It was easy!

It is very difficult to convince a person who by force of will has ever tried to diet or quit smoking, to achieve the result that the existence of willpower is not required.

You can be strong-willed person, or not to be.

In any case it is absolutely necessary to understand that the method does not require the possession of willpower. Let me explain this with an example.

Suppose you are in a prison camp. At the next examination, the doctor pronounces you: "There is damp, you risk to catch pneumonia. Not only will you have an obvious exhaustion. Have you thought about how much anxiety someone inflict? They are afraid, how could you not have brought himself to the grave. Think hard not to be wiser to go home? "We have found that the doctor scoffs at us.

But it looks and doctor reading a smoker notation about the dangers of smoking, and constantly overeat patient - about the dangers of being overweight. Prisoner of war, a smoker and a person to overeat without doctor aware of all the side effects of the situation in which they found themselves. And because the discomfort does not feel anyone else, and these people, it is logical to assume that this discomfort they know more than the person ranting about it from the outside.

Yes, willpower, discipline and determination can help prisoners escape from the camp, smokers - have successfully quit smoking, and people who are prone to overeating, - learn to monitor their weight. Sure, thousands of people it is possible.

I take off a hat before them: they deserve congratulations and praise. But the question now goes about them, but about those captives who had not managed to escape, despite the strength of will. Such a prisoner need not notation, and the key to the prison cell. Similarly, in the same situation are those who smoke and are overweight.

The holder of extra kilos less likely need to read patronizing lecture about that poor diet leads to loss of self-esteem, shortness of breath, weakness, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, heartburn, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol, heart disease, arteries, veins, stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver and other internal organs, not to mention many other problems.

Smokers are much more useful to somebody gave them the key and facilitated escape from the captivity of nicotine. The key is I propose to them. That is why my method is so effective. Thanks to any smoker can make sure to get rid of smoking addiction is very simple - hence the name "Easy Way to Stop Smoking).

And overweight people need to believe that monitor their weight - it's easy. Now I have for them is the key, which is called: "It is easy way to lose weight."

It can be argued that it is incorrect to compare smokers and overweight holders of prisoners of war, because the latter captured the fault of forces beyond their control, while smoking and overeating people were not forced to buy these bad habits. They were able to correct the situation, and if they failed, the blame only themselves.

However, in general, the correct comparison. Fans patronizing lecture convinced of our stupidity. We also consider ourselves silly as good as they know that they themselves have created the problem himself. But finally a stupid person who smokes or suffers from excess weight, knowing that spoils your life, but does not try to change anything else. A person who attempts - not stupid.

Did you think of just such people. Do you consider yourself weak-willed? But what a difference that in this case you and the prisoner and the jailer?

The only reason that you've failed, and not out of the prison where imprisoned themselves - you just do not know how out of it sbezhat.Bud you fool, you would not be reading this book right now. You read it because that is desperately seeking to escape from prison.

Speaking quite frankly, the prison in which languish smokers and owners of overweight - not their handiwork.
As I will explain below, the prison erected brainwashing characteristic of Western society.

An easy way to lose weight

This book is, strictly speaking, should be entitled "An easy way to weigh as much as you want."

But too long we would have such a name.

If nothing human is alien to you, then, and you are very likely worried about being overweight. However, keep in mind: my method, which I will continue to call "an easy way to lose weight", it is equally effective for those who want to lose weight, and for those who wish to gain weight. Watching WEIGHT - and in this case are - is of secondary importance compared to the main purpose of the method. This goal is selfish and utterly simple - just simply to enjoy life!

But can you enjoy life if you constantly feel sluggish, tired and deprived, worried and plagued by remorse for self-inflicted damage and suffering, both mental and physical - all these consequences of excess weight?

You probably already know that I became famous a few years ago, it is designed not only simple, but also a pleasant way to quit smoking, suitable for any smoker. At the moment I think the world-renowned specialist in getting rid of nicotine addiction. Smokers, my method is applicable and to understand how it works, call me and my students only real experts in this matter.

Later, I discovered that the same method (with one notable exception) is not less effectively eliminates any dependencies that are mainly psychological nature, including alcoholism and addiction to other drugs.

Many of the contenders for the title of experts in such relationships say the main problem of addiction to certain substances and physical symptoms oersteds accompanied by abstaining from them. Therefore, they try to solve the problem of chemical process - the selection of substitutes. In fact the problem is simple and easy psychological solution.

Everyone knows that today the problem of combating obesity construction business with billions in revenue. Every week, another celebrity touts videotape, book, or trainer, an exercise or a fundamentally new diet that miraculously resolve your problems with weight.

I am convinced that there is a very close physical and psychological link between smoking and diet, and the similarities between quitting smoking and losing weight even more noticeable.

And the smoker, and follower of diets suffer from a sense of impending schizophrenia. In the brain, they continuously and with varying degrees of success there is a struggle "for" and "against." Arguments smoker, on the one hand - "a dirty, disgusting habit, it's killing me, costing me a fortune and enslaves me," on the other - "It is my pleasure, my support, my company."

A man sitting on a diet tells himself: "I am a fat, sluggish, unhealthy look terrible and feel worse." And then he objected me: "But what I like to eat! "Therefore, you have the right to assume that I just cling to a profitable business and are now cashing in on their reputation.

I assure you, this conclusion is infinitely far from the truth. On the contrary, for a long time the most notable exception in my work, which I mentioned earlier, was the regulation of body weight. For years I was of the opinion that in order to monitor the weight of my method is not appropriate - but, as it turned out, was wrong.

And his reputation, I could have become rich in other ways. I have received dozens of proposals to promote a variety of products, including weight loss. And I rejected these proposals, and not because of fabulously wealthy and do not need additional financial income: I just appreciate their reputation and ready to defend it as fiercely as a lioness protecting her pup.

Also, I have never seen an advertisement featuring the famous face that would not look fake. Officially declare: "It is easy way to lose weight" - is not advertising the ideas of others.

- This is my method. I was confident in the effectiveness of the method of smoking cessation even before tried it. Soon you will see that will work before you finish reading this book.

Quit smoking, most people are gaining weight, and I for six months lost almost 13 kg. Regular exercise combined with a diet, I F Plan *. I realized that without the willpower and discipline I can not do, and yet, this process gives me pleasure. In the early stages it is very similar to the willful attempt to quit smoking.

If your determination unshaken, feeling smug masochism does not allow to be tempted. While getting rid of excess weight was the main goal of my life, everything went like clockwork. The trouble was that, as with willful method of quitting, my resolve began to weaken gradually: taking advantage of any pretext, I showered and exercise and diet, and weight starts to grow again.

Especially for those who are familiar with my method to combat smoking, I want to clear up one common misconception. For many the impression that the basis of this technique is the willpower and positive thinking (yes, I am a strong-willed and positive thinker).

But it is not. I trained myself to positive thinking and developed a strong will, long before developed this method. I'm surprised why so many smokers will power which is clearly inferior to mine, were able to quit smoking very strong-willed way, but I could not.

My positive thinking is dictated by common sense. Think positive - means to lead a simple and pleasant life. But it did not help me either quit smoking or get rid of at least ten extra kilos!
Positive thinking involves the installation - "I know I'm being silly, so using willpower and discipline, pull yourself together and put an end to foolish actions."

I have no doubt that this tactic has helped many people to quit smoking and start to monitor the weight. We can only be happy for them. But for me it has always turned out to be ineffective and, most of all, for you too, otherwise you would not be reading this book right now.

No, I continued to smoke not because of a weak will or negative thinking. Get rid of the habit prevented confusion, permanent schizophrenia, which haunts of smokers as long as they do not quit. On the one hand, they hate to be smokers, and on the other - without cigarettes, they are not able to enjoy life and cope with its challenges.

Exactly the same type of relationship "love hate" attributed overweight people and food. I quit smoking not because it thought positively, but because it did away with the confusion in the mind. I realized why smoking was sophisticated for me to sell and why feel that it helps me cope with stress and enjoy life, it was just an illusion.

Once came to me this understanding, the fog lifted, and with it disappeared, and schizophrenia, and my desire to smoke. We do not need no willpower, no positive thinking:
