SMS congratulations doctor short poems


I want to congratulate the doctor today
With all my heart and the hearts of just you!
I want to wish you good luck and,
To avoided by bad weather!

Happy with your doctor to congratulate very happy
And I wish you a lot of inspiration!
Let it be in the life of many awards
For your hands, knowledge, experience and skills!

I want you to Castomer doctor
Send SMSkoy brief today!
Health want to wish you grow stronger
And let everything in life will always be smooth!

You a whole heap of best wishes
I want to send in honor of the doctor!
I wish to save you a lot of knowledge,
To us in the different diseases rescue!

Happy doctor with you I affectionately congratulate
And only the best I sincerely wish!
Let them be grateful to you for all
After all, thanks to you, the whole world is saved!

Accept the congratulations at this moment,
When all a Happy doctor congratulate all!
I wish that reached great heights
And heal all those who have fallen ill!

Thee I am a doctor Happy greetings
And SMSku send with verses!
I want to congratulate with the rosy
Spiritual and better words!

All congratulations to you do not count,
For the Day of the doctor in your holiday really need
I wish that he could defend the honor of the doctor
And to get all of the rewards!

You were the best and the best stay!
You notable doctor and the doctor of the world!
And on the Day of doctor are you laughing happily,
After all, congratulations to you hat crowd!

Congratulate like today
In honor of the doctor all the best doctors!
And only with the permission of the Lord
They wished that everyone was healthy!

You treat us from various ailments
And to help us at once again in a hurry ...
I congratulate you on the Day of the doctor, as a friend!
And I want to wish you happiness and love!

I have a lot of different wishes
I want to honor of the doctor to send you!
I wish fulfillment of dreams
And I love to go on the heels!

I want you to humbly congratulate Happy doctor
And congratulations to send the best,
That you were lucky and brave,
To always cope with any business!

Cooking with your doctor's Day greetings,
To wish you good luck and good luck!
Great success and huge wins
Meek and patient, very modest!

Do you want a doctor's Day from the heart,
To have your daily routine are good!
So that you can heal us from all
And you were so easy to live forever!

You know all the secrets of disease
And we are willing to treat you without words!
I congratulate the Day physician interesting
All-all the best doctors in the world!

All requests fit into the message,
That on the day you fly a doctor soon!
I wish you always to assign right treatment struck
And to be healthy so many long days!

Happy doctor catch greetings
Congratulations while!
I want to wish good,
For life was good!

Congratulations happy pharmacist in verse


Happy pharmacist Our congratulations
Take from the heart today!
As our sense of beauty manifestations,
We wish you to live in the true glory!

We wish you always a proud,
To reach considerable heights!
We wish you very happy to work
And never ever not to lose heart!

Let your labor is certainly respected,
Let you will not be equal in the life of the age!
And to be the best course,
After all, you are sincere, nice man!

On the day you wish to understand the pharmacist
The recipes most complex, difficult!
Whether we love you now recognize
And we dedicate to you this verse!

We would like to wish you to always gratifying
Any business could perform!
That you were around for the life of excited
To experience the pharmacist cherished!

Let there be in life everything that you need:
Love and friendship, joy and success!
Live with your team together
And be forever only the best!

I want to wish you on the Day of the pharmacist,
That you were active in the work!
To wait flourishing career
And were you in high esteem century everywhere!

Suppose you are lucky desperately everywhere
Let awaits a huge honor you always!
Let there be a place in your life a miracle!
Let the mountain does not come ever!

Let the light of your eyes from happiness,
Let it be with the mood just okay!
Let your life be like in a fairy tale
We wish a lot better news!

Day pharmacist now comes
And today everyone congratulates you!
Let delight you most in life milestones
Let there be a lot of happiness and success!

Let your customers always trust
Let medications more likely to buy ...
Let it be understood by all the recipes
For those of you in the winter and spring, even in summer!

We wish you a desperate work
And life will never be mistaken ...
It becomes very important in the life of a man
And a century to lead his pharmacy!

Pharmacists across the country we have a huge
We would like to congratulate today is very modest!
Happy pharmacist heartily congratulate
Congratulatory poems you send!

We would like to wish that was all beautiful,
Life to be with you, like a miracle!
May you enjoy your work
And life has never upset!

Suppose you often admired,
Now that you lived a hundred times sweeter!
Let the praise you and highly respected!
Let you dedicate poems often!

I want to wish the Day pharmacist prosperity
To fulfill all your wishes!
Suppose you promise a joyous milestone
Let there be plenty of happiness and success!

Let you work brings joy
And may you always and just enough!
Let you be joyful work,
To you we can always be proud of!

Let your life will be a lot of positive,
Live a rich and happy!
Let famous for your work and will certainly
Let it be just a joy changes!

Congratulations Happy Medic original poems

 Congratulations Happy Medic

Congratulations to colleagues
You hide a figure under the robe,
But with honor ever wear it!
You will experience rich medical Century
And we wish you of everything!

Happy Medic wonderful colleagues
Congratulations from the heart!
We wish you love, happiness and bliss!
We wish to achieve heights!

My dear colleagues!
Today afternoon medic you!
Let your great achievements
Awards will receive more than once!

Let you luck will smile,
Let your medicine stores.
You - doctors, even if it means
What you do not hurt!

Happy physician friend

Girlfriend most tender and beautiful
Happy physician, I send my congratulations!
You wish labors in vain
And God in this day again, pray,

That he kept you from all evils,
That made it possible to live happily century!
Let it be in the life of a lot of passion!
Profession wish to cherish!

Happy Medic you, friend!
I wish you happiness without limits!
Let the storm blow away affectionate
Print All from your eyelashes!

Let the problem does not affect
Friends and thy house.
And let there opportunities
To achieve in his life!

Original poetry beloved

For the most gentle woman in the world
For the prettiest, most expensive,
Day medic wish to meet nice,
Indeed, in the world there is another second that!

Wanting want to avoid errors
In your work difficult, difficult ...
Let it be forever a lot of smiles!
Treat the disease only kindness!

My beloved, I congratulate you!
On the day you want the best medical benefits.
Let the happiness'll never let go.
Let life will correct everything that has been done wrong.

Let you luck in all your movements.
Title your beautiful is important.
May be you have cheerful mood,
And remember, always you are very necessary to me!

Wishes to the day of medical sister

My sister wanted to be a doctor,
To be able to treat other people!
And the doctor, she became a fine -
No medicine can not live!

Happy Medic I hasten to congratulate her,
To wish for perfection in everything!
And what was said to me to add:
Let's career is waiting for you on the rise!

Happy Medic you, sister,
From I congratulate the whole family.
Mutual love and kindness
For many years, I wish.

Let the luck around
You brazenly pursues.
Let's your cozy home
Blossoms and just happy!

Congratulations wife

There is no more noble medical profession ...
And my wife is not a temper
I chose a difficult profession,
Similar to become a saint!

Happy physician, husband dear!
Let everyone respects you forever!
Let appreciates your work and you, of course,
That was you happy forever!

Happy physician, I congratulate you,
Wife rasprekrasno mine.
In respect of the wish,
To the difficulties you left.

And let the soul of everything is calm.
Occupation let bring joy.
You are worthy of the most beautiful,
So let your wonderful find!
