Run this advice will not be easy. Most likely, you already have mixed emotions - from mild apprehension and gloomy doom to acute panic and complete denial. All of them, no doubt caused by memories of sorrows and hardships during the previous diets of the final failure, low self-esteem and the sad conclusion that you're not set up for success.
Into your minds: past failures are caused not by your flaws. Suppose I ask you to stand up and lift the left leg off the floor. It's easy, anyone can handle it. Now raise your right foot and not omitting left and hanging in the air. You are not going to try and, knowing it's impossible. Explain in terms of the physics of why it is impossible to nothing: you already know that it will not turn. But will you feel at this as if fiasco? Of course, no.
You have tried to achieve the impossible - to normalize your weight, dieting, and it is impossible for the reason that I called: diets are ineffective!
You have failed not because of their own shortcomings, and because sought to impossible. Yes, it is easy to understand why we can not raise the floor with both feet simultaneously. But why it is difficult to understand that dieting is useless? There are several reasons.
Firstly, people are touting diet, confuse us, resulting in an extremely strong, scientifically credible and yet deceptive reasons for the actions of these diets. Second, you probably achieved temporary success in at least one case. So you're on your experience that you can lose weight. But you do not work! Progress being short (this is the main drawback of diets!). And finally, the most compelling reason: even if we are convinced that we can not afford a diet, among our friends, a lot of people who diet helped.
Smokers think that quitting smoking prevents them from weakness. Usually I ask them: "When you end the night cigarette, how far you are willing to walk for the sake of a new package? "As a rule, a smoker of cigarettes for even ready to swim the English Channel. Paradoxically, they continue to smoke solely by force of will. A smoker who refuses habits willful decision, does it because the fear of dying from lung cancer outweigh the illusory need for a cigarette. It should be a very strong man to make himself forget about the dangers to health, financial cost, smell and public reprimand, and stubbornly continue to smoke. In the end, smoking one of us make. Quit Smoking interferes not lack of willpower, and the confrontation of different forces within man.
It is the same thing with diets. The use of diets - a form of schizophrenia. On the one hand, an inner voice was explaining: "I'm fat, ugly and sick"; on the other, - he says: "I like to eat out then the cake with cream." This conflict - the struggle with varying success.
Think about the people who helped to diet, - or rather, those who, as you see, have successfully applied diet
. Please note they do not apply to certain categories of - actors, jockeys, dancers, boxers, athletes, etc.
. P
. ? That is, people for whom the watch weight is not just desirable, but vital
. And you do not have occurred to you that if you are tempted to eat cream cakes, and all these people have overcome him, the cake itself is of great value to them than to you? Have not you noticed how quickly many of them get fat, quit his job, and some are beginning to gain weight even during sports or artistic career? Try to comprehend that all these people are slim because of their desire to remain so outweighs the temptation caused by food
. But without discipline they can not do
. Such achievements, I do not think success
. These people are unable to keep track of weight, though they have the feeling deprivation
So, to accept the idea that to succeed through diet you will not succeed, but if in the past you have failed, not because of their own shortcomings, but because it chose the wrong method. I will explain why "Easy way to lose weight" does not depend on the willpower and is not an exercise for the development of positive thinking. Of course, positive thinking you need, but only for other purposes - to stop negative thinking.
Climbers who managed to climb Everest to experience the amazing feeling of victory and rejoicing. They looked forward to it ever since, they have conceived the idea of trying to climb. Anticipation and excitement never left them for a moment, and not only during the ascent, requiring the exertion of all the physical and mental strength, but also during the planning, preparation and training. Joyful anticipation gave way to depression only in cases where fear of failure rears its ugly head.
Comparing the attempt to control the weight of climbing Mount Everest, I may be supported by your confidence that you set for yourself, if not impossible, then at least an incredibly difficult task. This is not true. Climb Everest really is not easy, this is known. Even with careful planning and preparation, with the right psychological mood of the events are beyond climbers - for example, bad weather - can destroy every chance of success. Known and another fact: watch weight ridiculously easy. More than 99, 99% of living beings on the planet doing it all his life without even thinking. But if you hit the ground, not getting rid of the apprehension, all the chances of success will be ruined in the bud.
Note well: nothing bad happens. On the contrary, you'll soon get rid of the burgeoning black shadow that threatens to cover your life for the next many years. The worst thing you can comprehend, - failure. But it does mean that you will return to where we started. Your position is enviable: you have absolutely nothing to lose. And you are able to buy a lot.
One woman successfully use my method, I say that in joyful anticipation tortured details of all the friends and acquaintances. She even called resurgent medieval fanatic. Calling himself a fanatic I do not like, but the revival - a wonderful term that reflects the wonderful feeling of escape from the world of darkness, fear, ignorance and contempt for himself in the world of sunshine, health and dignity. That's how I felt when I realized that I could leave the body fat, which languished for years.
For all these reasons, we cease to even think about the fact that failure is possible. This book you are reading is not to come to grief. "Easy way to lose weight," can not come to you - if all the recommendations, including the third:
Start with joyful anticipation
And I will help you by offering two useful comparisons. On the first I mentioned - with wild animals. They know an important secret. The second comparison will help you to understand what is this secret. Compare yourself with the car. You probably wondering, how does a car to your excess weight - is that to solve the problem: you want to walk more or less sitting behind the wheel.
In fact, the car, and our body a lot in common. Both of them - vehicles designed to move us in space. They have very similar requirements to be followed for the successful operation. Neither one nor the other is not able to function without a regular supply of fuel and air. Both needed maintenance and repair to work properly and does not break.
However, between cars and human bodies, there are two very important differences, and we need to know both of them. Do not worry, you do not need to have a car mechanic diploma, and along with medical doctors to understand the following text. I assure you, this is no good. As someone who still asks for help from grandson to record TV shows to a video cassette, I repeat: technical jargon seems vague, confusing and tedious. Even if you've never had a car and did not drive it, you can easily get into my reasoning.
The first important difference from the human machine - the complexity. The human body - the most complex and sophisticated mechanism on the planet, millions of times more complex than the most advanced spacecraft, built by people. Compared with our body car as primitive as the abacus vs. computer. Even if you strictly adhere to the manufacturer's instructions, the average car is unlikely to last for more than fifteen years, and our heart is pounding non-stop for at least seventy, preventing failures - and this despite all the harm we inflict it.
Because of the incredible complexity of the human body, to comprehend that we can not, we often take it for granted. Nevertheless, it is important to appreciate the dignity of all this intricacy