is believed that the table developed by scientists, but upon closer inspection, the situation is quite different. Whether they have taken into account such factors as the individual dimensions of the bone? And then, who still stood at the table? What right have these people to decide what is to all people the same height, the ideal would be the same weight? And by the way, it has been calculated that the ideal weight?
For a moment, forget about yourself. Do you know how much weight Linford Christie? * To what your weight. Already it is clear that he is in excellent physical shape. Watch your friends. Should you weigh them, to identify overweight?
Call for help common sense. The fact that your weight is excessive, do not you learn from your balance. Libra just confirm what you already know. On the overweight and said mirror - all those unsightly bumps, creases, tight fit clothes, but in addition eternal shortness of breath and lethargy.
Choosing a calculated somebody else ideal weight, you make the tail wag the dog, and create unnecessary obstacles. Is not it easier to determine what should be your weight? It is in your power! Ideal weight - one in which you can stand in front of a mirror in full growth, in his underwear, to look at ourselves and admire. The ideal weight at which you wake up each morning fully rested, radiant energy, and look forward to a new day, to once again experience the joy of life. Here's fifth recommendation:
Do not aspire to the ideal weight calculated by someone else.
Reread the previous paragraph. It is of such weight and you want to, right? It may coincide with the weight that counted for you by someone else. It may well be that the weight will be exactly the tabulated. But now you need not be guided by guesswork. You know exactly how much should weigh.
This is the goal of "an easy way to lose weight" - to simplify the process.
Needless to say, my recommendations will not help you change the shape of the nose or lips. This is the amount of fat - more precisely, the lack thereof, as well as the extent of your lean and fit. Even if you went to the Creator's face, which is not quite satisfied with you, all of its shortcomings recede into the background - and not just for you but for all the others. Few things can match the appeal of a fit, healthy-looking body.
Do you think it would be much easier to know the exact weight and strive for it? Quite the contrary. It is enough to take advantage of my proposed criterion for choosing the ideal weight, and a third of the problems will be resolved. If you still need the exact figure, or if you navigate to the opinion of fashion designer clothes, you, in effect, declare that they are ready to feel resentment every time looking at myself in the mirror.
And so you are telling me that they agree on the weight at which feel apathy and malaise. Moreover, you have already broken all five previous recommendations - except, perhaps, a third ("Start with joyful anticipation"). Even if you have followed the recommendations of the third, I am afraid, your joy will be short-lived. "Easy way to lose weight" was created to help people with weight problems and not to waste time on fools (all recommendations are for your reference in Appendix).
If the proposed criterion for you, but you have reason to doubt their own judgment, especially when close friends and relatives insist that excess weight you do not, and you still think that he is, offered the role of arbitrator doctor and rely on him opinion.
You have the urge to throw the scales? Do not! We are very handy. One of the reasons that we gain weight, consists in the fact that a gradual and prolonged process. Something he is akin to aging: the reflection that we see in the mirror every day, seems to be no different from the reflection,
Prev. - Next. "
All diseases - a direct consequence of our food
Nowadays, many people know how harmful to the environment of the automobile engine exhaust, and the inhalation of tobacco smoke in the lungs even more harmful to us. We know about the powerful spillover effects of insecticides and other chemicals in the lower level of the food pyramid.
But why should we believe that our use of these chemicals has no effect? Why we do not notice the impact of products on a daily basis falling in our stomach? Maybe because they accustomed to simplistic to divide all eaten, on the good and bad?
Yes, we know that there are products that are more useful for us, and remember that a certain food causes some people have an allergic reaction. So, what pleases one may be poison for another. But if it were that easy!
Do not forget that wild animals - provided that they have enough favorite food - do not suffer from constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure and cholesterol, diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and intestines .
Have you ever heard of Tiger needed dentures, hearing aids or glasses, a wig or a pacemaker? Why animals hemodialysis machine?
They die of heart attacks, strokes, cancer or diabetes?
Is not it obvious that all these diseases - a direct consequence of our food?
No, in these matters, I do not pretend to have more extensive knowledge of your superior. I simply ask you to recognize that if a car manufacturer we better versed in fuel and maintenance, which requires the machine, hence the higher mind, our Creator, knows better than we what we need.
Chances are, you thought, "This is fine. Indeed, there is no need to be a certified mechanic to use the machine, and business professionals - to provide us instructions and all the necessary. To follow them. But where would I get instructions from Mother Nature? "
I assure you this statement is not only exists, but is at our disposal throughout the life - of course, if we are not brainwashed by expert people and commercial advertising.
"Easy way to lose weight" will acquaint you with these tips, I repeat - this is not my advice.
They gave us the supreme intelligence that created us.
And you are required only to have the courage to abandon prejudice, lose the blinders and do not forget that you have been brainwashed.
Further sections of the book are devoted to the interpretation of the instructions drawn up for us by Mother Nature. To begin its study of the order. Fortunately, my patented formula is required to take into account all three components.
Flaw surprising mechanism
A reasonable person would dispute the claim that the people owe their superiority in the field of technology developed intellect. Human beings have not only the instincts and the ability to remember past experiences and deductively apply accumulated knowledge to different situations.
This ability to draw conclusions and to transfer knowledge not only from generation to generation, but also between peoples, languages and cultures, has allowed the human race to leave rivals far behind - so much so that we believe, like to control their own destiny.
The main difference between man and other living beings is that in the past life instincts predominate. The advantages we have instincts. At the same time we have a reason, and if our instincts and logic are in conflict, developed intellect helps suppress instincts.
This is a flaw of our mechanism. It causes us harm, and if we do not learn from their mistakes, not only leads to the destruction of our species, but also to the elimination of all life on the planet.
Because we do not understand the reasons for their instinctive behavior and because our actions are based on logical reasoning, in cases of conflict between instinct and intellect logic tells us to lean toward the latter. Let me ask you a question.
Suppose you want to predict the outcome of a sporting event. For advice, you can contact one of the two assistants. One - the smartest man in the world, has made hundreds of these forecasts, which in 75% of cases proved to be correct. The second - an uncouth lout, which account for millions of such forecasts, and every single one - loyal. Which of these two do you refer?
We tend to refer to instincts as a case of accidental contact or coincidence. In vain. This is the result of three billion years of experimentation - not constructing theories and actions by trial and error. Thanks instincts birds build their nests complex shapes, and the spiders weave an intricate web. By the way, did you know that if you take into account the relative thickness and weight of silk thread, which allocated a spider, it is much stronger than any of the fibers, man-made?
Instincts help all living beings multiply, to feed, to distinguish edible from inedible food. Wild animals produce offspring without many difficulties that we face, and without the help of doctors. And the inability to read and write, and the lack of academic degrees the animals did not interfere.
I know that there are people whose faith in God and in man's ability to overcome any difficulties so strong that they remain calm, no matter what the clouds were gathering on the horizon. The only logical explanation for their belief is: until now people have always found a way out of any situation. I believe dinosaurs also were confident that will survive no matter what.
Even if you do not believe in the Creator and feel superior intelligence of man, it would be extremely unwise to contradict the experience and knowledge gained by mother nature for more than three billion years. With intellect we ought to change their lives for the better, and not to spoil and not to destroy it. I'm not trying to discourage you to use intelligence - just saying that in case of conflict of instincts with intelligence contradict the instincts illogical.
The aim of the preceding three chapters to remind you, in spite of all the achievements of mankind, compared with the miracle of Mother Nature we are - insignificant ants.
Personally, I was especially impressed such a comparative assessment of our abilities. Try to produce a product the size of an acorn, then just drop it on the ground and forget about it - so that when he started up the germ and continues to grow year after year, until they turn into an oak, which live for hundreds of years, and each year will bring thousands of acorns through which to continue its look.
The next time he saw an oak or other natural wonder, just think about the higher mind, the will of which from an acorn grows a tree - without any help from man, reaching gigantic proportions only due to sunlight, minerals from the soil and water, and so grows year after year for centuries. Oak - not a figment of our imagination, but a reality.
We are talking about the wonders of nature. They seem to us miracles because create a more complex way than we can imagine, we are unable to grasp it. And yet these miracles exist and it is impossible to deny.
I grew accustomed to entirely trust the doctors. I find it difficult to challenge their authority, especially when they are clearly intelligent, well-versed in their field and utterly devoted to him. But the true connoisseur of the human body - Mother Nature, not man. If you have a broken car, you gonna call manually monkey fix it? Of course not! Even last dolt does not. Nevertheless, we are doing exactly that allow your mind to cancel the rules established by Mother Nature.
You may have the impression that I believe all doctors and nutritionists fools or charlatans. I assure you, you are terribly far from the truth. More noble profession I do not know and I am proud that she chose my younger son Richard. Ironically, all the sophistication of the human body is best able to assess doctors are more versed in the body of this unit than many other people. The more they learn, the better to understand that they know very little.
But when they are guided by their little bit of knowledge, not knowing what will be the consequences of their actions, they are compared to monkeys who try to repair the car. Doctors in the first place - people. Yes, I admit: that what's inside a person, they know much more than you and me. But compared with the mind that we have created, the knowledge of physicians slightly superior knowledge of monkeys. And now - the fourth precept: if you give advice contrary to the lessons of Mother Nature, no matter how authoritative and experienced neither was the counselor,