Meat, eating meat does not bring significant benefit

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Meat, eating meat does not bring significant benefit
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To simplify the "easy way to lose weight" the word "meat", I outlined the flesh of any animals, birds, fish and crustaceans.

It is hard to imagine a more effective campaign than brainwashing in order to increase the consumption of meat. Concerns addressed to low-income families, "Is it too little meat in your diet? "The bombardment of advertising -" British beef "," Danish bacon "," New Zealand lamb. " The very terms - "top-notch beef", "high-quality lamb."

Traditionally on Sunday we put the most beautiful clothes and prepare the best meal of the week. And what we are preparing for the most important dinner of the year? Christmas turkey, goose, duck or chicken. You've probably already choked with saliva. I sympathize.

Hard to believe that the benefits of eating meat is close to zero (in addition, it completely overshadows gain weight). As for the taste, there are a few foods with taste bland and more uncertain than meat. It is hardly possible to invent foods, less suitable for human beings. I believe in it with difficulty, but let's look at an indisputable fact.

We have debunked the myth that eating meat is necessary to supply the body with proteins. The largest and most powerful land animals - herbivores. Aha, you say, and who have the king of the jungle? Lev. A carnivorous lions. Another myth is misleading.

Maybe the lion is considered the king of the jungle, but after the power is noticeably inferior to the elephant, lion and if you submitted an avid animal, let it be known that the twenty hours a day he sleeps. A orangutan who does not eat meat, sleeps only six hours a day. Besides energy lion shall not meat.

Yes, indeed carnivorous lions, but even lions prefer to eat no meat. Lions kill leopards and cheetahs, but usually do not eat them. The law of nature prevents predators eat other predators.

The next time you have an opportunity to watch a TV show about animals, which show as a lion or other predator kills prey, note how dominant the first representative of the pack exposes the stomach contents of the victims and eats her stomach. Because it receives the lion and proteins - from vegetation eaten by herbivores.

After the contents of the stomach lion eats organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs and brain. Apart from the bones, meat interested him in the least. With meat victimized animals, occupying a lower place in the 'pecking chain "- the hyenas and vultures. That is why they are so ugly in appearance.

It is difficult to accept the idea that we are not designed to eat meat. But the call on the aid of common sense. If you tried to eat raw meat, you are unlikely to be chewed it, and the more digested. Sometimes it is not easy to chew even cooked meats.

Our digestive system is not designed for its digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of waste. Yes, Japanese eat raw fish. But they marinate it, seasoned with spices and cut into very small pieces to chew. I do not know Japanese this taste like it or not, the custom of eating raw fish has not yet taken root in other countries.

Remember that cooking - a relatively recent invention of the human race. It took thousands of years of evolution to our digestive processes to adapt to changing circumstances.

The meat practically does not give energy. The energy source - carbohydrates, and their meat is very small. Moreover, the meat is almost completely devoid of extremely important for the health and digestion ingredient: TISSUE!

Eating meat, imagine animals that feed almost exclusively on a single meat - vultures, hyenas, crocodiles. Vultures do not fly, they soar in the land of the rising warm air currents, and when gorge, they do not have the strength to get off the ground. Crocodiles most of their lives are in immobility or on land or in water. And those and others have withered, ugly appearance.

Perhaps you think that the meat is prepared in order to improve its taste. But if cooked meat is delicious, what seasonings and sauces? We add them to the meat, in order to make it taste better, but to disguise it a little bland and stale taste. We prepare the meat for two main reasons.

Firstly, it has a raw we fail. Second, it decomposes rapidly, it breed bacteria which must be killed. Treat even meat, which is then served cold. However, when heat treated destroyed not only bacteria, but the nutrients contained in the food. Moreover, the processing required to evaporate the liquid. A meat processing and to contain too little nutrients.

It should also think about how you are our teeth for eating meat. Carnivores have long incisors and canines, and long sharp claws for tearing flesh. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach are much greater than in humans. This acid causes the decomposition of the toxins contained in the meat. Meat spoils quickly, so carnivorous relatively short gut - specifically, as soon as possible to rid the body of decaying meat.

Even emotionally we are not meat eaters. Harvey Diamond says, "give your child an apple and a rabbit, and if he will eat the rabbit and play with the apple, I'll give you a new car." Watch your cat. Cats - the real carnivores, whose natural instincts have not changed, despite the thousand years of domestication.

Each light rustle, they perk up their ears. Cat catches a bird, a mouse or a ball of wool as an afterthought as we blink, trying to touch the eye with your finger. Instinct dictates cat kill and eat anything that moves.

We think this behavior is disgusting. Imagine you leave the spring on the nature and see how the meadow jumping with joy lamb. You obey the instinct and vgryzetes lamb's throat, swallowing blood? Or just say companion: "Just look! "

Perhaps you think that we are civilized people and taught us to suppress these impulses. But in fact the opposite is true. Lambs bred solely for that we killed them and ate. In recent years, often there are publications about how cruel breeding animals for slaughter.

Livestock, whether breeding sheep, chickens, cows or pigs - highly organized business, details of which are not flaunt to not hurt our feelings and do not deprive us of appetite, which is inevitably lost in the form of bloody animal carcasses. Another trick the brain washers - titles that offer different kinds of meat. We do not eat cows, chickens, deer, calves and pigs, and beef, chicken, venison, veal or pork.

Next time, ordering lamb, remember jumping on the lawn clumps of wool! You would be enough to kill the spirit of this with his own hands? In fact, most people would eat meat if they had to kill the animals themselves.

Obviously, you suspect that I appeal to your conscience and urge you not to eat meat for moral reasons. No, I'm just proves that people from

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To what weight you aspire to?

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To what weight you aspire to?
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I think you've already decided how much would you like to weigh.

We will not go into the details of the calculation of the ideal weight for you. Whichever method you may use, please forget about it. Chances are, you checked the table, which indicates how much weight a person should have your height in your life.

So, instead of a scientific approach you got "sand in the wheels." All these tables are approximate and have not been prepared Mother Nature and man.

In essence, the table height and weight - the perfect excuse. I always said that my problem - lack of 15cm growth rather than 12kg overweight. It is believed that the table developed by scientists, but upon closer inspection, the situation is quite different. Whether they have taken into account such factors as the individual dimensions of the bone? And then, who still stood at the table? What right have these people to decide what is to all people the same height, the ideal would be the same weight? And by the way, it has been calculated that the ideal weight?

For a moment, forget about yourself. Do you know how much weight Linford Christie? * To what your weight. Already it is clear that he is in excellent physical shape. Watch your friends. Should you weigh them, to identify overweight?

Call for help common sense. The fact that your weight is excessive, do not you learn from your balance. Libra just confirm what you already know. On the overweight and said mirror - all those unsightly bumps, creases, tight fit clothes, but in addition eternal shortness of breath and lethargy.

Choosing a calculated somebody else ideal weight, you make the tail wag the dog, and create unnecessary obstacles. Is not it easier to determine what should be your weight? It is in your power! Ideal weight - one in which you can stand in front of a mirror in full growth, in his underwear, to look at ourselves and admire. The ideal weight at which you wake up each morning fully rested, radiant energy, and look forward to a new day, to once again experience the joy of life. Here's fifth recommendation:

Do not aspire to the ideal weight calculated by someone else.

Reread the previous paragraph. It is of such weight and you want to, right? It may coincide with the weight that counted for you by someone else. It may well be that the weight will be exactly the tabulated. But now you need not be guided by guesswork. You know exactly how much should weigh.

This is the goal of "an easy way to lose weight" - to simplify the process.

Needless to say, my recommendations will not help you change the shape of the nose or lips. This is the amount of fat - more precisely, the lack thereof, as well as the extent of your lean and fit. Even if you went to the Creator's face, which is not quite satisfied with you, all of its shortcomings recede into the background - and not just for you but for all the others. Few things can match the appeal of a fit, healthy-looking body.

Do you think it would be much easier to know the exact weight and strive for it? Quite the contrary. It is enough to take advantage of my proposed criterion for choosing the ideal weight, and a third of the problems will be resolved. If you still need the exact figure, or if you navigate to the opinion of fashion designer clothes, you, in effect, declare that they are ready to feel resentment every time looking at myself in the mirror.

And so you are telling me that they agree on the weight at which feel apathy and malaise. Moreover, you have already broken all five previous recommendations - except, perhaps, a third ("Start with joyful anticipation"). Even if you have followed the recommendations of the third, I am afraid, your joy will be short-lived. "Easy way to lose weight" was created to help people with weight problems and not to waste time on fools (all recommendations are for your reference in Appendix).

If the proposed criterion for you, but you have reason to doubt their own judgment, especially when close friends and relatives insist that excess weight you do not, and you still think that he is, offered the role of arbitrator doctor and rely on him opinion.

You have the urge to throw the scales? Do not! We are very handy. One of the reasons that we gain weight, consists in the fact that a gradual and prolonged process. Something he is akin to aging: the reflection that we see in the mirror every day, seems to be no different from the reflection,

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