Recipes of happiness


Recipes of happiness or why marriages break up?

It seems that just sounded the march by Mendelssohn, everywhere echoed the cries of "Kiss!", And the couple enthusiastically kissing, dissolving into his own happiness, and today ... Today, they are no longer newlyweds, and offended to each other and to the whole world the couple on the brink of divorce.

So, what is this: the banality of everyday routine or the inability and unwillingness to understand and accept each other? Psychologists say that build family relationships - is an art that must be learned, sometimes overstepping themselves and overshadowing his own selfishness.

It must be remembered that family life is not always smooth, that there are both ups and downs. And we must be prepared for difficult times and conflicts that arise in everyday life. The most critical event in the life of a married couple - the birth of a child. This is not only because the "pair" have a place two, but not three.

It still needs to be reconciled with the fact that your partner from the lover became a parent. The old wisdom that having a baby is able to reconcile the poor couple living just a myth. The birth of a child - is the emergence of new family relationships, the revaluation of existing values ​​and permutation of rarities.

Both spouses must not forget that the child - a living embodiment of love, not a "stone of contention." Adultery - the cause of which often leads to divorce.

The circumstances conducive to adultery: familiarity with the person with whom there is mutual understanding, missing in the marriage, joint activities, common interests, the presence of large amounts of free time, and so on. D.

When change is important to find out for myself what pushed you to this, how serious it is and whether or not cheating will cause your divorce.

Oddly enough, two thirds of the conjugal union, in which one partner was looking for or looking for adventure on the side, yet not break. The row is unlikely to lead to divorce.

But the constant, exhausting both partners quarrel may well lead to a rupture. The reason for the quarrel does not affect the duration of the marriage. But in the heat of the moment, you can tell a lot of each other rude insulting words, which subsequently will crack your marriage.

The main thing - not because of what the quarrel, and how to do it. It must also be able to quarrel. How to avoid divorce and save your marriage? Of course, the universal recipe for happiness does not exist.

But still, if you want to extend your honeymoon, listen to some advice:

Be able to restrain himself. In any conflict, there is a line, cross that in any case should not be. Do not make any final judgments and to stir up old grudges. If you had a fight, it does not mean that it's time to leave. Divorce, when they feel they are no longer able to bear the very presence of a loved one before.

Beware of absolute frankness in the relationship, keep some part of his inner world to himself. Familiarity kills love and marriage.

In love, there are periods of accidents. Perhaps a day or even a month you will feel that you no longer love your other half. But it is sometimes enough to go on vacation or go together to visit, where your partner will be a great companion and a wonderful dancer, and you fall in love with him.

Sometimes rest separately, so as not to bother each other. Allow your partner to feel free for a while. This is a small separation would make new emotions and sensations in your union.

Do not count how many times a month do you make love, do not compare with the past. There are times when this is not desirable, and it is also to be taken for granted. You always have to think through their actions a little bit forward and not get hung up on the details and then everything will return.

Your marriage is in your hands .   Be patient, fill the heart with love and carefully erect fragile walls of your home, your marriage to become a strong and reliable home and not blurred castle in the sand.

Make jealousy assistant


Make jealousy assistant in building a happy family life

None of the spheres of human life is imbued with so many myths and illusions, as the sphere of family life. And in one area does not arise so much heartache and misunderstandings in the relationship between man and woman.

Let us discuss some commonplaces prejudices. Get at least the myth of androgyny and steam as the infamous "half" of each other, understanding a partner at a glance and half-sight. This representation of romantic and touching, but at the same time - the main source of family neurosis, scandals and resentment in a marriage.

Your mate should not understand what you need and what you want. He did not have to feel and anticipate desires and needs, capture the mood and thoughts. And so what would be the best "half" it was not, there is little hope that he intuitively feel that you do not like his behavior and change.

Man "knows" that the jealous - it's bad, "only letting a partner - we are bringing him to his" falls into the ambiguous situation. The inner impulse to be with someone you love, to be loved by them, gets into conflict with the social definition of "badness" of egoism generates internal conflict and as a consequence - a neurosis.

Man finds it shameful and unworthy to express their wishes and feelings, and drives himself into a trap seed, not without the help of specialists helping professions - psychologists combustion, in the books which are very reasonable and affordable explains what "true love" and that in true love there is jealousy and feelings of possessiveness like.

It may be objected: "But zeal - a desire to gain power over man, over his actions and personality."

I agree. But what's wrong with that? Manifestations of jealousy stems from insecurity, self-doubt comes from the imperfections and limitations of the human species. The imperfections of man is rooted in the idea of ​​potentially available to each of the people perfection and omnipotence.

The desire for personal power (including over another person) is a form specifying the pursuit of perfection. The need to expand their "I", included in his his things, people around the personality elevates man above nature.

As a microcosm of the universe, a person in the process of spiritual expansion could mystically to extend their individuality to the world and to submit to his will. In order to achieve this, he must become a master of all things in it - good and evil, cruelty and mercy, are equally pleasure and pain.

The perfect man, and it is to this (one of cosmologies) seeks humanity must experience everything, and master the entire (first inner world, then outside). Recently came across the book of Alfred Adler respected me an interesting idea: "Be great! Being powerful!

This is a perpetual desire of all young and feel young. It is the eternal desire of people is an attempt to overcome the feeling of failure, insecurity and weakness. "That's it. Abandon hope all ye who enter it reading.

If you "swallow" the thought without thinking and relating to the dynamics of life itself - is the easiest way to self-abasement and limit itself as a leader and founder of family happiness. How then can these words express the will to take responsibility for another person and take over the tasks of the family with no sense of personal "nehoroshesti" and "tiranizma."

Out of fear of being branded as "jealous" fear stems take personal responsibility for what happens in the family, to claim their rights, and ultimately - to act. Jealousy sets the boundaries of the individual and the family, without which the creation of the alliance can not be paired.

Jealousy - the indicator of failure and malfunction family car. It is often necessary in times of chaos and crisis. This condition becomes problematic if the family gets stuck in it for a long time. If we are feeling there - make jealousy ally relations and family, a good friend and one of the pillars on which the marriage.

Joint life and it returns and acceptance, and this ability to give and take, to let go and stick together. Any of these conditions can be requested from the person in a given period of time. It becomes problematic if the family or the person gets stuck in it for a long time. The people, as in the days of Leo Tolstoy, who used to go to the people of wisdom, is intelligent.

Recall "Beats - means love," "Someone who loves him and that chubit." The only difficulty of application and the adoption of these rules is that the modern educated man is not so simple and innocent as his ancestors, and probably never had such a will.

For many of his contemporaries back to the paradise of simplicity and naturalness of perception of family relations is not easier than the "camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle." But there is more civilized and acceptable way out of the situation.

And they prevent us to use only domestic nonviable and irrational beliefs gleaned from our culture and upbringing. Torments of jealousy arise as a manifestation of man's inability to be honest and just say to the other person, "I love you, I'm afraid to lose you. It gives me the pain of so-and-so in your behavior."

It is simply to say - "I'm jealous of you dear (expensive)."

Thus, jealousy - a good thing, and even necessary, if applied at the right time, with respect to the particular situation and the person, and that is very important to openly and honestly.

Of course, talking about jealousy should not, as a heated alcohol vapor or a sudden splashing on our partner their grievances, accumulated for not known when. That rejection of reason and life impulses of his heart produces monsters.

It really negative examples from the life associated with the manifestation of jealousy, such as scandals, quarrels, fights, "Revenge of the same and the same place," and the like "charm" is caused by a lack of understanding and rejection of this feeling in himself, hiding from his inner eye "socially unacceptable behavior."

The problem is that the concept of "jealousy" is filled for a man in our culture, a negative value and is often synonymous with stupidity and tyranny.

This approach does not allow for the "intelligent" person to use all the positive, protective and safety that brings this feeling.

All resources to live and create in every one of us, and one of those resources is as old as the world and a true human emotion - jealousy. So - "But covet earnestly the health!"

Nicholas Eagle
