Refined foods

We love the fresh ripe fruit, partly because they have a pleasant smell, partly because of the sweet taste, and finally because of the fact that they have a lot of water, which facilitates the process of digestion, and quench thirst.

Nuts we love because they, too, have a sweet taste. In English, there is even an expression:

"Sweet as a nut"

In the nineteenth chapter, I promised to explain how a reasonable man deceives himself, believing that useless food can be delicious.

In fact, I have already explained one method we use to fool the taste buds and natural instincts - to give food taste worthless fruit. Another method - a useless adding food refined sugar to make it sweet.

In the process of refining sweet crude lost almost all nutrients. Almost the entire fiber, vitamins and minerals are removed from it, leaving a dry residue.

Saharan get fat, because it contains only empty calories and excess low-quality carbohydrates, which the body converts to fat. When we eat food with a high sugar content, are we kidding your body, assure him that he gets healthy food.

One could argue that sometimes even improve the taste of strawberries, adding a touch of sugar. Only if it is unripe.

A ripe fruit supposed to eat. Adding sugar in immature fruit, we do not improve the taste, but simply attach sugar fruity flavor.

I have explained why you can feel hunger even fullness. Even more harmful to consume artificial sweeteners.

We not only provide in such a case the body with the necessary energy and nutrients, but do not fill the stomach, just because hunger turns into a brutal famine.

As we usually solve this problem? Again absorb useless food.

Problem solved? Of course not! It worsened.

The reason that we get overweight without consumption of too much food, and eating unhealthy foods.

Despite all the efforts, the body is not able to display all the waste and toxins from the foods that we pushed him.

So now we know what products are especially useful and which are particularly harmful for us.

But before we try to apply the new knowledge into practice, need to understand two important principles:

Beware of products intensive processing!

To get rid of the effects of brainwashing, it is necessary to understand what is the consumption of foods subjected to intensive treatment.

Whether you cook product rafiniruete him freeze, Copts, marinate, do can, candy, dry, salted or fall asleep spices - processing usually has three very detrimental consequences. Firstly, it kills nutrients. Secondly, the toxins are introduced into the food, and thirdly, reducing the required water content.

You might say that the effects of dehydration can be mitigated if used in cooking water or wine, or drink their food. Alas, it does not - it is the same plastic bucket syndrome. Our body is designed in order to process food in the form in which it exists in nature. In essence, zapivanie cooking water only exacerbates the problem - the washing out of the stomach juices.

We tend to think of hunger just as a signal of our body, "I need food! "But hunger is not so simple. Wild animals crave certain foods, depending on whether any nutrient deficiency test.

Food cravings pregnant women we consider absurd. But in fact they are quite logical: the body tells them what additional nutrients needed a new life, originated in, and changing needs of the mother.

Here's another example of what the human body is much more sophisticated mechanism of the vehicle. The car fuel and other supplies come in several different systems. And the body is one and the same food and provides energy and supplies, and all the work it the same mouth and digestive system.

The machine is so flawed that require regular maintenance. Its parts wear out and require replacement. And even if you change them in a timely manner, the average modern car is unlikely to last for more than fifteen years.

The human body maintains itself throughout life. In spite of this, we treat him like a garbage can, poisoning his tobacco, alcohol, car exhaust and other pollutants. Our heart beats an average of more than seventy years without missing a single stroke.

I wonder how we would have lived if treated his body as it deserves? Unfortunately, modern medicine uses to replace the principle of our body parts. Do you think my heart, lungs and kidneys reasonable? Do I need to be Einstein to find the only logical solution - initially to avoid organ damage?

If the food is tasty, but when you are hungry, why people overeat? Their hunger has satiated, therefore, there is only one explanation: the food is still tasty. But in fact, everything is exactly the opposite way. The taste of food begins to pall. We call such people gluttons and compulsive eaters, and they actually continue to suffer hunger.

How can this be? Is it possible to feel heavy with food and hungry at the same time? It is possible - if the body is clogged useless food and it did not get the required energy and nutrients.

All methods of "an easy way to lose weight" based on the fact that the body continues to send signals to the brain until it receives this fuel and chemicals. Until then, you are, in spite of the crowded stomach will remain hungry.

Oddly enough, soon you will feel even more acute hunger. You may be surprised to learn that for digestion, digestion and excretion of waste we spend more energy than any other type of activity. Usually we do not realize it because we chew and swallow food an afterthought. That's why we feel so tired after a long meal - for example, a Christmas dinner where we absolutely have to take a nap.

So, if the overflow body useless products, not only did he not receive the necessary energy and nutrients, but also worsen their condition by spending reserves of energy in the excretion of waste worthless food.

And how do we solve this problem? Eat more foods useless! As a result, the problem is not solved, and escalates.

That's why people with a monstrous overweight have to rush to the food:

They did not manage to satisfy your hunger!

A classic example - a Christmas dinner. We eat one dish after another, but we want more. The more worthless food we consume, the more energy we need to digest it. We are saved only when the moment when we are physically not able to swallow at least another piece.

But whether it has made us fit and radiant energy? On the contrary, we want only to sleep, leaving the body to deal with the impossible task of digestion and elimination of useless food. All our efforts are fruitless.

Interestingly, I used the word "sterile". Here's another example of how important the fruit in our lives, that is the fruit.

Even easier to consider the example of thirst. Thirst - a signal that the body supplies the brain, saying, "I need some water." We rarely drink more than a glass of water at a time, to quench their thirst. But if you try to drown out her beer, have a drink, two, three or more glasses, and still thirst will not retreat.

This is because beer contains alcohol, as it causes dehydration. Precisely the same principle works in the absorption of food. Eat useless writing - and hunger will not disappear. And you will suffer from obesity, apathy and ailments.

It is important to understand the meaning of the nine recommendations, which reads as follows:

Try to satisfy the hunger of useful food, forget about useless

Note that the last recommendation I do not categorical: I say not "you should," and "try". The whole point, of course, limit the useless. At first, it is not necessary to sharpen attention on it.

But as I explain further, as the work on the program you will find that the desire to consume useless writing gradually disappears, and its consumption will be the exception rather than the rule. Only important from the outset to understand the hunger never satisfy, if not provide the body with energy and vitamins.

What do you say about a man who works for $ 100 a week, if it costs $ 150 a week? That's what we do, filling stomachs abundant but useless food. We need the energy.

When we consume foods useless, then we spend on digestion and elimination of waste more energy than they receive from it. That's why many people are waking up, feeling lethargic and overwhelmed, not rested and energetic.

After poisoning themselves potent poisons such as arsenic, the worst thing we can do with his own body - oversaturate it worthless food. But there is another serious danger that regularly faces modern man:
