In your holiday, Day of Fire Protection,
Congratulations! Not once, certainly,
Fire, smoke and fire pain
You passed the test of strength.
He is never indifferent
By feelings, grief, distress human ...
I am proud of our strong friendship,
You - the most reliable friend of mine.
Extra words on this day is not necessary.
Whether stored in a fire fight.
I wish a quiet life
And you reliable rear.
Colleagues colleagues
Occupation difficult given us:
The fire and smoke we're going, do not hesitate to
We only guard heaven
Honor service and oath of allegiance.
Amid the hectic combat duty
Guys tightly become friends,
We know the true essence of male friendship,
We know the value of every life.
Today, this important holiday,
We congratulate each other!
Shake hands with each other, we wish
To work falls rarely.
Let only our heart burn,
Let the glow of love and friendship!
A fire and other fire
No one in this life do not need!
Day of Fire Protection - your holiday!
I know that your service is not easy.
Suppose you change after severe
Will fall into the hand of my hand,
I'll hug timidly,
Hide yourself from all the worries, hassles.
I know you serve a good cause,
I know, you are saving lives.
I congratulate you, my love,
Feel You do not need words,
Suppose you do not warm fire,
And my warmth and love.
We fire them securely guarded
Not easy to carry the burdens of life,
On them is rarely remembered,
For risk life board - our comfort!
And every day they are going to the office,
Native embrace, like last time,
They do not betray male friendship,
And no doubt will fulfill the order.
And if, nevertheless, in a battle with the elements,
Some people are destined to become a hero ...
Of these, one is sure that the living,
Behind them will forget to raise a toast!
Now, I beg to congratulate together
Firefighters with Fire Service Day!
Firefighters become - which is higher than the honor,
After all, once you have chosen your way!
And I tell you, my friends, without flattery,
You with the selected roads are not collapse.
Team giving a friendly, drastically,
Elements of fire resistance, shoulder to shoulder,
For that you all appreciate and respect,
Congratulates the fire I want!
You fear and fatigue do not know
In his heart the pain of others keeping,
You protect me from trouble,
On the service without saying anything.
Combat fire you dedicate years,
Though the feat do not think your way
And I congratulate you today
And one thing I beg, live and be next!