The main advantage of this method to lose weight

I find it hard to forgive our cat hunt defenseless birds or rodents, although I understand that it is controlled instincts. Annoyingly, even when prey become vociferous starlings, and only when the cat caught robins and blue tits, it is generally unbearable.

On that day the cat cornered wall neighbor's house gray squirrel. Knowing how agile and dexterous these animals, for the fate of proteins I'm not too worried. Real seemed inevitable, and I curiously waited for the moment when the cat finally get his due. Further I was amazed. Squirrel shied away from a fight, climb the vertical wall.

I know that the trees proteins demonstrate the wonders of acrobatics, but overcome Earth's gravity laws are clearly only because dig claws into the bark. The wall was lined with gravel and, apparently, the protrusions and recesses on it enough protein to keep from falling.

This was the case I had forgotten, until he saw the peanut protein feed sweetly that my wife Joyce especially effusive in our courtyard. I remember, I remember thinking: "The main thing is not obeshsya, and then the next time vlezesh wall! "But no sooner had this thought crossed my mind, like a squirrel nibbling nuts and stopped for the rest of the day to do what they dug in reserve.

I wondered why suddenly stopped protein meal. It is unlikely that she had the mental capacity to build a logical chain: too many nuts - overweight, overweight - the risk of falling prey to predators.

At the same time I thought that if I put in front of a bowl of nuts or chips, I could not resist and umyal them all to the last. Nevertheless, I, the representative of the razumnogo.vida beings on this planet, I am wondering how the protein was smart enough not to eat all the nuts again.

Until a few days, I thought about what prompted the protein to give up and start eating nuts to store for future use. You and I understand the meaning of these actions, and where the protein is known about him? Why protein is no problem with being overweight? Why are wild animals there is no obesity? You might argue that the seals and hippos are not different slenderness.

Compared with greyhound - yes, perhaps. But their dimensions are, what their lifestyle, environment and other living conditions. Remember, it looks like the fish school, herd of antelopes, or any other group of wildlife. The dimensions are different, but for some reason is always the same shape? Why weight problems on our planet there are only the most intelligent beings yes pet food which is controlled again, we, the people?

That was the first important fact: the realization that the 99, 99% of the inhabitants of the planet to absorb as many favorite foods, do it as often as they want, and do not get fat. Obviously, they know the kind of secrets that we do not know.

Are you surprised that the intelligence does not solve, and create problems for us - because we certainly know this secret before found higher knowledge?

It is possible to give only one explanation - most likely, the people in the development of intelligence ahead of all other inhabitants of the planet, have become too complacent and arrogant. So much so that they considered themselves above the power that created us. Meanwhile, we can learn a lot of wild animals.

His observations I once shared with a close friend Ken Pimblettom. He said: "That's what you had read about natural hygiene." I admitted that it was the first time I heard the expression, and asked what to do with our conversation have regular bathing, brushing teeth, and linen.

Ken explained, there is a long-standing theory that has nothing to do with the water treatments, but concerning the refusal of Western society from the natural eating habits. He then proceeded to the detailed description of the mechanism of our digestive and excretory systems.

I listened and knew what he was getting at. I was tormented feeling that Ken is trying to recruit me for vegetarians. At the same time, I did not get tired surprise that people ten years older than I look ten years younger, slim and fit and do not have overweight.

One of the main advantages of "easy way to lose weight" is that it does not require technical or specialized knowledge.

The method is based on simple common sense. Sure, doctors and nutritionists have insisted on presenting technical details. But I as a layman such details are confusing, I think about how convincing the arguments or not, because do not have special knowledge, I can not judge them.

In other words, it's like listening to the latest advertising "miracle" slimming, which is painted in detail, why and how it can help you lose ten kilos in a week and it does not cause harm.

In such cases, I can not see the forest for the trees. Technical details only distract me from really efficient, effective arguments - arguments of common sense!

I have no desire to go into the details, I rely solely on common sense.

What was the true meaning of the case with a squirrel? Think about how nice it was to savor favorite foods anytime, in any amount and still maintain the desired weight without excruciating diets without exercise, without the efforts of a strong-willed and self-discipline. That's what is "Easy way to lose weight."

Overeating! The direct route to disease and premature death

I never considered the processes of food and eating separately, in isolation from each other. For me it was simply extrapolating overeating food - probably because I liked to eat.

Ironically, smokers are convinced that the root of their problems - love the process of smoking.

But in fact, they are mistaken. They only think that they like to smoke - because, when faced with the ban on smoking, they feel miserable and deprived.

Similarly, people who are prone to overeating, are convinced that their problem is that they too love to eat.

But even if you feel miserable and deprived because you are not allowed to eat, it does not mean that you like to overeat.

People love to eat, but do not overeat. From overeating and indigestion there first heartburn, feeling bloated, lethargy and apathy, and eventually - excess fat, psychological and physical discomfort.

At overeating is another serious drawback. Remorse and other emotional suffering nullify all the pleasure that delivers food.

From the outset, it is important to clearly distinguish the normal power from overeating.

Average food - great fun.

Overeating also creates inconveniences during food intake, and after it.

A regular overeating - a direct path to disease and premature death.

People who are prone to overeating, are well aware of this sad fact, but, like smokers, make sure that they really like to smoke, they are convinced that the pleasure of eating offsets all the consequences.

Next, I will explain what it is misleading. Overeating people are unhappy in the process of eating, and after it. Because you and read my book. Deal with it a fact!

The logical questions arise: "What is binge eating? How do I know I overeat or eat right? "Alas, one use of the word" binge "is enough to give the impression that your problem - an abundance of food, hence the need to restrict yourself in it.

And if I try to reassure you that that's not the quantity, but the quality of food, you will surely come to the conclusion that you will be banned favorite foods and dishes.

No, my following simple guidelines, you will be able to absorb as much a favorite food as you want and not gain weight. But the recommendations then.

And my method of getting rid of nicotine addiction, and "Easy way to lose weight" are similar to advice on how to get out of the maze. It is important to give them a particular order.

I have already said that the opening of the secrets of the ideal weight has brought me three facts.

Exercise willpower is not required

I set a goal to invent EASY way to lose weight?

No! And just did not try to develop an easy way to quit smoking. On the contrary, I learned how to get rid of nicotine addiction, when he resigned to the fact that he would never get rid of it is not.

I confess frankly, like many other great discoveries, the main role is played by luck rather than my talents and abilities. And I figured that either have problems of excess weight as an easy solution, somebody would have found it long ago. His luck I took as a prize in a lottery. If you won once - you incredibly lucky, but expect the second prize - a hopeless stupidity!

So how do I find a way to keep your weight? Largely due to the natural development of the ideas that led to the problem of smoking. Most of my life I took for granted banal statements about smoking. And I did not occur to them to question - for example, that smokers smoke because they felt like it, they like the taste of tobacco smoking - just a habit.

No need to be Sherlock Holmes to reveal the absurdity of these statements. Small enough introspection. Freed from the faith in a supposedly true facts, I discovered that doubt everything that is related to smoking, eating habits and so on.

We were subjected to indoctrination, brainwashing - and society in general, and doctors, and other people from medicine (nutritionists in particular). We are led to believe is clearly absurd myths relating to eating habits, and in most cases diametrically opposite the real facts.

Dr. Bray, author of the foreword to this book, at first surprised to learn that I have no medical training. And he is not alone. But I soon realized that this lack of knowledge in medicine, not only was a huge plus for me to work with smokers, but also gave me the same advantages in the search for solution to the problem of excess weight.

Doctor focuses on the physical harm caused by smoking and poor diet, but smokers and owners of overweight smoke and overeat not because these classes are able to destroy them - just as a prisoner of war does not stick out in the camp specifically to spoil their own health . The only effective solution - eliminate the reasons that cause us to smoke or overeat. This is my method.

The lack of medical training gives me yet another distinct advantage. I do not need to keep an eye on you from above, nor to use the medical terminology or flaunting of scientific knowledge. I am the same as you.

I was in your position, tormented by the same doubts as annoyed as you are. You will not need any willpower or positive thinking. But the solution is different so simple and obvious that you, like me, surprised, wondering how you could be fooled for so many years.

Three facts helped me to realize that the problem of weight maintenance can be solved as easily and simply as a problem of smoking - it is only necessary to understand what its essence.

First, I gave up the belief that the fight against excess weight, my technique is not good. Why I took that in the case of weight loss, it is not effective? The fundamental rule to combat smoking is to quit it completely easy, but to reduce or strictly metered consumption of nicotine required incredible willpower and self-discipline. If we apply this principle to food, very soon you will decide not only the problem of excess weight, but also all of their difficulties at once.

What has helped me to overcome this psychological barrier and to understand the truth? And that created a barrier at all? Nicotine and the usual hunger is the same unpleasant sinking feeling of emptiness. Smokers and consumers experience the same pleasure, satisfy his hunger.

However, the similarities between smoking and nutrition - only the appearance. In fact, they are completely opposite nature. With smoking related lust inextricably poison, which eventually will kill you if you do not win it, but the food - craving food needed to sustain life.

The process of absorption of food is not only delivers a genuine pleasure, but also satisfies hunger, while quenching thirst nicotine is inhaled smoke disgusting, its penetration into the lungs, each cigarette does not quench the thirst, but strengthens it.

The problem was seen primarily in the fact that completely give up eating impossible. No wonder I thought his method unsuitable for two apparently similar but actually quite different activities.

That was my main mistake - I compared the diet with smoking. But the food - it's not a disaster, but a wonderful, very pleasant pastime available to us throughout life. If I was to be with anything to compare smoking, it is only with the same harmful, destructive way to kill time as
