Congratulations on September 1 in prose first-graders, students on Knowledge Day

 Congratulations prose September 1

Special Greetings to the beginning of the new academic year, the word of knowledge wishes happy first graders, the text of the disciples from their parents in their own words.

Congratulations on September 1 first-graders in prose


Dear graders !!! Today, not only do you stand on the threshold of the new places for you - school, but also on the threshold of new discoveries, knowledge and achievements. Within these walls you will find true friends among classmates and teachers among the wise mentors.

Over time, your first steps to the knowledge of the world will turn into a confident gait discipline, concepts and terms. I wish you patience, perseverance, dedication and efforts in the difficult task of learning.


Expensive first graders! Today, a whole year for you all will be the first time - the first bell, the first teacher, the first praise and maybe the first two. You start an interesting and fascinating way to knowledge.

And the gates of this magical edge you will discover experienced and wise mentors - teachers and parents. We wish you to be diligent and conscientious students, albeit in your diary flaunt just good grades and words of praise!

Congratulations on September 1 students on Knowledge Day in prose, wishes


Here come the Day of Knowledge. For some of you it is the first for someone past, and for someone to another. But clearly it is a holiday for everyone who opens the door to a new world of discoveries and new opportunities. So allow me to congratulate you, dear students, wish to go all the way to knowledge adequately, with confidence, and to guide and help you and be loving parents and your teachers.

 Audio greetings from September 1


Today, the eyes glow graders, shining smiles of teachers and parents billowing. There has come a good holiday - on September 1st. We wish everyone who begins his school way, be assertive, inquisitive, eager students.

The doors of the school opened today for the first grade for the first time, but they never closed. Become home for many years of training, the walls of the school will be happy to take in his arms, to share the joy and comfort in a difficult moment.

We welcome the completion of - first-graders - in our large and happy family!

The script line on September 1 Day of Knowledge school

 School range of 1 September

The new scenario of a school holiday, a solemn holiday dedicated line September 1 Day of Knowledge School, poems and greetings to the new school year. Coming to school and everyone needs to prepare students for classes, teachers of the school to hold the line September 1, 2014.

Hooray! And back to school!

It sounds quiet light music.

Starting school solemn festive line.

Two leading (girl and boy high school students).

1 Lead :

Hello, dear teachers, dear parents, students and guests of our solemn line, devoted to the September 1! It's a beautiful day! And not only because of the good weather, but mostly because now you radiate warmth. Today begins a new school year in 2014!

2 lead :

In September, the first day today,

Smiles lit up us.

With excitement, awe, love

Today, glad to meet you!

The right to open our line available to the school principal ... (name). (Music sounds of trumpets, the director congratulated the participants and announce the solemn line open.)

1 master:

Please welcome loud, sincere applause of those for whom today the first line in life, our first graders! (It sounds childish, playful music. Column includes first-graders led by teachers. Each class and the class teacher called alternately leading.)

2 host:

Cute kids, for you today opens a new page of life. Today you will meet with his first teacher, who, believe me, you will become a ray of sun, illuminating the path to knowledge and wisdom of life.

1 master:

Look closely at the man who stands next to. It was this girl or boy may be the best friend for you, friend, comrade. And we want to wish you a memorable years in our school, only good impressions, diligence and hard work.

Fluffy graders bow

Frolic together with the wind,

A little eyes Natasha

Scared before this afternoon.

One boy in the little white shirt,

It must be her boyfriend ...

Here everything and everything enveloped in warmth

"The kids, all with the knowledge of the day!

With the knowledge of the day! "

2 host:

Kids, pencils,

I know you are ready!

Read your poems

You have already set?

(First-graders are invited to the microphone.)

1 child grader:

I am leaving the doll house,

The school leaving,

A portfolio with a green

I put the book.

2 children:

That first most-most

Links quickly call!

See you mom

And I certainly a lesson!

3 children:

I was bored at home

I do not want to play.

I want to quickly learn

And become a first-grader.

4 children:

More recently,

We went to kindergarten.

We have a lot of sleeping, eating.

Rosli new desks.

5 child:

Today I got up early,

The school quickly ran.

After all, today September

The first day of the calendar!

6 children:

All life is different now

The time has come for me.

Oh, dear mother,

Now I have become an adult!

(First-graders are returning to their seats.)

1 master:

Thank you to our little friends! But seniors are not left on the sidelines today, they have prepared a small surprise for the students of the first class.

The first gift from our high school students - this autumn waltz.

(Contingent on the school can choose the students who are engaged in singing may choir, gymnastic performance, there might be a pantomime ...)

2 host:

And now eleventh-graders congratulate kids balloons and carved autumn leaves with the wishes and congratulations.

(High school students are awarded to first-graders gifts. The leaves can be cut out of yellow paper and write your wishes in advance or at the very same line.)

1 master:

In our friendly school

Always open the door!

They came here to study

We - students is now!

And how will we learn, not our favorite, sweet, gentle, kind, and fair but demanding, and most importantly dedicated teachers! Thanks you!

(High school students to the music made by a basket of flowers and leaves her.)

2 host:

There comes a long-awaited moment of the first call.

This is a holiday today in the schoolyard!

That's the bell and call in September.

Today is a day of joy and knowledge with us!

Ringing the bell, good luck, good luck!

Today, my first call gives the student of the first class ... (full name) and odinnadtsatiklassnik ... (full name).

(To the music of a victory lap with a bell.)

1 master:

Friends, let our teachers will hand flowers as a token of appreciation for their work, and I invite you to go to their classes at this year's first lesson. Lesson of the world!

2 host:

The Day of Knowledge!

On September 1!

1 master:

Since the beginning of the new academic year 2014 - 2015!

It sounds solemn music.

 Audio greetings from September 1
