Congratulations traffic cop in verse

 Congratulations traffic cop

All the guards on the holiday road


Happy traffic cop guys

All who are now in office.

On the road you order

To protect us.

Notwithstanding the blizzard,

Neither the rain nor to the heat,

You are standing on the road,

To her was only peace.

Let you always close

It will be a joy and success,

And in the family - only happiness sweet

Only fun, children's laughter.

Congratulations traffic cop


Not as simple as it seems,

The service in our children guards,

It is in the films above it only kurazhatsya,

Kush tearing myself compensation.

For the procedure to follow on the road,

Check suspicious cargo

Tires and the sun a little bit,

And in the winter slush, snow and frost.

Good holiday, nice policeman!

Happy GAI you on the Day of the traffic police.

Suppose that you are waiting for a girl's eyes at home,

And love is always with you anywhere.


What are our dreams policeman.

Only the road on the left, on the right.

A series of machines, such as the page

Every day you new chapter.

There is romance in this work,

But the crumbs, a little bit, a little bit.

Here, like in the army, where both the Navy,

Service strict need to pull.

Congratulations guys triumphantly,

Afternoon traffic cop, traffic police.

Let the smile you give all In the afternoon,

To Vnochi smiling in his sleep.

Happy traffic cop in verse


Our dear policeman!

Let me appeal to you today.

Solemnity not formally nuzhny-

We must congratulate you.

You are the benefits to all people,

Though these ignorant and judge,

He certainly does not have a clue

What have you got a huge time

The salvation of men and women.

And the list of track no less.

You will help them always!

And in the heat and in the cold!

Post your not empty,

Even if the wind is blowing.

You're sacrificing family affairs,

And goals and dreams for years.

For all your successes and achievements,

We are your eternal good servant,

We wish everything and more

And enjoy life longer!

And play and have fun,

Home stay longer!

Seeing their kiddies,

And loved ones, and family!

And as the sun they shine,

And currently do not forget to give.

What would the salary was more

Whatever pants were thinner

Whatever you dream more boldly,

That would be all good,

What would schastya- full house!

And love reigned in it!

In your most important day,

Writing poetry is not laziness.

Only you were not sad,

If only we did not forget!

Congratulations GAI traffic police Interior Ministry and the DAI in verse

 Congratulations GAI


Happy traffic police today to congratulate

All children their native country!

Service you just want peace of soul,

Not only dreamed you peace.

To Roads was everywhere order

Only with a smile accompanied you,

To Moody was not and would not precipitate,

Their faces were bright with you.

And let your wife happily meet

Let the laughter will fill your home.

Happy traffic police today to congratulate

All those who serve! With the triumph!

Congratulations on the day the traffic police in verse


Dew on the grass fell,

And he is already dressed in the doorway.

Zarnitsa gave the first ray,

And in a way he has in the works.

He is in office, it is fresh, customized

Maintain order again

For he is a strict offenders -

Do not break, do not use foul language.

He always polite, always,

He brought it business card

Is the traffic police,

It is the pillar and the red thread.

Dew is no more, because the day has come,

Beautiful day traffic police

We congratulate him who brought

His way with epaulets on the shoulder.


Today is a holiday in our guys,

Today is the traffic police.

I congratulate you with the date,

B it has red on the calendar!

After all, this service is not easy,

  Rest of the road to guard,

  And in the rain and snow, strong wind

  Himself work to give.

Why do you wish? - Patience.

  And power, man guard.

  Heat relatives, comfort the family

  Always, everywhere, that was you.


  Guys, the traffic police,

  We congratulate you on the holiday!

  Let the sun shine in your way everywhere,

  And the rain let rest.

And we want you to leave a little bit

The hard work alone.

  The authorities let all of you give vacation,

Ride where the song funny.

Drive to where the waves of the sea foam

There, where water - turquoise,

  There, where the mushroom forest, fishing and hay,

Where not to rest, you can not.


  So they just, you do not take,

  Cold rain.

  Creek multiplied the water content of the rivers,

Cold snow.

Runs out at dawn

  The forces of the wind.

  Indeed, instead of flames heart in it -

Fire com.

Today, on the Day of the traffic police

  Guys everywhere

  From the heart of all we congratulate

And wishes

That was a good way

In front of you.

And a warm house, so always waiting

During all year.

Funny congratulations traffic police, traffic police Interior Ministry, DAI

 Congratulations on the holiday traffic police


Who it is that a glance

For light vehicles that fly,

Looks like that with the experience of the soldiers,

Easily Stop Fiat.

It's just random,

But no, on the bumper - dented,

And the speed - if not Fiat,

A vases, let all forgive me.

And politely ask the guys,

How and why are flying,

The answer - only money rustling.

He took time out - like, Pat.

In the eyes of the three «BMW» stand

And in the house much warmth and harmony,

The wife - well, just, Helen Hat

And his favor ... ...

I do not take it. What for? He is so happy.

On his salary of a hundred rubles

Rise tomorrow will be awarded -

Diploma and a certificate will be awarded.

Who it is that? Perhaps the treasure.

STSI he is a soldier.

And the day he now happy

Today is a holiday so the boys.

Love and happiness to you, brother,

In family life - without annoyance.

We believe the country would be way,

If the country - with these guys.

Funny congratulations GAI


Who travels around the country, who knows,

Who are we glad, whom we welcome,

Who often modest help

Get rid of the wood.

Make way for us to always show

Until very different things,

Shyly waves its hand

And wait for the other guests.

As well, there are guys

STSI - thank you.

Today is a holiday you is holy,

Health to all employees.

You take everything with a smile,

We know you are not in the office of honey,

As is well aware of the fact,

That somewhere someone is waiting for you.


Whose day we celebrate today?

STSI guys. Whose health toast with us?

For the same squad. People thank full?

All the same destination

Because the way free us

From our falcons.

Humorous poems for guards


At the station guard -

Master of the situation,

Not turning his head,

Members of the movement.

He stands at the crossroads

Razrulit tries,

Do not you will pass, will not pass.

Like, do not like.

But it lies in the hand

Attribute order

He waved to them and whistles

Do not help a bribe!

Guards wish

I want to luck!

And on the day of the traffic police

Our congratulations.


To serve in the traffic police are always lucky,

The sun shines badge

Trouble-free this is the task

And drivers of bow.

They are not afraid of thunder and wind,

After the intersection sweet home,

Their eyes opened, and his mind is bright,

Waiting after the change of the output.

Friends, let me congratulate you,

I wish you from the heart,

To the mind on the road rules

And that the driver is not in a hurry.

Funny congratulations Interior Ministry traffic police in verse


It is a radar in the bushes

Hiding consciously

Simply telling us,

Be supposedly careful,

Honor speed limits,

Correct Park,

If you see a "brick"

So do not go there.

We, the drivers, sometimes,

Break the rules,

He then penalizes us

And probably right!

All employees of GAI,

I wish for friendship

Wish big love

And success in your service!
