Hundreds of thousands of different professions on earth.
Some are accustomed to always be "tipsy"
In cafes and bars to celebrate anniversaries,
Any wedding anniversaries to celebrate.
Other profession is just the opposite:
At any time of the day was not lucky.
Someone does not have to be bored at night
And wildfires leave.
Someone leisure activities, and someone stress.
Only the brave souls went to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations!
Neglected the welfare of his own,
What used to live calmer others.
I want to wish you and hardly be mistaken,
What would your ladders were getting everywhere,
And it did not end in the arms of your water,
Everyone on duty is always to be healthy!
If the tooth hurts, I see a doctor.
And to the MOE fighters - I would not want to.
After trifling matter, since a tooth ache.
But the scale of the other, when the house is burning.
We wish each other good night,
Safe and good fireplaces, stoves.
So you could have a rest on duty,
For there was no need to call you.
To extinguish the fire less than you had,
And while we lived peacefully with you!
To you the way to the traffic jams are always inferior,
And fire hydrants vodilas water!
For your machinery was intact
And in any situation you helped!
But, but, without you we can not do.
Happy Fire Department! Good luck, my friends!
Author Vladimir Antonov
Employees of the fire service,
Poznan you what it means to honor and friendship.
You help, when it is not visible exit,
For you, fine, there is no shame to us!
We wish you a lot of joy moments
Not to break any of your instruments,
Family happiness and good luck to you in perfect,
Let him proud of you ever generation.
Congratulations glorious firemen with pleasure trips, wish you success in the fight against fires !!!