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Meat, eating meat does not bring significant benefit
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Nature is not carnivorous. For this is not our stomach, we have neither the desire nor the ability to kill prey.
Instinct tells us to love animals. We would never eat their pets or the substance to which we are accustomed disgusted - rats, snakes, spiders. Before they even touch disgusting, not what is!
Or maybe you keep pets on a rainy day, to eat when hard times come? Undoubtedly, during the famine years people had to eat pets, just to survive himself, and so, probably originated meat industry is now highly organized. Sometimes people fell and cannibalism. No matter how disgusting I have believed such behavior, I never went hungry and even more did not die from exhaustion, so I have no right to judge.
I know of cases where people have grown chickens or pigs with the clear intention to eat them. But when it came time to send them into the pot, these people not only did not find the strength to kill the pet, but do not allow it to someone else.
Enough about pets and domesticated animals. Most people are willing to feed and protect wildlife. We like to see how our gardens flock of birds. We love animals, we sincerely worried if they hurt or threaten their lives.
Taking a walk in the zoo, we admire each of its inhabitants. Or do we, like a wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood," to lick greedily looking at animals in cages, and think, "That's what I would have gladly eaten?" But when we see the plum, burdened with juicy ripe fruit, it is this thought comes to mind.
Man in many respects superior to wild animals. This superiority imposes on us certain responsibilities. Nature needs our protection. Do not you think it unfair to raise animals that rely on us because we feed them, give shelter and protect, and then betray that trust, taking animals to slaughter and eating? Or random acts of kindness we call "humane", that is humane and cruelty - "atrocities"? And yet we sometimes manage to put everything upside down!
We own not only disgusting to kill animals, but also to see how the animals are killing each other in nature. Who do you sympathize when your cat brings home strangled blue tits? We forgive predator such behavior only because he is part of nature, he has the right to live like this and can not do otherwise. But one thing - to kill animals for the sake of survival, and quite another - to grow them specifically to kill then.
Only to kill and eat them?
These actions would be justified, is not whether we have an abundance of food and needs we are eating to survive. But as we get fat from meat, lethargy and sick, nothing prevents us to go to the food, which we radiate health and energy.
Nothing but ignorance and stupidity?
Still, the main argument against meat-eating is not the minimum benefits that it brings, and the difficulties associated with its digestion and elimination of waste. Despite the fact that we are preparing and chew the meat, the human body is not designed to digest meat - it simply is not needed for this enzyme. Meat does not give energy, but requires its digestion.
The meat from the outset relatively little liquid, and because it is required to process, before eating, even a little bit of precious moisture evaporates. Our stomach is much harder to break down meat than any other product, meat requires more than two hours to overcome all nine meters tract. After digesting meat output body has too much waste.
Imagine you're an hour lawn sprinkled some substance, thinking it a fertilizer, and then discovered that in fact it is a poison, and the rest of the day trying to collect already crumbled. If this happens by chance, you are worried. To commit such an act deliberately, you are unlikely to. Hard to believe, but that's what we are doing, by eating meat.
Sure, you think that I am exaggerating. So you think, partly because you can not see what is happening with meat inside the body, and partly because your body still put up with meat - or rather, from the meat you're still not dead. But whether this pretext to continue to treat your body like a garbage can?
If you do not follow the advice of Mother Nature, it's time to think about what's going on inside you. The spread of the virus mad cow disease - just one of the many tragedies that are possible in the event that the animals are forced to eat an unnatural way for them by eating bone meal from their brethren.
We recognize the indisputable fact: eating meat does not bring significant benefit.
Solve the problem of chewing and digesting the meat we can in the same way it would try to turn the plastic bucket into fuel for cars. Either way, we not only do not gain, but also create a lot of problems.
Through the intellect man has solved the problem of chewing meat, but whether it was easier to draw attention to the last red warning signal, which is equipped with our manufacturer, and discard the meat - at least in part?
And now let us turn to another group of products that we are under the influence of brainwashing believe not only useful, but also necessary for survival.