How about a date with her own husband?


What is the average life of a married woman - is maneuvering between the children, household responsibilities, work.

Is there a place in this life romance?

Not much, but still it is possible to find the correct approach.

Romance in a relationship should be able to cultivate and maintain. This can help you goodbye with her own husband.

At the same time that you spend with the children, not a romantic date, and does not help to maintain the romance in a relationship.

It is important that you can find time for just the two of you. The question remains what to do with children.

If you can not hire a babysitter, ask your parents or relatives to look after them.

In addition, you can team up with friends and take care of your children two pairs at a time: one weekend - you, the second weekend - they are.

You can put the children on the weekends for 1 hour earlier than usual, thereby allocating additional 60 minutes.

Remember that a romantic date include not only dinners in expensive restaurants.

Romance can be grasped and small means, for example:

- During a walk in the park or other scenic surroundings;

- During a visit to a cozy little coffee shop;

- During a joint gathering «Puzzle» or some other board game.

No matter how often you go on a date once a week or once a month.

The main thing is a strong romantic pleasure you get from communicating with each other.

Do not forget to also use such nuances to maintain warm relations with each other in their daily lives as compliments, little surprises, flirting, treatment by pet names (that you each other invented), telephone calls and e-mails, just to find out how business and share the good news.

Little Hymn to family and marriage


Children do not bring storks.

Each of us has a heart for nine months a woman.

She probably always a little scary, so it is very important that all these nine months by her side, and was the only man coveted.

In due time the child is born with the pain and the blood of this woman and this man agonizing wait. The woman then we call her mother and a man - the Pope.

From the very first breath, they become our parents for life.

And there is no such person in the world who would not want his parents lived together happily and would die one day.

It's always been: from century to century, from generation to generation. As time goes by, we grow and desperately seek to be more and more different from our parents.

And oddly enough, but despite the fact that each of us wants to be an individual, we all speak the same simple words: "My mom, my dad, my relatives, my family."

And probably only in the family can be fully realized eternal contradiction inherent in man - always and everywhere to maintain their individuality and at the same time feel that they belong to something whole.

We are the family of joy and pain, their victories and defeats. We want to understand and participate, spiritual comfort and intimacy. And it all links in a chain, in which a person can not and does not want to be alone.

At different times, periodically raised the question: "Do I really need to come up with a variety of challenging convention and forms of joint plaguing bytya to the man and woman have sex, bear and raise children.

After all, a lot, nature itself has taken care, just at the level of instincts. Maybe the institution of marriage was imposed by someone from outside. Or maybe it's just some ridiculous notion of humanity, which is necessary to get rid of. "

Let's leave this question open and some us think. Even in the fifth century BC, the Greek philosopher Plato proposed to make a model of the state, where traditional family life is very socialized.

That is, in Plato's society wives and husbands had to be shared. No marriages were concluded, the children never knew their fathers, for that matter, and their mothers.

Note that in the ancient world manners were quite voluntary, but even then, this model of state did not survive.

Somehow, most did not want to change the usual family life, and a small minority continued to criticize and criticize the marriage bond even more than one century. Marriage, as a form, all aging and obsolescent from age to age, but he could not become obsolete.

People regardless of age and sex, in spite of all the shortcomings and criticisms of the traditional cohabitation with perseverance maniacs like to live in wedlock, adopted at the moment in the society.

Apparently, life puts everything in its place. And marriage itself appeared extremely viable structure. Crumbling city, killed civilization, a social and political system is replaced by another, but still a man and woman looking to each other, to live together and raise children.

And maybe if kids really bring storks, is, on the one hand, would remove a huge amount of family problems, but on the other hand, people would not have been such a huge incentive to adapt and get along with each other, flexibly resolve conflicts, not to bring to the scandal, and just in a different way to look at each other.

Panfilova Natalia - a private psychologist.



To honeymoon is not bitter.

Are you getting off married? And meditate - whether to spend a honeymoon, whether to go on honeymoon? In no case do not give in to the entreaties of mature pragmatism and rationality of the plane! Work - wait, relatives - do not have time to get bored!

A wedding without a honeymoon and honeymoon - Not even a wedding, and some civil registration. After all, you need to start with a new pleasant feelings, so it is best to leave at the time of a normal life, relatives and friends and to give maximum attention to each other. From how you will develop relationships during this month, can be will depend on the whole life together, who knows?

And for the honeymoon I went off without a hitch - take advantage of our tips.

1. Decide on a place where going to go, the time you want to devote a sweet rest, intensity - generally stipulate all-all with his half! Even if this seems a trifle, maybe for a loved it - serious stuff.

In order not to spoil the festive mood efforts on preparation of documents (reservations, visa, insurance) and nerve charges

- Entrust the organization honeymoon honeymoon in paradise professionals. But remember, no one can for you to decide exactly where you would be good together. There are a few universal recommendations:

- Do not choose the country to sudden changes in climate. Spoilsport acclimatization possible "SINUS" state, headaches and a lot of surprises from the native organism;

- The venue and honeymoon can be special and unique, it must be in harmony with your inner world and mood;

- Consider the season. Maybe your trip coincides with the peak of the tourist season in this country, and you will live in a crowded hotel, sunbathe on crowded beaches or to move down from the mountains in order strict queue?

- Talk to the tour operator, many offer the option of combining trips - the first week - in the mountains, and the second - on the ocean shore;

- Decide still at home: if you want to have the attributes of the honeymoon (room with swans and rings, fruit, champagne beside the bed, a limousine, a candle at dinner) or prefer modest, without pomposity and attract attention to himself to celebrate an event that is only yours?

-You can choose a hotel and book a room, many hotels offer comfortable accommodation for the newlyweds.

2. Discover the cultural traditions of the place where you are going to spend the sweetest month of his life. Our planet is very heterogeneous with respect to morality, to the limits of decency and respect for someone else's privacy.

Maybe you've always wanted to see and amazing to Yemen, but if you want to wear Muslim clothing? Or go to jail for a kiss on the street? All necessary information about the country (including the list of countries to visit the undesirable), you must provide the tour operator.

3. Decide who you will be and how (and whether) to supervise on the spot. Do you need guide services, car rental, etc. Decide whether you do it yourself or would like to go on everything ready. Follow the recommendations: make the necessary vaccinations, indemnify, become registered at the consulate. Wedding euphoria - not a reason to risk their lives and health.

4. Take adopted the principle of "Count to ten, then speak." You just learn to understand each other. Even if some time you have lived together - marriage is still a lot to change. Perhaps it is in the psychological nuances, but are perceived as the beginning of a honeymoon. And in the beginning you need to be patient.

5. Stock up on contraceptives, sex toys, oils and all the little things dear to his heart. Remember, honeymoon - an excellent opportunity to experiment in sexual games. Just stay within the law and customs declarations.

6. Do not forget about the carriers of memory! No, grandparents have in mind, and a good camera and a camera. Remember also batteries, batteries, memory cards and tapes.

And let your honeymoon will be delayed ... for life.
