International Day of the dentist, history and traditions of the holiday

 Day of the dentist

Dentistry is obtained in high schools, after studying for five years and graduated, but the dentist can be a two and a half years in medical school.

International Day of the dentist holiday

Their professional holiday on February 9 note dentists and dentists in many countries of the world. The annual celebration of the International Day of dentists began in Russia relatively recently, only a few years ago. This professional holiday, like many others, is a working day in Russia.

Interestingly, the celebration falls on a dentist's veneration day of the Alexandrian martyr Apollonia, which the Catholic Church considers holy. This day is chosen for a reason. Legend has it that Apollo was subjected to excruciating torture for having refused to renounce Christianity, which at that time was just beginning to emerge.

According to the legend attributes all her sufferings were teeth and curling. Snatching her every single tooth, she was sentenced to be burned. Courageous Christian dignity made all bullying itself came into flames in front of astonished witnesses to prove his devotion to Christianity. This happened in 249 year event on 9 February.

Apollonius was the daughter of a prominent official in Alexandria, according to fellow citizens, it is a bad influence on others, to wean them from polytheism and the recognition of the divine origin of the emperor. This story is very much struck by her contemporaries and created a legend in the offspring. They say that if today to pray the holy Apollonia, or utter the words «Santa Apollonia! "The pain in the teeth begin to subside.

Researchers from France and the US have made an amazing discovery. It has been found that the first drill existed for about 9000 years ago. This will serve as an open study of the remains of the people in the province of Baluchistan in Pakistan, home to about 7000 - 5000 BC.

The teeth cranium detected seal sizes from one to three millimeters and a depth of a half to three millimeters. The art of ancient dentists modern experts estimate is very high, the holes in the teeth have found the ideal shape.

Medical discipline Dentistry was founded in the twentieth century as a result of the connection of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry. Dentistry in Russia was not under state control until the 18th century. In 1810 came the first law by which the dental practice can deal with people with a diploma "tooth doctor."

Later it became known as dental doctors dentists. And even in 1829 began allowing women to take exams to get the title of dental lekarya.V International Day of dentists, patients and officials congratulated doctors on their professional holiday. It remains only to join in the congratulations and wish all the masters of dental health and professional satisfaction.

Congratulations psychologist humorous poems

 Congratulations psychologist


Tears of yesterday? Grievances now?

What worries you at this hour?

Maybe dreams? Maybe dreams?

Answers to know that you are!

Happy psychologist congratulate you

And without you, we sometimes do not know

As happiness in this life to live?

I like to laugh? And out of love?


You can be called unusual -

Surgeons soul or thoughts kings!

But we all know, and all the usual

Hear what psychologists - you!

You can save us, and in fear, and pain,

Help resolve all doubts

Tell us how on the free will of the

Thoughts lowered its bad!

With a holiday we all congratulate you,

Let through the years and even centuries,

We have you yourself always aim,

When the soul is suffering and crying!


Happy psychologist glad to congratulate you,

We know that in the snow, storm, rain or cold

When we are tips, tricks if necessary,

We appeal to you can always!


He fates may, owns,

Unravel any delirium,

He is able to heal the soul,

He will only need advice!

He - a psychologist, and it is important,

For those who are lost in real life,

For those who do not know where his way,

Who the river quickly, and perhaps smooth

It does not control, can not collapse!

Congratulations psychologists together,

We wish you success in your hard work,

You - and we need psychologists,

So that you saved, always and everywhere!


Happy Psychology Today

Congratulations on your country

And wishes to seriously

Were you always matters!

Congratulations psychologists holiday, thank you for the comforting talk !!!

Day anesthesiologist 2014 World Celebration, history and traditions

 Holiday Anesthesiology

Anesthesia - the concept is painfully familiar. Or more precisely, to its absence. Anyone who at least once in his life had treated teeth, or, God forbid, fell under the knife of physicians on the operating table, anesthesia personally familiar with.

If you delve into the terminology, the anesthesia - is the process of reducing the sensitivity of the human or animal body (body parts) to a complete stop perception of information about the world and its status. It is known that distinguish local, general or spinal anesthesia.

Anesthesia is administered exclusively experts who spent at a desk in a medical institution for at least 6 years. It is these people and are responsible for the safety of patients, entering into a state of anesthesia and the process of coming out of it. The main task of the anesthesiologist to make your stay in the hospital comfortable, safe, and most importantly - painless.

Day anesthesiologist 2014   the date, the date when notice

There Machinist Day, Teacher's Day, the day the driver, and, of course, found in the calendar holiday for anesthesiologists.

Day anesthesiologist usually celebrated around the world October 16 World Day of anesthesia. And here's why.

Holiday History

According to historical records the first anesthetic used 16 October 1864. Today the world famous dentist Thomas Morton spent the first operation, using ether anesthesia. He is even a monument in the United States - in Boston and on the monument wrote: "Before the surgery he was at all times an agony."

Before Morton also used the so-called anesthesia. Even 9000 years ago, our ancestors have been attempts to reduce the sensitivity of using inhaled from different roots. There were some times that patients "switched off" with a strong blow to the head.

And in one of the London hospitals still keep the bell which helped muffle the screams and cries of the sick, caught on the operating table. But doctors under Napoleon came up with frozen limbs, the soldiers did not feel pain during surgery.

Then someone came up to breathe gasoline or kerosene to for some time the event of loss of consciousness. But the fact that operations can anesthetize using ether, medical professionals have learned only half a century ago. And thanks to Thomas Morton.

Today, the development of such science as anesthetics and medicines in this area stepped very far. Currently, there is an opportunity, if necessary, to keep a person in anesthesia for more than 10 days!

This anesthesia is used in cases of schizophrenia. Today, even there was such concept as the electric anesthesia and medical scientists to stop there is not collected.

Day anesthesiologist tradition

Anesthesiologists like to mark the day in many ways. Someone just in the close company of health professionals under the conventional 40-degree anesthesia. Often, after such mark the "fourth" are discussions about paraanestezicheskih phenomena.

In almost all countries, the anesthetist on the day with various activities, where there is an active discussion of new theoretical and practical anesthetic methods.

And an interesting fact for a snack: red haired people tend to take a stronger anesthesia about 20%, than the holders of light and dark hair.
