Cool, clear, oxygen-rich cleansing and refreshing water

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Cool, clear, oxygen-rich cleansing and refreshing water
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You may find it difficult to recognize the dignity of the water. But imagine that you get lost in the waterless desert. Palit sun throat has long been dry. You do not doubt that you are destined to die of thirst. What kind of drink you ask for?

Suppose by some miracle came ahead of an oasis, and in it - a luxury hotel. At the bar lined with bottles of fizzy lemonade and cola, bitter beer glasses with froth, glasses with clear water. What do you think, which of them do you pull? Perhaps you choose beer. And I used to think that prefer lemonade. But as it turned out, I was wrong.

Once in Spain, I tried to climb the mountain. And caught in the thick vines. By the end I felt like I was going to die of thirst. I thought only of water. When I finally got to the centers of civilization, I had the opportunity to choose between drinks that we used to quench their thirst.

I asked for water. It was no matter how cool or transparent - if only it were water. Oddly enough, I could not remember the last time before drinking the water.

Modern civilized man brainwashed almost entirely dependent on food products that have passed an intensive treatment, as well as drinks. Authorities even treated water that flows from our taps at home.

Do you want to say, "If it were not for this treatment, we would not have survived"? Maybe you are right. But is this not another rebuke to the civilized world? We are so polluted the natural sources that are already not drink. And wild animals drink.

Undoubtedly, pollution and questionable quality of the water from the tap forced us to look for other drinks. The pressure from the authorities, encourages us to drink milk, drove a steady to mind the myth that it is useful. Commercial companies pursuing selfish goals, easily manage to convince us that a particular drink a refreshing, provides us with nutrients, making fresh and healthy.

For us, the most natural thing to do seems to be preparing a morning cup of tea or coffee. But in fact there is nothing natural. Both beverages invented man. Of course, drinking tea or coffee in the morning is nice. They consist mostly of water, and we need to quench your thirst after eight hours of sleep.

But his appeal tea and coffee are required to caffeine addictive. When the body is not caffeine, we feel a sense of emptiness and insecurity that forces us to consume more caffeine.

The second cup is no longer quenches thirst, and relieves withdrawal symptoms caused by the first. The third cup relieves us of the symptoms caused by the second, and so on, ad infinitum. Many people are dependent on caffeine drink twenty cups a day and can not understand why they are constantly thirsty and irritation.

Incredibly, coffee producers have done the same trick as the manufacturers of non-alcoholic beer - was removed from the caffeine of coffee. If you are not thirsty, the only reason for the consumption of coffee - caffeine withdrawal symptoms of withdrawal. By eliminating caffeine from the drink, we lose the only reason for coffee consumption - and thus consider ourselves intelligent beings!

Well, maybe you're not as stupid as it seems. Maybe you drink a non-alcoholic beer or coffee without caffeine because you really like the taste of coffee or a beer. Remember, I advise you to beware of the food, which is developing a taste for or acquired? Usually it turns out to be harmful.

If you had to work hard to rasprobovat one or another flavor, so before you addictive drug. Children and animals do not like the taste and smell of coffee, alcohol and nicotine - not yet a dependence. And even after that, they do not enjoy the taste, only pretend - because heroin addicts, convinced that they enjoy the process of injections into a vein.

That's why a child to drink tea or coffee, we had to add them milk and sugar, silencing the unpleasant taste of the drink and give it a more reasonable view. With the appearance of excess weight we give up milk and sugar. Persevere, we will soon discover that the coffee or tea you can drink without sugar.

But if their taste is so wonderful, why we did not appreciate it as soon as you have tried without sugar? For the same reason that smokers distasteful first cigarette taste. Because he really repulsive. Like the taste of tea and coffee. But if you persist, the body gradually gets used to this smell and taste - in order to get the drug.

If you have not read my book about addiction, you may think that this is a learning process to go through to extract the full benefits of the drug. But depending on the drug have no benefit.

I emphasize: there is no need to say that the disadvantages outweigh the drug, depending on its merits. Anyone who suffers from such dependence, knows this from experience. I'm just explaining that any benefits to which owners insist dependence illusory. In other words, no advantages have depending.

Smokers believe that smoking helps them to relax, focus, relieve boredom and stress. But in reality things are different. It is very difficult to convince smokers. However, the concentration and boredom - complete opposites as relaxation and stress.

Togo, who will try to sell the same smoker magic pill that gives just two opposite effects for several hours, the smoker accuse of charlatanism. But these are the properties attributed to nicotine smokers.

This is a very complicated issue, which is not open to two paragraphs. The easiest way to outline briefly the nature of the problem - try to find out why

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Two weighty reasons for drinking milk should not be

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Two weighty reasons for drinking milk should not be
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"Drink a glass of milk a day! "My generation remembers the slogan firmly. It is unlikely that we can be blamed for the fact that we sincerely believed in him. Even today, knowing that this slogan - nonsense, I sometimes thirst quench not want a glass of water and a glass of milk.

What's so surprising? The kindergarten was supposed to drink milk, and no one cared, you like it or not. The same rule applied to the school. Only relatively recently, doctors have noticed that milk and dairy products cause us enormous damage. Despite this, the milk is not banned - were simply advised to go to the skim milk or cream to give up.

When I talk about milk and dairy products, I mean it was milk. Dairy products, whether cream, cheese, yoghurt or butter - just processed milk. So to them and should be treated as processed milk.

Frankly, in this case, to resist brainwashing me particularly difficult. If the authorities oblige us to drink milk, so it is very useful! Whether it is harmful, we have no one to impose.

But of course, in those days I was young and naive. If a person is referred to himself as an expert, I believe that he really understands this or that question. And I had no idea that the expert is convinced of the correctness of a new error. Who am I to challenge the expert opinion, if they set it so confidently? Even if this view is contrary to common sense.

It is not difficult to understand why we have been fooled. In the end, the milk - the only food of newborn mammals, created especially for them. Mother's milk! What could be more natural? Therefore, to overcome the misconceptions associated with the consumption of milk, I proved the most difficult.

Imagine that a healthy baby suckles a healthy mother. Will we worry about what his diet is monotonous? We will try to slip him vitamins, calcium, iron tablets? Of course, no. We instinctively know what he eats just as decided by nature.

We take the direction of the Creator, and we know that the baby gets all that he needs. See how quickly grow and develop all mammals who drink breast milk! X. According to Wells, the food of the gods was jelly queen bees. For bees - can be. But the food of the gods in mammals is the mother's milk.

The most attentive of you may have noticed that I'm writing is not just about milk, but the mother's milk. Indeed, if the mother is healthy and has enough milk, she is confident that her child eats properly. But if the mother has to bottle-fed baby, she has worries. In other words, the problem arises when we put aside the instructions of mother nature and rely on the companies that produce baby food.

And even this problem is relatively small, because such enterprises produce natural food - the same one his mother used to prepare yourself: fruit and vegetable puree. However, the child is away, not only from the mother's milk, but also on the nature of the recommendations. The process of brainwashing, and with it come the doubts and insecurities.

So, if the milk - the true food of the gods, chosen by Mother Nature, if one provides all the nutrients a baby needs in the most intense period of his life, how can you deny it? What harm can cause milk, even if you drink it in large quantities life?

There are two weighty, supported by common sense reasons for drinking milk should not be.

First, it is solely catering for babies and as they grow nutrient content in the milk varies. It is important that all young mammals, the first thing is getting milk. But the "milk" - in the general sense of the word - there. Each species of mammal milk is its composition. Milk fur seal - nectar for his offspring, but poison for mice.

Second, Mother Nature has invented milk for babies. However, it planned to ban them from the breast in a relatively early age. Do you know the adult animals other than humans and pets who drink milk?

Milk does not drink even a cow!

Let's go back to our cars. Throttle - clever device that creates a rich mixture of air and gasoline vapors that help start the engine of a cold engine. But as warming up the engine valve is opened and the mix is ​​changing - it becomes so what is needed for normal operation.

Continuous operation at closed throttle carburetor removes from standing candles and shortens engine life. Even if the driver does not notice, followed by a driver traveling all understand plenty of black exhaust.

If Mother Nature has decided that we need to wean from the source of the milk, how can the owner of intellect contradict this law? For the digestion of milk needed enzymes - renin and lactase. For most people, they are no longer being produced as early as three years!

Our bodies are not designed to digest milk except in infancy, so the milk consumption is becoming a heavy burden on the digestive and excretory systems. You can, of course, continue to drink milk, but should I?

If you want to drink, but remember that all milk contains casein, which folds in the stomach and forms a hard, dense, barely digestible lumps.

In cow's milk casein in 300 times greater than in the human. Why, in our enlightened times, milk - the only food product that is regularly delivered to the very threshold?

The Company is gradually awakening. Many adults stop drinking milk and even coffee and tea with milk. But give it up completely is very difficult. Even when we eat cakes, biscuits, yogurt, buttermilk, chocolate, ice cream, pancakes, Yorkshire pudding, cakes, cream soups and potato with sour cream, milk we consume.

It is clear as day that adults are not designed to drink milk, especially cow's milk, as well as to consume foods made from milk. This is even more obvious than our inability to eating meat. Similarly, we are unable to eat foods that have passed an intensive treatment.

What do we do? Fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, wheat, rice, other cereals and vegetation. Perhaps you have watched this list and exclaimed: "Wait a minute, this is not even vegetarian, vegan is [1] diet! "

Most likely, this prospect frighten you, as once I was. I'm not a vegetarian, but do not worry and do not be afraid of them. If the thought of vegetarianism inspire you trouble,

[1] Veganism - particularly strict branch of the ethics of vegetarianism, which prohibits absolutely the use of any product, at least partially related to animals (milk, sugar, margarine). - Note. Ed.

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