Interesting, fun, youth scenario by April 1, jokes, humor, greetings, contests, games, more suitable for an adult audience, corporate parties.
Conducting day laughing festive holiday party youth in high school or at a school for high school students.
In the banquet hall where the participants sit holiday decorated a huge emblem in the form of smiles and posters with aphorisms and sayings:
1. Who is the fun, and the fact was worth.
2. Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of troubles.
3. Laughter - a great doctor.
4. Rush - people laugh.
5. interested in all genres, but sad.
6. Continue to laugh more easily than to finish laughing.
7. Tears with laughter in half.
8. Do you want to look smarter, next smart nor bear.
Beginning with the words of a leading (scenario 2 assumes a leading, so the words can be divided between them on the quatrains).
1 Lead:
Among revelry
And spring flowering
Holiday laughter came
We invited it to yourself.
2 Moderator:
Gathered for fun
This evening, all of you hello
Boredom laugh ack
Well the people, then we start?
1 Lead:
Claim jokes together:
In April, the first day of
The essence of this simple holiday
Find and ridicule the fool
2 Moderator:
To begin to dream
The magic we play
Two hundred and fifty years
Boldly we Makhnev ago.
1 Lead:
The people were laughing
Over the New Year in the spring
And so the tradition of observing
And we still laugh.
2 Moderator:
Let me officially declare the opening of the Day of absurdity and nonsense. And this, my friends, we have the event according to the regulations in order to comply with the traditions and lifestyle of transmission to descendants capture the name of each of the participants are in the log.
1 Lead:
Rules - there are rules ... are divided into two teams of equal number and on my signal pereobuvatsya (left shoe on the right foot and the right - on the left) and take turns one after another approach, each to his magazine and initialed left hand. Who quickly cope with the task, the young man, and who was late - the hero of the festivities!
Guests sit down at the table and leading the story about the history of the holiday, according to one version is April 1 - is a celebration of the New Year forgetful and confused people.
Before the back in the 16th century, Carl 9 reformed in France at the Victorian calendar Gregorian New Year was celebrated at the beginning of the year is not the 1st of January and the end of March. New Year's week began on 25 March and ended on April 1.
But despite the fact that the calendar has changed some conservative people (or simply uninformed or forgetful) continued to celebrate New Year's holidays in the old style. And the others joked and laughed at them, gave them small presents and wacky comic called them the April fools (April's Fools). That's the history of the emergence of our so-called holiday of April 1, April Fool's Day - April Fool's Day.
Funny contests, humor
2 Moderator:
Dear guests, it's time to give the solemnity of our holiday. The purpose of this competition is to select your team captain and his active support. So the captains, ask at the center of the room. Attributes of the contest: 2 saucers with concentrated soapy water, two straws, a stopwatch; 10 balloons.
The essence of competition: while the capital involved in the festival of soap bubbles, their team is inflated to 5 balls each half and decorate their rooms. We estimate the speed and originality of the decoration of the hall, as well as the life expectancy of soap bubbles, flying range, and the size of their iridescence.
1 Lead:
He hands the captain of the winning team Medal "winner of the Festival of soap bubbles", saying the words:
Flock Bubble
The first time I meet
Quality mark soon
I you are awarded!
Guests again enjoy food consumption, gathering strength for the new competition.
A 2 leading talks about the traditions April 1
As observed in the present time in various countries:
In Scotland, the duration of the holiday is 48 hours in France holiday called Poisson d'Avril (April's fish) and consists of gluing paper fish to the backs of the people.
When an object of ridicule man discovers joke joker shouted: «Poisson d'Avril». In America, very little common harmless jokes, such as "you lace was untied," and schoolchildren and students joke about employment (cancellation or transfer of their time, their colleagues back). If the victim is believed and bought into a joke, joker says: «April Fool» (April fool)!
In Russia, widespread jokes among girls. It was believed that the more people they will be able to cheat, the more skilled in dealing with future husband will have a wife. Currently, jokes about human relationships have not lost their relevance by making adjustments. Their orientation affects more bohemian and politicians.
Leading 1:
Now we will check it. To me invited by 1 pair on each side. Attribute: rezinochki hair in large quantities (the higher the better), and bows in an amount of 6 pieces.
The essence of competition: Men using a 3 bow, decorate a present for yourself. As a gift is his companion, which at the discretion of a man in an original way tie 3 bow (the area where the bow tie - it does not matter: the neck, waist, his hands bound together, both legs tied together. The main thing - this is the original version).
This manipulation is done against the clock. After 1 part of the competition was held, a woman, her man, without removing the equipment should make the original hair color by using the greatest number of rezinochek hair. The winner is the most nimble and original team.
Guests who finished the contest fairly some fun guests sit down to their seats.
2 Leading the script continues:
"One of the oldest jokes, popular among the older generation, is called" chasing the fool. " The young man handed an envelope with a piece of paper on which were written the words, such as "it is necessary to drive a fool, three miles to send," and sent this envelope on some address. The recipient who received the message of this letter, it shifted to a new envelope, inscribed another address and sent a young man to another address, and so - as long as it did not reach to the meaning of this joke. "
Leading 1:
We will not chase anyone will, but a piece of paper to play.
At the beginning of the table is placed a sheet of paper folded ladder. For participants seen questions: who, how, where, what, why, what, why, how, where, ... .. On the curved stairs, each participant writes first came to his mind the proposal related to today's holiday and attending the festival people offer at least 6 - 7 words with a humorous angle.
Reaching the end of the table and in the hands of leading credited resume tonight. Previously, most can be approximately a humorous story about everything happening in the evening to answer questions about the alleged (quietly replacing one sheet to another).
2 Moderator:
Unfortunately, our cheerful youth festival April 1 came to an end, so goodbye let me tell you a couple of lines:
Congratulations to all on a holiday
Congratulations - prankster
We are not tired
Humor, jokes April 1
Let the smiles, jokes, laughter
Always pleased with all of you !!!
1 Lead:
I wish you all good friends!
The script block music, disco dancing.