The script for the day holding a sporty holiday


Funny scenario dedicated to the All-Russian Day sporty. Funny poems and greetings for young athletes, competitions, humor for sporting event in school or other educational and sports institutions.

In the scenario of celebration on the day of sporty participate: leading, gym teacher (trainer) students.

Lead scenarios:

"Hello! Congratulations to all the happy sporty! Have you ever seriously thought about the role of our lives playing sports? Why does he need a man, what benefits can bring to his life and to which all educational institutions from each of us need regular warm-up exercises?

Today, at this holiday, a memorable day of physical culture, we will try to provide answers to these questions and to instill in you a love for physical exercise and sports training! Meet Andrew V.! "

On the scene a gym teacher (trainer), where he expects a series lined up 6th grade students. The whistle blows.

Andrey V.:

"So, guys, on a" first, second, third, "calc-and-and-tays!"

Children confusion, having lost the sense:

"First second Third... ... In the fourth-to-second! "

Andrey V.:

"Oh, like adult children, and do not understand nothing at arithmetic ... After stops at the expense of the top three, the next standing in the ranks of soldiers must again say," One! "So," the first, second, third, "calc-and-and-tays!"


Second ...
In the second-in-! "

Andrey V.:

"Oh, okay, omit sentiments! Ivanov, to the crossbar! Exercise" Hoisting with coup "! Run!


"Why just me? ... I have a tooth ache and limbs fall off! You know how much I dig potatoes yesterday? Houses - parents here - you. Where can I find some peace?"

Andrey V.:

"Oh, Ivan, you loafer loafers! Well, if such a thing ... Vanya, it's your turn! Forward!"


"And why is it, if Ivanov refused to do the exercise, I do not have such a right? I have, among other things, a weak heart and a sore throat! No, I somehow just can not ..."

Andrey V.:

"But what is, go to the medical clinic after class! And that brought me help ... Bummer!"

Bobrykin hiding behind a neighbor.

Andrey V.:

"Something Ivanov and Sobolev today is clearly not in the spirit of ... Ta Bobrykin ax ... and what are you hiding? Your trick makes you even more noticeable! Here you have something for us and will show their physical skills! By the bar Quick march! "

Bobrykin grabs his heart and says:

"Oh ... something heart skipped a beat ... Oh ... Once again ... I guess the pressure or temperature!"

By the crossbar proudly suited Kozlov and demonstrate the exercises. Andrey V. turns and Kozlov for the fifth time turns over the crossbar.

Andrey V.:

"Kozlov! Do I gave the order? Exercise had to show first all loafers, because they have so much in this great need, than you! Modesty and discipline! That's what you are missing! Oh ... you have the ears Silk ruffle ... would! Instantly! You try to educate through art,
so to say, poem ...

So in the scenario on the day of sporty design "aesthetic transformation" ful-ol nyays! The poem "athletes":

It's not for what our athletes,
Any opponent of the teeth!
They eat porridge without measure
And press shake in the morning!

Bummer same drone il slacker
Health brag about not being able to.
His friend - a refrigerator,
He-he is ready to help!

Leaning towards the light of life, long
Leave thoughts about food!
Culture, modesty, discipline
Ascends to the sport and work!


"Oh, touched, Andrey, art can indeed affect the mind. Only in large numbers. So we will draw conclusions!"

Andrey V.:

"Well done, Bobrykin, so keep practicing sports, the children, and do not forget: humility - the best feature of an athlete!"


The script for the day are sports sporty fun contests, attended by all the students. The winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes.

Contests can be selected here.

Leading holiday:

"Today, we will illustrate what the enormous patience must be employees of Physical Education for the education of children. Sport is really of great importance.

Baby-on health complaints, do you think, why? Because shied away from exercise. This is the morality. Thus, sport and a healthy lifestyle - a stronghold of a large and happy life! "

Congratulations happy sporty man verses


I want you parting words to say,
To congratulate the holiday today!
The Sportsman's Day congratulate you beautiful,
That you lived rich and happy!

Wishing you want to engage in sports
And then only the best train ...
Places to occupy a prize
And we have for all that train!

Let the glorious work hard to be yours!
Skraste You only experience your experience ...
Let it be in the life of many adventures!
Let awaits you only a lot of achievements!

Undoubtedly, you are the strongest man
And you know a lot about exercising!
Sports-willed and beautiful you are,
You exercise are, of course, for the future!

I want to congratulate the Happy sporty
Today, very festive, with a soul!
In memory verse to the recognition of leave,
To wish good luck to you big!

I wish to achieve a lot in life
And avoid all the troubles and sorrows!
Above the shape of the body to work well
And do not get tired of the many victories!

Happy sporty congratulations
With a wonderful holiday and the strength and health!
I want to wish you luck in everything,
That you were embraced by the age of love!

To the best of fate occurred,
To you ladies admired most ...
That happiness in your life ever been!
To you the same as they are now left ...

Sports wish you success,
That forces often enough to record ...
A hundred times today, I congratulate you!
Let the spirit of sport is very hard!

Of all the athletes you are the best
And you are the most talented from all!
Let your promises in life affectionate case
Let awaits you in the way of success unreal!

Let the power and the body and spirit for life
Help you achieve great heights!
Let your way in the sport is impeccable!
Let only the best of life is waiting for you!

You on the Day I congratulate the sporty,
That you wish to keep the positive!
Another huge luck wish,
To enjoy life you have your tune!

The Sportsman's Day and the sun shines brighter
And he smiles, laughs the sky ...
Let this day, and will meet you with a smile,
Let this day just waiting for you the best!

I am pleased to congratulate you on this holiday,
To wish you victories in sports of all!
Let your whole life will be brilliant light!
Let your life waiting for a big success!

And let everything just place prize
You will be able to earn more soon!
Let waiting for you day and night gold!
Let happiness is waiting for you a lot of days!

Happy sporty many congratulations,
But I want to choose just one!
To my beautiful manifestation of feelings
It could give you it all!

I want to wish this holiday tale
It makes things happen by magic ...
That gave life and love and affection!
That dream came true in reality forever ...

That was the success in life is sweet
And so luck was on all sides ...
Let the life will develop successfully and smoothly!
Let stand will occupy you, like a throne!

Congratulations Physical Education and Sport

 Happy sporty


Beautiful day, a day of sports ...

Holiday has come now!

To always be beautiful

In this day and in this hour

Over a start operation

And charging is executed!

Day of Physical Education and Sport

With us celebrate together!

Thank morning classes!

Thank biceps ever!

All athletes, like brothers,

I send a huge hello!

Let us arrive force

Spirit, body and always,

For life loved you

Whether an athlete ever!


Physical Education Day! Holiday sports!

Sports celebration of life!

To all those who often instead of cake

He shakes his nature,

Who treadmill firmly with friends

And in the morning my rock press,

We wish now together,

That was in the sport you progress!

That body is gaining momentum!

To grow is always potential!

To shoulder barriers were

It was only the success of the life waiting for!

To live together with physical exercise,

I did not stop to wait, to dream ...

To understand how much you need,

To become the most perfect!


Day of Physical Culture,

Labor Day sports!

Not forgiving sport schlock

And absenteeism ever!

Everyone who lives related to sports,

  Who coached your press!

Everyone who participated in sports

And reliefs created!

I wish you with patience,

  Continue sporty way!

And sharpen aspiration

All to achieve ever!


Today the feast of Physical Education

Slender and athletic body!

  Anyone who cares figure

  I wish now like,

To make it a place in life

  Training every day!

To the body is made of dough,

  You sculpt was not lazy!

To progress proud

You could of the flashing at the moment!

  It was so much seek

Each vertex to hit!


Day is now an incredible -

Holiday sports come!

Everyone in this day, of course,

Full of the strongest forces!

I congratulate you from the heart,

  All the athletes at this moment!

  And I sincerely wish,

  That after my words

I wanted everything to be kneaded,

Trenazherku visit

  That little bit disappoint -

  The body of sport tease!

Engage in physical activity,

To strengthen the figure,

To nature with strong

  Live long and healthy!
