Congratulations personnel officer colleagues

 Congratulations to the personnel officer


Happy to congratulate the personnel

Our office met all!

And who to send it

We are now solved here!

Volunteers were not enough,

Everyone was afraid to congratulate! ..

And we decided to start

Congratulations to write!

We wish you a lot

In the life of the young staff!

You have to work longer

Better than many others!

To see contrived

Who speaks the truth!

And the rate remained

Our best friend, the personnel officer!

Congratulations personnel officer


Psychologist, physiognomist

And you're just a little soul,

You're in - not Assist,

You become persona anymore.

It all depends on you -

Salaries, pensions and vacation ...

Who are all the problems will be settled?

Who has all the mysteries of the tolerance?

You - Personnel! In your hands

The fate of the native group.

I used to work for two

And true to build a future.

You heart, from the soul

Congratulations to the whole team,

His work on you and vertices,

And we wish you all the best.

Happy personnel officer colleagues


Congratulations! Congratulations

Personnel Our favorite!

Nothing we do not hide,

Frankly, bluntly:

You are the foundation of our company

Strengthen and stored.

The team as a valuable stone,

You shlifuesh and granite.

So let them in work and in life

Will you always be happy,

Holiday champagne we sprinkle,

At the mountain - no problem!

At the table today, conquer,

After all, in life, you joker.

A hundred years live and prosper,

Personnel Our favorite!


From superiors, colleagues and staff

Today you congratulations.

Not used for the public

You embarrassed feelings manifestations.

Masterly work with the staff,

As an artist, in an elegant sketch,

Behind the columns of numbers every ten days

Do not you forget that all of us - people.

Because today we are descended

Congratulations and bouquets

Wish you happiness and joy,

Bestow warmth and sweets.

Author Larissa Zaporozhchenko

Congratulations to the staff of employees with a holiday, success at work !!!

Poems about the personnel humorous greetings with humor

 Poetry Day of the personnel, on the feast day wishes cadre in verse poem about the personnel with humor


You are all fighters invisible front!

All of you - personnel officers have from God!

You experience your quite extemporaneously

You find us many employees at once!

And this holiday professional,

Leave the boring profiles!

Today take a genius

For you bought bouquets!

Tomorrow again to battle his own, as before,

Submit to fight for pictures ...

Depriving most people of hope

By anketiruschey squadron!

Poems about the personnel


Beautiful day ... Beautiful weather ...

After all, the holiday marks the hiring manager!

He alone at any time of the year

All about all accustomed to sniff!

He makes such a personal matter,

What you do not even dreamed nightmares!

You just do not think about bad things -

He just keeps everything in their hands!

And even the hiring manager does not sleep at night!

For you, he watches from all sides!

He regularly listens to a debt of honor,

Because he is smart and well-read!

Congratulations comic humor


"Cadres decide everything and everything" -

This phrase everyone knows,

Take the service, refuse,

Weighty word to say,

Deal for truancy,

CONTRIBUTE time off,

In the individual case record,

On errors indicate -

That's all it on the shoulder,

But today I want

Share it does not,

Personnel in winter and summer

Charges optimism

In our exciting life,

Never discouraged,

From superiors covers,

He is the idol of ours and our shield,

He always protect us.

Because his wish,

To young greens

Of banknotes grew abundantly,

That without rejuvenating apples

Was it always the young,

That golden radiance

Fortunately for him shone,

And the bosses so loved!

Author Eleni Kerr

Congratulations on the day of the personnel comic

 Congratulations personnel officer verses, congratulations on the occasion of the personnel happy cadre


And the load is heavy, the work is not easy ...

And it is difficult to make a choice sometimes you ...

Praise the day of the personnel,

Which is testing us with you!

During the hard work of all thank you!

Today is your holiday, and your time!

I bow to the simple personnel officers,

Bearing the burden of good!

Let the applicant will be a joy to you!

Let correctly filled in the questionnaire!

Across the country, and all personnel officers

I send greetings to this day!

Congratulations personnel officer


Our personnel officer sometimes a joker,

What's even scared to go near!

Trailers with a question as burdock,

To the facts to back up the case famously!

But today will be no exception -

HR managers, we want to congratulate!

We wish him luck on this day,

To learn the facts of life!

We wish we agility and patience,

A little more training, more personal affairs ...

Let never plagued by doubts

The fact that something did not have time to do!

Happy personnel officer humorous poems


Oh, what a difficult

Personnel any question!

Suddenly someone will not have to

On the high salary

Or bypass someone

Who is a fan of the work,

And for all personnel officers

With a difficult boss hands

We called to answer,

There is no place for jokes,

And their life reports

For the quarter and year of operation

Poisons, such as arsenic,

And even such a trifle,

As the HR seminars

and examinations to the couple.

So let us now!

Congratulate them many times,

We wish them the

Happiness to complete the ground,

What surprised the gods,

Let them be as the fire scared

Poverty, old age and disease,

And love is singing the song!

Or let blooms in May

All living blooms!

And personnel officers

We wish to clouds

To dream of raising,

People are to be respected,

To superiors appreciated,

And for work through!

Author Eleni Kerr
