Congratulations sociologist in verse

 Congratulations sociologists

Feast Day of the sociologist in 2013 celebrate on November 14th. (date, number)


Questionnaires away, off of the respondents!

On the day after the sociologist need a break!

The great man worthy of monuments,

In your holiday can take a nap!

Let interview postponed until tomorrow,

Today, just hours of fun and fun!

And let out of thy mouth speaketh the truth,

In pursuing the profession wildly successful!


Walking time! Work can wait -

Statistics and figures rest!

Of course, the sociologist will save the world,

But only then, in fact celebrating the triumph!

And there is a reason for this other than:

Professions tricky date

When all of a minute to relax

Located both in the service of a soldier!

Congratulations in the verses


The Company is the most difficult thing,

It can not be described by the formula, no,

It is multifaceted, and the entire structural

As the cake to his people just do not eat.

But the sociologist, as if a knight,

Strive to understand the depths to break!

One can understand, to share with others all that,

What helps in solving problems!

In a profession so interesting day,

I wish you good luck imminent,

Discovery weight, and make a contribution to,

In that deserves valuable prizes!

Author leskoo


To the sociology of work,

We need a lot of patience.

Sometimes it is not easy to study

Public opinion.

But you always manage everything,

For you, the barriers - not a hindrance.

We wish you much happiness,

More good luck and success!


Sociologist Day celebrates the country,

And on this day November holiday for you.

With professional day today to congratulate you,

Career achievements sincerely wish.

Dreams may all come true,

And environment happiness

And let a party bypass

Your house is always bad weather!

Happy sociologist!


All the sociologists wish inspiration

Work Let brings joy and satisfaction.

The work does not cease to desire great patience,

Career let accompany only increase!


Every opinion is important to you,

And every poll for you roads.

Your profession is important,

Proudly sounds sociologist.

And you are so dignified and reverent,

Started his approach

And the information you need

the particles sometimes find!

And no matter how hard it was,

Difficulties you - not a hindrance!

So let it continue to be!

We wish you success in the work!

Author Tatiana Smirnova

Day of the social worker poetry greetings



On the day of the employee sotssluzhby

We wish you all

Find everything in life, you need to

And good luck in work!

Let there be no weak worldwide

And needless to all people!

Days you simple and nice,

More loyalty, friends!


The social worker is always caring,

Each piece should be good,

A piece of love and words give,

Once you eat, drink!

You bestow heart hurt people,

The usual kids and uncles simple

So be always healthy and strong,

Let it be a happy family of origin!


Happy workers sotssluzhby

Congratulations to you, friends!

We wish you a friendship,

Love and happiness, and good!


In the morning rush to work -

Middle help,

Compassion, care

For people to exercise!

Helping kids,

The poor old man,

In the world a lot because, with a surplus

All the troubles and dramas!

Optimism you wish,

Patience with a vengeance!

It is difficult to you, we know that,

But the world, unfortunately, is!


We congratulate you all in a hurry

For your sotsrabotu,

"Thank you" to you we say

For sincerity, care!

Let it be warm, bright house,

Let the heart beats louder,

Let the world be filled with good

And people will respond!


You have always helped people,

Hobbit was not a threshold.

For this you are all respected.

Jobs - the public debt.

Today we congratulate you,

After all, now you have a holiday.

We sincerely wish happiness,

And the joy of you in this hour.

That life you met success,

The success has been an ally to you

To track only with your submission

Always allow the case.


Social Workers Day -

This holiday is important for the society.

Congratulate us today are not lazy

You and it tells you each.

We want life endowed

You the same warm heart,

What's up to you every day Exodus

And in case you receive a diploma.

Let your work appreciated in full

There will be awarded during a hundredfold,

To life was full of happiness,

And good luck given irrevocably.


Happy employees of the company you

We cordially congratulate today.

Wish you want unvarnished

Let the good you always privechayut.

To happiness in your way

Keep only just met,

The positions continue to grow,

And finance so exhausted.

Congratulations on the day of the social worker in prose

 Congratulations prose

Beautiful, original congratulations on the occasion of a social worker in prose, lyrics, best wishes in your own words


Frank and caring, unselfish and always ready to support, a social worker!

Your job is complex and important, a great responsibility, not only for health but also for the lives of people. With all of the tasks and challenges you master easy!

So we wish you on your holiday - DAY social workers not to lose one of kindness, which will fill your heart, do not lose faith in the people, in spite of all the problems that stand in the way of care and compassion!

Do your duty blessed with joy and pleasure, and that people who have received help from you, never forgotten and were grateful for the hard work.


Happy Social Worker congratulate you, that you wish to work hard? more luck, luck, luck, personal and social environment. That work was less difficult to occur only in a happy way. To be happy in life, luck, you had to go next.

Congratulations prose


Day of the social worker, this is the day of all the indifferent, all the good and willing to help people. It is very important that people choose their vocation "to help others." On this festive day for you we wish, to your health, peace, compassion and mercy it was enough to let the world become kinder!


Service of social workers, as they say, and dangerous and difficult. Performing their duties requires not only time-consuming and knowledge of his work, as well as mental energy, warmth and compassion. Not everyone can share their warmth and kindness. Social workers - this is not a position, and not the obligation - a vocation!

So we wish you, on the Day of the social worker warmth, satisfied customers, good health, over the years in such a difficult profession to not lose that kindness and compassion, which enthusiastically plunge at the beginning.
