Delicious meat dishes on New Year's table recipes


Soon the New Year holiday, and every woman wants to prepare the festive table tasty and unique. On New Year's table must have meat dishes, which are like friends and relatives prepared his hands and a pure heart.

New recipes use simple wooden goat for a year, but it came to decorating creative dishes themselves and linking their accommodation.

1. Recipe Chicken on skewers

Chicken meat cut into small pieces. Mix vegetable oil with salt and pepper and add the pieces of meat and marinate for 2 hours on the cold. Banana and kiwi slices cut.
Salom obkrutit pieces of meat on skewers strung anointed turn the pieces of meat, banana and kiwi, pour the marinade. Fry on a grill 15-20min. Turning.

Recipe 2. Tasty pork stuffed

The pork (400g) makes an incision on the side, filling meat (chicken) and zashem. Myasko rubbed with spices (paprika, pepper, salt) and garlic. In the oven and roast until done. Apply for New Year's table, beautifully decorated with sliced ​​green.

3. Pork Recipe "spicy"

Wash and drier meat, cut into portions, add salt and pepper. Fry on both sides in butter, put on a plate. Slice the mushrooms, fry, put in the meat and cover with a slice of pineapple and tomato garnish ringlet. Meat spicy dish is ready.

Recipe 4. leg of lamb in the sleeve

Leg of lamb rub spices leave for 30 minutes. The sleeve for baking put your foot with vegetables and bake until done. Serve with potatoes on Christmas table.

5. Home baked ham recipe

1kg. pork tenderloin put in a small saucepan and pour the marinade and leave in the refrigerator for 3 days. For the marinade: 2: 1 water and vinegar, celery, bay leaf, allspice and a little sugar, boil and cool.

Then remove the meat and drain, season with salt and pepper, lard with garlic. Then the meat in the pan and in the oven, bake until done. Cut into slices and beautiful meat dish on a table decorated with greenery.

6. Delicious Recipe ram of sturgeon

The meat cut into chunks, discourage, salt and pepper. Fried onion mix with sliced ​​sturgeon with pickles, mix well and put on a broken-off pieces of meat. Pieces of collapse and form rams, break in them in flour, fry until half cooked.

Then pour the tomato sauce and cook until ready. Ready rams spice parsley. Post a meat dish with potatoes and pickles on New Year's table.

7. Recipe Rabbit in apples

Soak the whole rabbit in water with vinegar, put it on the oiled baking. Boil the rice, combine with grated carrots, salt and pepper, stuff with the mixture of the rabbit.

Connect ketchup, vegetable oil, sour cream and pour over the rabbit carcass. Around lay out the apples and bake in the oven for 45 min., While serving, decorate with greenery.

8. Meat Salad Recipe "Holiday"

On the platter put layers: chicken boiled meat; fried mushrooms and onion; prunes; boiled carrot; Welded eggs, each layer of fluff with mayonnaise and garnish with greens, corn, vegetables or flowers. All can be served on New Year's table.

Bon appetit, good luck in the New Year! Main celebrate the holiday with people who love and are loved with pure thoughts and desires.

New unusual salad recipes


On the eve of New Year recipes festive dishes come in all sorts of sources. And many do not know on what the recipe is better to choose.

In this article a selection of unusual Christmas salads, which are suitable for any taste, and most importantly you will be able to demonstrate their culinary skills for you detailed recipes.

1. Salad Recipe Christmas balls


• Red fish salted 200g
• Chicken Breast 250g
• mushrooms 300g
• 2 pieces of fresh cucumber
• Lemon 1 piece
• Carrot 2 pcs
• chicken egg 3 pcs
• Canned corn 100g
• Canned peas 100g
• Rice 100g
• Soy sauce 2 tbsp. spoons
• Bulgarian peppers of different colors and 1 piece of each color
• Onion 1 pc
• Potatoes 5 pcs
• Pickles 2 pcs
• apple green 1 piece

Cooking method:

You will need a large dish, which will need to form three balls. Spread this salad is layers.

The first New Year's ball will be a fish.

The first layer of red fish, cut into cubes and melenkimi sprinkled with lemon juice. Top layer of rice, pre-mixed with soy sauce. A little grease with mayonnaise and put a layer of grated on a fine grater cucumber.

Now for the decoration of the first ball. To do this is to sprinkle it with grated egg yolk and put it carvings peppers of different colors.

Second Christmas ball of meat.

The first layer of fried chicken. Next lubricates it with mayonnaise and spread finely chopped onions and boiled potatoes.

Again, a layer of mayonnaise and spread shabby grated pickles. Getting to the decoration of the second ball. Obkladyvayut its canned peas and decorate figurines pepper.

Well, the third ball of the vegetable.

We put the first layer of boiled potatoes, grated. Lubricates it with mayonnaise and put mushrooms fried with onions. Again, a layer of mayonnaise, and then grated carrot and apple. Decorate using figures from corn and pepper.

2. Salad Recipe Clapper


• Avocado 1 piece
• Red salted fish 200g
• Crab sticks 100g
• 5 piece Chicken Egg
• 2 pieces of squid carcass
• Beets 1 pc
• Fresh cucumber 2 pcs
• Fresh Tomato 2 pieces
• Mayonnaise
• Herbs (dill, parsley, chives)

Cooking method:

This salad is really unusual and just Christmas. Clear the avocado and cut into cubes. Crab sticks Grate (to make them easier to rub, put them on a couple of hours in the freezer).

Kalmar boil in salted boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Cut it into strips. Red fish, tomato and cucumber cut into cubes. Boil the eggs and separate the white from the yolk.

Now, we put in a bowl and mix with mayonnaise avocado, fish, crab sticks, squid, cucumber and tomato.

We spread the mass is in the form of crackers on a plate. Decorate protein tinted using beets, egg yolk and herbs, alternating stripes sprinkling blank firecrackers.

With these Christmas salads you can to please family and friends. But most importantly, remember, no matter how unusual dish you are not prepared, the main cook it with love, by investing in the preparation of a piece of his soul.

Festive dishes on New Year recipes


New Year is knocking at the house of the blue goat hoof. Meet the owner, the food must be tasty, that peace and love will not leave the house. We offer you the best recipes and delicious festive dishes.

Recipe 1. Chop mushrooms

Marinated mushrooms mixed with chopped onion, salt and pepper and fry until cooked. Beef cut into portions discourage good on both sides. Prepare a batter of eggs and flour.

On the one hand chop to put mushrooms and onions, meat wrap, moisten each side in batter and fry in a well heated pan. Chops served hot in the New Year.

Recipe 2. Meat fingers

Meat (beef) cut into portions and discourage, salt and pepper and put each piece on posechennymi fat with crushed garlic, slice carrots.

Fold the pieces of meat in a roll tied with thread and fry in a pan until a light golden brown. Transfer to a saucepan, add a little water and simmer not a low heat for 45 minutes. Cool, remove the string and submit to the table unvarnished greens.

3. The recipe ham, stewed with wine

Leg with a skin boil in a little water, add chopped rings, carrots, parsley, celery, black pepper and bay leaf. Separately, boil in salted water diced potatoes.

With ready-Skinned hams, meat into the pan and cook for 10-15 minutes in preheated oven. Skinned finely chopped, add the boiled vegetables and fry in a pan. Then pour in the wine, bring to a boil, add the lemon juice and cook for 3-5 minutes.

Wine Sauce drain and cool. Leg cut into thin slices, put on a platter, garnish with roasted vegetables along with the skin. Pour cold wine sauce. A festive meal is ready.

4. Cutlets Recipe "Tenderness"

Pork meat with fried onions and bread soaked in milk, perepustit twice through a meat grinder, Mix thoroughly, add 2 eggs, salt and pepper.

Cutlet mass to form circles, in the middle of each put a piece of butter. Making cutlets oval, double break in them in the ground crunches and soak in driven into the egg, fry in hot fat is good. Ready cutlets pour the melted butter.

5. Recipe Schnitzel with cheese

Pork mince together with the shank, potatoes and onions, knead with the eggs, salt and pepper. The resulting mass to form oval schnitzel, break in them in flour and fry in a hot pan.

Schnitzel into the pan, to spread with mustard, put into the middle of the grated cheese. Put the pan for 5-7 minutes. in preheated oven to melt the cheese and serve hot in the New Year, garnish croutons, mashed potatoes with vegetables.

Recipe 6. Kurka Arabic

Melt the butter and mix with honey. This mass rub the whole chicken, then fry it in olive oil. Divide chicken into three parts and put them on a warmed dish. Sprinkle with ginger. Garnish with cooked broccoli in salted water. A festive meal is ready.

Get plenty of greens and vegetables purchase on holiday table.
As well as the presence of cheese and cheese does not hurt.

Enjoy your meal! It's nice to meet fun and peaceful New Year holiday in the circle of the closest, without forgetting that the peace-loving pet goat.
