Love comes and goes. Young family.
Two foreign person before becoming parents, becoming a family. Do you remember how it all began? It seemed that life without the other is impossible, time spent apart - lost time.
You know each other, talking about himself, forgiving each other major and minor flaws and eccentricities, hoping that with time things will change. After some time, the intensity of feeling passes rather proceeds in a slightly different stage.
This is perfectly normal, because the physiological body is not designed for long-term neuro-psychological burden.
Love at first - a huge emotional outburst. And in a state of emotional outburst such person may be six months, for example, but hardly more than that.
Then the body begins to tire, and then there comes a time when people feel that the love is gone. Not that the left, and it has become commonplace, gray, mortar, broke into a way of life. In fact, love is not gone anywhere. Any relations are developing on a sinusoid: Rush - unearthly love, then recession, some rest.
If the couple find a way to survive this time of emotional recession, though they may be, in addition to everything else, and friends if they do not irritate each other, if they are interesting together if they share a common outlook on life, then love would return.
The period of oscillation of love to rest at each person, but it is estimated around for months. So it turns out that many of the young family was destroyed in the first year of marriage.
It takes the euphoria of the first feeling comes an emotional slump. Since love is gone, why suffer further if we are not going to look for another love? Many people do so. The trouble is that the other love, too, over time, come to their emotional decline.
And it also happens that when passes blinding love, people suddenly discover that they have common interests, different outlook on life: In any case, do not take the time to sever relations, better to see a family counselor, a psychologist, to understand, to what is going on, whether it makes sense and the ability to keep the family together.
Another problem for young families - different lifestyles, which are produced even in families.
Each of us has their own idea about how people behave in the family. For example, can it be considered a newspaper at breakfast? In one family, this is normal, and in the other it is a disrespect to the person sitting next to.
Two people meet and begin to live together, the husband quietly at the breakfast table reading without thinking about what he was doing something wrong. He does the same thing as usual. But his wife said that he did not respect her, despise her, etc.
What is she doing? First it gently to him as indicated, and then quite possibly start a scandal. My husband does not understand what it scream. He begins to think that his wife had a bad temper, she clings to trifles, etc. The entire first year is spent on cross-lapping.
Then start over complicated things. Who gets how much in the morning, who eats for breakfast, who where puts his toothbrush who used to like to spend money, how all this was done in the family, etc., from small things to large things.
The most important thing we have to understand that it is possible for everyone, it is possible somehow. All this is well and fine.
Another thing is that the two people who come from two different models of the family should not try to break your other half under his model, because the occupation is, to put it mildly, useless.
They should create a common model should be easy to agree on how they will eat breakfast - a newspaper or not, they will spend the money, they will rest. For some, the rest - it's wallow on the couch, and for some it is a hike.
The main thing is that the young couple must understand - everyone is entitled to their life style, that everything is good and normal.
Normal reading a newspaper at a table and do not read too normal.
They need to create a pattern of behavior that is acceptable to both of them.