Recipe for happiness, or how to save marriage

 Recipe for happiness, or how to save marriage

How often have to deal with family life, the pitfalls of which earlier we did not even have thought of. Even yesterday, when making decisions about marriage, it seemed all so easy to believe that when a relationship between a man and a woman is love and respect, all can be overcome.

But what happens when it starts to live together? How to get through the difficulties and preserve the family?

First we need to always remember that each person should have its own space. Excessive frankness in the relationship will never benefit. Just because it dissolves in the other person you are trying to be part of it, and it always ends sadly.

It is important to realize that you are different people with their own interests, and it should be protected. You should never be closed only on the two of you. Have friends, chat, give it time. Then every minute that separates you from a loved one, will seem long, and you will strive for it.

The family relationships should be able to avoid conflicts.

Sometimes it's hard, but it is really necessary. After all, how many unnecessary words said in your heart that will not return back. So whether or not to do something that will soon have to regret?

If a conflict is brewing in the family, it is best to put it on the elucidation of time to give both calm down and sober approach to the conversation, instead of building it on the emotions.

It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that family life often turns into a routine, and sometimes it will seem that you do not carry the type of your partner. Do not despair, it is not a reason to divorce.

It's just say that you are too closely related and both of you need a little freedom. Sometimes it just helps to separate vacation to relax, to reconsider their views, and with renewed vigor love partner.

Often the reason for the divorce is called jealousy. Jealousy - a special state of the human soul, it is so strong emotion that she often covers them all and drowns out the voice of reason. Psychologists are of the opinion that jealousy - is banal fear of losing power over man.

After all, when we link their fate with others, we somehow think that he now belongs to us 100%. What he must think how we do as we see fit. Just because it's easier to control people. After all, the basis of any jealousy is the fear of losing a loved one and to be abandoned.

In women, this feeling very strongly developed. Therefore, jealousy, when manifested, is often unjustified, only instilled this fear. Therefore it is necessary initially to accept your partner for who he is.

Do not think that one day you will be able to change it. And it will be much better if you instead of jealous and controlling it, will enjoy every day with him.

Often jealousy is happening on the ground of lack of confidence. When we feel that we are unworthy of man. Then we allow this destructive feeling to possess us and to obey him his life. The recipe for happiness in this case, only one - love yourself.

Accept yourself for who you are, with all your problems, complexes ambitions. Believe that people who contact you - really want to be there, but do not think every time that someone it fun and interesting. The problem of all is that this you torture yourself and only yourself gives rise to conflict in the family.

Adultery is also one of the first causes, called divorce. Needless to say, any so-called facts of treason should be approached with a cool head. Often it seems to us that if a man has a new job, dating, it must necessarily lead to a change.

But I want to say one popular wisdom that men like to say: "leave no to someone, and from someone." It is necessary to think about it.

Remember, marriage - it is work, to some extent it is even an art, because to build a good relationship, based on mutual understanding and love, the strength is not for everyone. Sometimes really have a creative approach to conflict situations, to bypass acute angles where possible.

The most important thing - to keep these feelings and atmosphere of intimacy, because man is much easier to lose than to win back his trust and love.

Be wise to yield and give way to you!

Author Tatyana Savchenko

Happiness in family life

 Happiness in family life

The main function of the family is its reproductive function - is the birth and upbringing of children, to ensure generational change. Quality what a person must possess in order to successfully implement this function of the family shall be the following.

Firstly, the importance of individual health of spouses and its impact on the health of the child.

Secondly, it is very important the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, to find common ground in any situation and at any age. Many centuries talk about the psychological riddle of sex.

In women, there are a lot of unknown men, and men - women. Men are often not available female logic - the logic of the senses, and women do not understand men detachment from everyday worries.

Therefore it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the representatives of the other sex, and when dealing with them to take into account these features.

Women are more likely than men, tend to communicate trust, more emotional, less restrained. Do female and male love has its own peculiarities. Women in the first place is the ethical and psychological appeal of men, so they always want to hear in your address kind words. Men love with their eyes, so they prefer the attractive appearance.

Happiness in family life is dependent not only on the depth of the first sense, but also the ability to keep it throughout their life together, showing each other tact, care, kindness, care, responsibility, responsiveness and stability.

Third, some skills in housekeeping: the ability to perform various household chores, plan the family budget, prepare food, and others.

Fourth, the preparation for the upbringing of children. This quality involves providing young people with a role in the upbringing of his shift, with the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children, with the influence of the relationship of the spouses on the moral, psychological and emotional development of the child.

The educational function of the family solves the problem of transmission to their children moral values ​​and standards of skills, introducing them to the world, life in society, to communicate with other people.

The economic function of the family. The basis of the economic life of the family is its budget.

To relate the costs with revenues and best meet the reasonable needs of all family members must be able to plan the budget. It should be noted that young families are often the reason for the collapse of the family is an economic factor.

This is the result of social immaturity of young people entering into a marriage, the most characteristic in the early marriages.

Family leisure. Scope of family leisure least regulated in the life of the family, it is based on common interests of spouses.

Leisure weekday intended primarily to restore the family's physical and spiritual forces expended during the working day, and prepare for the next business day.

Leisure Weekend includes activities that contribute not only to the restoration of power, but also personal development, creation of health reserves.

Holidays - this is the most opportune time to organize a joint recreation, which helps to maintain warm and friendly relations in the family and its unity.

Favorable family - is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, which means that the health of each family member. Only in the family can work together to implement all the components of a healthy lifestyle.

To create a happy family, young people must be physically, mentally and socially healthy and able to provide in full all the functions of the family.

Wedding Anniversaries: symbols of marital happiness


It adopted widely celebrate the silver and gold wedding, the two significant dates of a long married life.

Did you know that such dates are much more?

Ethnographers called number 21.

Green wedding day called marriage - feast of youth and love.

Calico wedding is celebrated after a year of marriage. It is called so because everyday life has entered the lives of the young. On this day, they give each other items of calico.

Wooden   It observed after 5 years. The couple receive a complimentary wood products.

Zinc wedding is celebrated at 6, 5 years. It recalls that marriage, as well as to galvanized dishes, it is necessary from time to time gloss.

Copper wedding celebrated in 7 years. Husband and wife exchanged copper coins - a pledge of further happy life.

Tin wedding celebrated in 8 years. On this day, it gives a brilliant cookware.

Rose Day is celebrated in 10 years. Spouses give red roses.

Glass wedding is celebrated after 15 years. As a reminder that the relationship between husband and wife must be clean as glass, glass objects presented to them.

Porcelain wedding celebrated after 20 years of marriage. Refreshments served to guests on the new chinaware: refers to the fact that the old left-sets and memories.

Silver wedding is celebrated after 25 years. Myrtle crown replaced the silver. Next to the gold ring worn silver.

Pearl   It celebrated 30 years of marriage. The bride is presented beads.

Plain wedding is celebrated after 35 years. The gift offered tablecloth as a symbol of peace and calm.

Aluminum wedding is celebrated after 37, 5 years. He says about the long and strong happy family.

Ruby wedding is celebrated after 40 years of marriage. The ring is decorated with ruby ​​- a stone of love and fire.

Golden wedding is celebrated after 50 years. Gold rings are replaced with new ones, because the hand that wore them have changed in half a century, and gold faded.

Diamantovaya wedding is celebrated after 60 years, diamond anniversary.

Iron wedding is celebrated after 65 years. It means that nothing can break this union.

Stone - after 67 years.

Thanks - 70 years.

The last, 21th wedding - the Crown, it was after 75 years. Crown as if crowned lived a long and happy life together.

I advise you, and love for a long happy life!
