Children do not bring storks.
Each of us has a heart for nine months a woman.
She probably always a little scary, so it is very important that all these nine months by her side, and was the only man coveted.
In due time the child is born with the pain and the blood of this woman and this man agonizing wait. The woman then we call her mother and a man - the Pope.
From the very first breath, they become our parents for life.
And there is no such person in the world who would not want his parents lived together happily and would die one day.
It's always been: from century to century, from generation to generation. As time goes by, we grow and desperately seek to be more and more different from our parents.
And oddly enough, but despite the fact that each of us wants to be an individual, we all speak the same simple words: "My mom, my dad, my relatives, my family."
And probably only in the family can be fully realized eternal contradiction inherent in man - always and everywhere to maintain their individuality and at the same time feel that they belong to something whole.
We are the family of joy and pain, their victories and defeats. We want to understand and participate, spiritual comfort and intimacy. And it all links in a chain, in which a person can not and does not want to be alone.
At different times, periodically raised the question: "Do I really need to come up with a variety of challenging convention and forms of joint plaguing bytya to the man and woman have sex, bear and raise children.
After all, a lot, nature itself has taken care, just at the level of instincts. Maybe the institution of marriage was imposed by someone from outside. Or maybe it's just some ridiculous notion of humanity, which is necessary to get rid of. "
Let's leave this question open and some us think. Even in the fifth century BC, the Greek philosopher Plato proposed to make a model of the state, where traditional family life is very socialized.
That is, in Plato's society wives and husbands had to be shared. No marriages were concluded, the children never knew their fathers, for that matter, and their mothers.
Note that in the ancient world manners were quite voluntary, but even then, this model of state did not survive.
Somehow, most did not want to change the usual family life, and a small minority continued to criticize and criticize the marriage bond even more than one century. Marriage, as a form, all aging and obsolescent from age to age, but he could not become obsolete.
People regardless of age and sex, in spite of all the shortcomings and criticisms of the traditional cohabitation with perseverance maniacs like to live in wedlock, adopted at the moment in the society.
Apparently, life puts everything in its place. And marriage itself appeared extremely viable structure. Crumbling city, killed civilization, a social and political system is replaced by another, but still a man and woman looking to each other, to live together and raise children.
And maybe if kids really bring storks, is, on the one hand, would remove a huge amount of family problems, but on the other hand, people would not have been such a huge incentive to adapt and get along with each other, flexibly resolve conflicts, not to bring to the scandal, and just in a different way to look at each other.
Panfilova Natalia - a private psychologist.