The book is easy way to lose weight Allen Carr



Eat what you want, enjoy the food and stay slim - it will guarantee a unique and effective method of Allen Carr.

Lose weight without dieting, counting calories and force of will. Nutrition Program, developed by Allen Carr, will allow you to enjoy the taste of food to satisfy the hunger and lose weight.

The book is an easy way to lose weight Allen Carr read for free online, reviews

Through this program, you can:

- Have favorite foods and dishes;

- Follow their habits;

- Avoid remorse;

- Enjoy the taste of fresh food;

- To get rid of diseases of the digestive system;

- To examine their own biases and to discover new tastes;

- Trust your appetite.


Research in the field of medicine is constantly complement our understanding of the origin and development of disease. Nevertheless, we still do not know how to use existing knowledge to combat numerous diseases and avoid premature death (from which we have so often encountered).

About the dangers of smoking started talking back in the days when I first found an association between mortality physicians and their addiction to smoking. It was found that lung cancer is almost always associated with smoking.

At the therapist has long been obliged to urge patients to quit smoking and maintain a healthy lifestyle in general. Unfortunately, many doctors do not have time and energy to this work. The authority of physicians is not as great as the impact of cigarette advertising targeted primarily at young people.

With Allen Carr introduced me to one of the patients, who once surprised me with the message of the existence of an easy way to quit smoking. I have since recommended "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr all his patients and observed a striking success techniques.

Interest in it has led me personally to investigate the features of this approach.

After helping a variety of smoking cessation, Allen Carr transformed his experience into an effective technique, and useful for those who want to lose weight - is now concerned about this problem a lot of people.

Having studied the Allen Carr's approach to such a serious issue, I was surprised found himself almost involuntary effort to adopt its wisdom. Positive results were not long in coming: I now easier to move, for example, on the tennis court, I feel more fit and healthy.

I am delighted such a change, although I did not upset because of a few extra kilos at the waist.

Your familiarity with the Allen Carr's book is a revelation, a true discovery, you'll see how easy it is to solve the problem of excess weight.

Dr. MAIKL Bray

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Chemistry,

Lecturer College of General Practitioners.

It was easy!

It is very difficult to convince a person who by force of will has ever tried to diet or quit smoking, to achieve the result that the existence of willpower is not required.

You can be strong-willed person, or not to be.

In any case it is absolutely necessary to understand that the method does not require the possession of willpower. Let me explain this with an example.

Suppose you are in a prison camp. At the next examination, the doctor pronounces you: "There is damp, you risk to catch pneumonia. Not only will you have an obvious exhaustion. Have you thought about how much anxiety someone inflict? They are afraid, how could you not have brought himself to the grave. Think hard not to be wiser to go home? "We have found that the doctor scoffs at us.

But it looks and doctor reading a smoker notation about the dangers of smoking, and constantly overeat patient - about the dangers of being overweight. Prisoner of war, a smoker and a person to overeat without doctor aware of all the side effects of the situation in which they found themselves. And because the discomfort does not feel anyone else, and these people, it is logical to assume that this discomfort they know more than the person ranting about it from the outside.

Yes, willpower, discipline and determination can help prisoners escape from the camp, smokers - have successfully quit smoking, and people who are prone to overeating, - learn to monitor their weight. Sure, thousands of people it is possible.

I take off a hat before them: they deserve congratulations and praise. But the question now goes about them, but about those captives who had not managed to escape, despite the strength of will. Such a prisoner need not notation, and the key to the prison cell. Similarly, in the same situation are those who smoke and are overweight.

The holder of extra kilos less likely need to read patronizing lecture about that poor diet leads to loss of self-esteem, shortness of breath, weakness, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, heartburn, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol, heart disease, arteries, veins, stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver and other internal organs, not to mention many other problems.

Smokers are much more useful to somebody gave them the key and facilitated escape from the captivity of nicotine. The key is I propose to them. That is why my method is so effective. Thanks to any smoker can make sure to get rid of smoking addiction is very simple - hence the name "Easy Way to Stop Smoking).

And overweight people need to believe that monitor their weight - it's easy. Now I have for them is the key, which is called: "It is easy way to lose weight."

It can be argued that it is incorrect to compare smokers and overweight holders of prisoners of war, because the latter captured the fault of forces beyond their control, while smoking and overeating people were not forced to buy these bad habits. They were able to correct the situation, and if they failed, the blame only themselves.

However, in general, the correct comparison. Fans patronizing lecture convinced of our stupidity. We also consider ourselves silly as good as they know that they themselves have created the problem himself. But finally a stupid person who smokes or suffers from excess weight, knowing that spoils your life, but does not try to change anything else. A person who attempts - not stupid.

Did you think of just such people. Do you consider yourself weak-willed? But what a difference that in this case you and the prisoner and the jailer?

The only reason that you've failed, and not out of the prison where imprisoned themselves - you just do not know how out of it sbezhat.Bud you fool, you would not be reading this book right now. You read it because that is desperately seeking to escape from prison.

Speaking quite frankly, the prison in which languish smokers and owners of overweight - not their handiwork.
As I will explain below, the prison erected brainwashing characteristic of Western society.

Exercise willpower is not required

I set a goal to invent EASY way to lose weight?

No! And just did not try to develop an easy way to quit smoking. On the contrary, I learned how to get rid of nicotine addiction, when he resigned to the fact that he would never get rid of it is not.

I confess frankly, like many other great discoveries, the main role is played by luck rather than my talents and abilities. And I figured that either have problems of excess weight as an easy solution, somebody would have found it long ago. His luck I took as a prize in a lottery. If you won once - you incredibly lucky, but expect the second prize - a hopeless stupidity!

So how do I find a way to keep your weight? Largely due to the natural development of the ideas that led to the problem of smoking. Most of my life I took for granted banal statements about smoking. And I did not occur to them to question - for example, that smokers smoke because they felt like it, they like the taste of tobacco smoking - just a habit.

No need to be Sherlock Holmes to reveal the absurdity of these statements. Small enough introspection. Freed from the faith in a supposedly true facts, I discovered that doubt everything that is related to smoking, eating habits and so on.

We were subjected to indoctrination, brainwashing - and society in general, and doctors, and other people from medicine (nutritionists in particular). We are led to believe is clearly absurd myths relating to eating habits, and in most cases diametrically opposite the real facts.

Dr. Bray, author of the foreword to this book, at first surprised to learn that I have no medical training. And he is not alone. But I soon realized that this lack of knowledge in medicine, not only was a huge plus for me to work with smokers, but also gave me the same advantages in the search for solution to the problem of excess weight.

Doctor focuses on the physical harm caused by smoking and poor diet, but smokers and owners of overweight smoke and overeat not because these classes are able to destroy them - just as a prisoner of war does not stick out in the camp specifically to spoil their own health . The only effective solution - eliminate the reasons that cause us to smoke or overeat. This is my method.

The lack of medical training gives me yet another distinct advantage. I do not need to keep an eye on you from above, nor to use the medical terminology or flaunting of scientific knowledge. I am the same as you.

I was in your position, tormented by the same doubts as annoyed as you are. You will not need any willpower or positive thinking. But the solution is different so simple and obvious that you, like me, surprised, wondering how you could be fooled for so many years.

Three facts helped me to realize that the problem of weight maintenance can be solved as easily and simply as a problem of smoking - it is only necessary to understand what its essence.

First, I gave up the belief that the fight against excess weight, my technique is not good. Why I took that in the case of weight loss, it is not effective? The fundamental rule to combat smoking is to quit it completely easy, but to reduce or strictly metered consumption of nicotine required incredible willpower and self-discipline. If we apply this principle to food, very soon you will decide not only the problem of excess weight, but also all of their difficulties at once.

What has helped me to overcome this psychological barrier and to understand the truth? And that created a barrier at all? Nicotine and the usual hunger is the same unpleasant sinking feeling of emptiness. Smokers and consumers experience the same pleasure, satisfy his hunger.

However, the similarities between smoking and nutrition - only the appearance. In fact, they are completely opposite nature. With smoking related lust inextricably poison, which eventually will kill you if you do not win it, but the food - craving food needed to sustain life.

The process of absorption of food is not only delivers a genuine pleasure, but also satisfies hunger, while quenching thirst nicotine is inhaled smoke disgusting, its penetration into the lungs, each cigarette does not quench the thirst, but strengthens it.

The problem was seen primarily in the fact that completely give up eating impossible. No wonder I thought his method unsuitable for two apparently similar but actually quite different activities.

That was my main mistake - I compared the diet with smoking. But the food - it's not a disaster, but a wonderful, very pleasant pastime available to us throughout life. If I was to be with anything to compare smoking, it is only with the same harmful, destructive way to kill time as
