April 1 April Fool's Day script, holiday, greetings, contests

 April 1 April Fool's Day scenario, the feast day of laughter, greetings and competitions on April 1

Cheerful holiday scenario for April 1 April Fool's Day

Congratulations and competitions


On the day of the spring,

In a wonderful day,

When the rings drops from the roofs.

Holiday has one wonderful.

He begins in April.

On the first day of April, clear,

The fun

Open the door joke

Adults and kids.

Today we play

We laugh and then

Along with drawing good

On a visit to our spring will come!

Today is no ordinary day. April 1 - a special holiday. Today, it is necessary in good humor with each other and a good laugh. So let's not break tradition! Happy April, 1!

The contest "the most serious"  

Two teams of 6-8 people. Each team stands in line in front of the opposing team. Participants look at each other. Having made a very serious face every opponent has to say, "Ha ha ha! ". At the same time one should not laugh. And so it turns all participants. Someone laughed, he retires. The winning team, where at least one party was the most serious.

The contest "Show me, but not tell"

Two participants receive the proverb, which necessarily includes the word "laughter." They have body language to portray saying so that viewers understand and voiced her. You can not pronounce the word. Proverbs: "haste makes waste", "Laughter, laughter, and the case-business", "Who are people having fun, the fact is the whole world", "He laughs best who laughs last", "laughter can not eat."

The contest "The blind artist"

Two teams of 5-6 people. Each team away from them 4 meters posted sheet of drawing paper. Before them stretched fabric with two slits for hands. Players think through drawing on the theme of "Spring mood". At the signal, leading one participant runs to the Whatman paper and drawing one piece of the overall picture.

In total, the job is given 2 minutes. The tissue is then removed and look what happened. The winner is the team that has a picture more interesting and more in keeping with the theme.

The contest "Happy fairy"  

Lead 7 invites participants and give them roles: turnip, Dedkov, grandmother, granddaughter, bugs, cat and mouse. Each character gets his sentence, he must pronounce the hearing of his fairy-tale hero.

Turnip: "Ugh, seriously! ". Father: "Here I am! ". Grandma: "I'm gay! ". Granddaughter: "I am not so, he has come! "Beetle" Wow, I'll bite. " Cat: "I'm affectionate! ". Mouse: "Come again! ". Leading tells the tale "The Turnip" and the characters shout phrases with different intonation. Audiences appreciate the humor and artistry of participants.

The contest "Spring has come! "

Involved two people, which is worn over normal clothing warm wide trousers, sweatshirt, are wrapped a long scarf, a hat with earflaps, gloves and boots. At a distance of 4-5 meters from each player put a chair.

At the signal, they run leading to it, remove one thing from clothes, come back, touch the hand leading, again run to the chair, and so is repeated until, until the whole outerwear will not be charged. Those who cope with the job faster - won.

Leading :

April 1 - is a celebration of laughter!

April 1 - it's a day of fun!

April 1 waiting for you jokes and laughter!

April 1 - a holiday for all!

Do you want to have fun,

Much in life you get.

Only a gay man

Always lucky all!

You're kidding, relax

About the family do not forget!

And your health in the bargain

Fortunately, happiness, good luck!

Music unit

Author Olga Melnikova

April Fool's Day joke humorous poems Thoughts on April 1

 April 1 poetry with humor, April Fool's Day, the new funny verses on April 1, humorous poems Thoughts


This event has happened

First of April,

Her husband was away from home

Without a legitimate aim.

I come then to call

All the friends, acquaintances,

To bring back her husband,

For he was at home.

Brother said that UFOs

Husband captured,

Swat that snow covered with snow,

But the sun was out!

Uncle Nick gave an oath,

As if on a mission

Husband sent the President,

It seems that in Spain,

A friend that my husband

We took evil yeti

As if he heard a shout

Today at dawn,

A neighbor, screwing up his eyes,

I whispered secret,

My husband got stuck in the sins of love,

What she accidentally

I saw him yesterday

Nes in a bouquet of roses.

But I pinned the morning

Yellow mimosa!

So I think, sit -

Either everything is a joke,

Either punish her husband -

Will not leave.

Author Eleni Kerr

Comic funny verses where you go and I'm talking about love with humor

 Verses with humor in the April Fool's Day joke funny poems about love, funny poems about love


With you I will go to any edge!

Always close to you where you are, and I'm there!

You're on the football? And I'm there,

Who plays with whom, I do not care

And by some I do not care

The people there are always full,

Let them shout, albeit noisy,

With you I will sit in the first row,

You hold it and the beer,

And all the talk about the game.

Are you fishing? I'm there,

While fishing is not important,

I sit quietly next,

About bait tell all

And you catch the worm -

Rybachy you, I understand,

And you want help pull

Though fish, at least someone.

You take the ferry? And I'm there,

What I'm healthy, it does not matter ....

Although the judge stake ... a bit

Why do I need a long road?

And you freedom so wanted,

And my throat cases.

Go, I do not hold you,

Only you will put your phone,

In any case, just like that,

To know what to do and how.

Author Eleni Kerr
